Briggette is OP

Having sym and brig on same team is bad. One you dont have any permanent healing. 2 you would have to run triple support which has never been a good idea.

It was always like that but ok. The point is, I’m not unaware of counters or problem solving in this game, I’ve played a lot and have experience. I’m not a bronze player learning hero countering for the first time.

Biggest issue here is she makes tank play miserable. There isn’t a ranged tank option.

Also brig sucks on wide open maps. She works on maps that are inclosed.

The only wide open maps are junkertown and maybe horizon.

I’m not sure how well a ranged tank would even function. I mean Orisa can do ranged damage and you can use her to break shields but she’s still frontline.

My thoughts on Brigitte:

I agree with this ( inserting more characters to make post acceptable lol)

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I’ll say the same thing here as i said on another post. Brigitte is a strong character when paired with a player that can use her well. She is fairly easy to counter for people that know what they are doing. Junkrat can easily take her down, Hanzo’s scatter arrow can go around her shield, etc. If you take her shield down, she is absolutely defenseless.

If she is so OP, why don’t you play her constantly and rack up all the kills yourself?

simple answer: she really isnt that far from balanced.

I know, and that’s a big problem imo. People keep saying go for ranged damage, but tanks cant.

Also the point of the game is to control an area, which means inevitably you have to come face to face with her.

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I think everyone can agree that Rein needs some lovin.

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I believe with the interaction with Rein fixed and minor tweaks it would be fine but a lot of threads have terrible ideas for nerfs because they are made out of spite. The best mindset you can have when creating a nerf for a character is “If I was forced to play as this character for 100 hours, would it be fair and would it be fun”.

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I agree, and that’s why I want her nerfed to a good spot. I love playing her. Shes so so fun, but as a tank main I wanna pull my hair out. I literally tried rein, orisa, dva and winston all in one game and she just wrecked me. There isn’t a fun interaction there.

She is a bad support.

I.e. she is lacking in the areas that a support is expected to be effective in in order to be good at their role.

Her healing is bad. Her utility is poor. Her damage is nothing spectacular. Picking her is basically dragging down your own team unless the enemy team is yoloing into her every time.

Her utility is poor? Shield bash is the best ability in the game hands down.

Discord Orb is a free 30% damage boost for your team.

Speed boost turns everyone into a mini Tracer.

Shield bash needs you to be withing 6m of the target and is a short stun.

The thing is reliability. You can use Discord or Speed boost whenever you want, Shield Bash has the prereq of needing to get close to the enemy, along with having a cooldown.

And even among the cooldown abilities then you have bionade, which has an AoE heal + anti-heal that can be used at mid-long ranges as well, and anti-heal is a potent tool because it removes the most important ability of 2 members of the enemy team.

Shield bash has about the utility level of damage orb. Capable of securing a kill with teammates around, but is situational and not nearly as easy to get value out of.

Shield bash is not fine, i was stunned whilst i was attacking her left 90°. That’s what i call bulls$@# as she wasn’t even bashing me but she still got a kill on me bc i was just standing there stunned both in game and irl as i tried to figure out how the hell she stunned me

Who were you playing as to be that close because generally if her shield is up you could shoot at her shield while moving backwards

Can someone at Blizz realize that they should never delay a hero going into comp again? Every single discussion about Brigitte has a “wait until she gets into comp” attached to it. Just put them in comp already so we can actually figure out if a hero is good or not instead of complaining about them because they dominate in FFA.

Like Moira? Because people still complain about her.

*I really hate this quote system

Yes and do you see anyone say in a Moira thread “just wait until she’s in comp”? Moira is strong and people figured that out pretty quickly. People aren’t sure if Brigitte is strong because they are basing her off of FFA.

I’m not saying Brigitte is OP or not, I’m just saying put them in comp so we can figure it out faster.