Briggite Got Nerfed, But People Are STILL Whining

oh boy, now we’re ignoring the makeup of your team in favor of a 1v2! This is an evolution of debate.

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Agreed, we don’t want another mercy or sombra situation

If 2 reins have their shield up but the other team has a doomfist and you don’t what do you do?


As long as the forum stops whining about tracer and genji. Fair?

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it’s still a CC that goes through shields on a 5 second cooldown, so no

get rid of one of those two aspects imo. preferrably the first.


Definitely fair but quite impossible

Doomfist rocket punch fullfills the same thing except it has a smaller hitbox and does more damage.

he also doesn’t have a shield to block incoming damage and CC when he does it.

different abilities. otherwise we’d see doom as a counter to rein all the time. not how it plays out.

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Rocket pu’ch is risky

DF doesn’t have a barrier of his own. He can’t poke out, attempt a bash with low risk, and try again in 5 seconds if he screws up.

Name a team that would make it possible to play a Rein comp without Briggs vs a Rein comp with Briggs.

So is walking up to a rein with his team right behind him lol

Why would I do this. Nobody does that in quickplay or arcade.
But for the sake of the argument, let’s go.

No Limits comp: Rein, 5 Pharahs vs Rein, 5 Brigs. Pharahs win.

Junkrat in general craps on Brig. Rein is in the same boat and seeing how Junk is prevalent in comp what’s the issue?

Because Briggs will eventually enter competitive and tournament play. We shouldn’t be balancing characters around modes that are not taken with some level of seriousness.

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Oh hey! You got it!

So why are you asking to balance her before she’s tested otherwise?

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20 characters

There’s way to test it in QP with teams that are serious. However mentioning arcade (specially no limits) in this discussion is ridiculous.

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How often do people do that then come on forums b!tching?

Even if Junk and Rein are on both teams, there’s a very clear advantage to running Brigitte. Briggs should not be mandatory to run Rein while simultaneously crapping all over him, and if she winds up being the only way to stop dive, this means she’s mandatory, though we’ll have to see what the dive character nerfs do.

She’s quite broken in scrims.

good citations. Pros have gone on record saying they’re not worried about her.