Briggite Got Nerfed, But People Are STILL Whining

I’ve been playing Brigitte a lot lately, and I saw this coming a mile away haha In training when I was testing her out, her stun would hit the robots directly next to her.

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Does this work with Tracer too ? :V

oh wow one pro. Am I going to find the pros that have said she’s problematic now.

I’m done with these forums lol. If brig ccing your rein is so bad how about you invest in a Orisa who might i add cancels out her cc or Sombra :open_mouth: anyways I’ll just wait for Hero 28 to see people crying about that.

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From the very article you cite:

But how about scrims or Quickplay?

Yeah, a bit. I think she’s actually a bit overtuned. It’s her Shield Bash, it stuns you and it’s very hard to avoid. I think they should somehow nerf the Shield Bash. Maybe make the cooldown longer or make it a smaller hitbox.```

Do so! I would love to see evidence to the contrary. It facilitates healthy discussion!

Context is delicious.

I’m not too worried about Brigitte.

this only really speak to how she works against tracer tbh

tracer isn’t all of dive comp and he didn’t say anything at all about how she would work vs a proper engage

just that she’s overtuned but tracer can play around her (did you really need a pro to tell you that)

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okay here



Except what can the attacking tank’s team do ? If they’re not running Doomfist or zarya ,there’s basically nothing the stunned tank can do except pray that a moira is able to outheal 6 enemies.

Oh. Now we’re ignoring team comps in favor of a 2v6. I don’t think that’s a better direction.

We’re one for one! It seems people are pretty split on this issue!

Counter? Switch Heroes? Basically what Overwatch is about…

No ,it’s a full on 6v6 ,I’m asking you what can the tank’s team do if they don’t have doomfist or zarya ?

s-shoot them?

I don’t know what you’re expecting. How often is your team relying on your Reinhardt’s shield being held up 100% of the time? Whenever I play Rein my shield is torn to pieces regardless of being stunned.

Except a rein standing still for a full second is going to get torn to pieces, that’s the issue here.

Maybe the Rein deserves it for not playing around the Brig that telegraphs her intentions harder than an enemy Rein trying to get his Earthshatter off.


Yup, as soon as Mccrees flashbang goes farther and gets 5s cd as well.

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So all 6 will just immediately appear and focus you when you’re stunned for a second.

Lord knows the attacking tank doesn’t have a team. You see WHY Blizzard barely listens to the community? Because of mentalities like this where you seem to ignore EVERYTHING just to fit your “oh but she’s still OP and there’s nothing you can do” point of view.


“playing around” is a very broad term ,unless you mean switching to orisa ,basically the only tank that doesn’t have many issues against brigitte ,what can you do ?

When the teams are fighting ,I’d expect the enemy team to exist. ,and tanks are extremely easy to hit because of the hitbox size ,and focus fire isn’t exactly rare.

I already stated that it’s a 6v6 ,what can the attacking tanks team do besides switching to orisa ? ( I’d say zarya ,but her bubble cooldown is longer than shield bash’s ,also her and orisa aren’t exactly a good combo)

So let’s get a realistic team scenario: say a Rein and Briggs are being speedboosted toward your Rein. How would you save your main tank from getting bashed and exposing your backline to sniper fire? Zarya bubbles have too long of a CD. Hook doesn’t go through barriers. McCree is at risk of getting bashed himself if he tries to get a flash over her barrier. Hitscan isn’t going to break the barrier fast enough. Bashing with your own Briggs is a really good solution. It shouldn’t be the only one that works reasonably well.

To block every bash. Your situation is that they’re speedboosting up to your tanks, presumably not in the middle of the fight. Why’d the Zarya use her bubble before the fight started? Maybe the enemy team saw it and took advantage of it.

Why is McCree in melee range to begin with? Why isn’t he taking advantage of Brig’s 0 vertical effectiveness? Not only that If she bashes McCree, she can no longer bash Rein!

Because it’s not. Junkrat could knock them away. Pharah can, too! Your own team can dive their backline that Brig just abandoned to dive your front line.

Theoretical scenarios are worse than anecdotal ones.

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