Brigette punishes BAD POSITIONING

Yes, that is what I’m saying. In a 6v6 with both teams working together, stunning a Rein in the frontline of his team (or as OP says, out of possitioning), opens a 1 second window of destruction the Rein can do nothing about.

A Zarya bubble wont help when the rest of their team gets combo shattered, healers keeping Rein up won’t help agains the Ana coordinating the antinade with the Shield Bash. And the Rein just has to watch it happen with no agency whatsoever and just hope that by the end of the stun he’s still alive.

I’ve seen time and time again Reins drop from Full Hp to Dead in the time it takes for the Stun to end, or just get chain CC into oblivion with nothing they can do, so they might as well take their hands off the keyboard.

In none of those situation is the Rein out of position, yet he gets screwed.

Brig has one stun every 7 seconds, then as soon as she drops the shield she is very vulnerable. If you are Reaper stay close to your tanks, and if Brig stuns then, shred her to pieces. If you are a Rein and you see her coming, fire strike her, when and if she goes for the stun still, she will get destroyed in a second by your team, assuming that they are not useless. If you play Roadhog you shouldn’t have any issues against Brig, Road has range and hook, and he is tanky and can heal himself, just keep track of her and what she is doing and she shouldn’t be a problem, if anything you can soft counter Brig with hook, if you see her going in on an ally hook her and kill her.

No one likes being oneshot by a 250 hp healer either.

You can talk all day, but I play Brig and she pretty much 100% wrecks Reaper and Roadhog. She can theoretically be played around, but at that point you are playing so timidly and bad you’d just be far better off playing another DPS or tank.

You forgot that depends on the will of your team to cooperate? few days ago lost a match because people in my team refused to play Brigitte and i couldn’t just pick her cause i was holding my team alive as Ana.

If the Reaper and Road are bad, then yeah sure, if they know how to play then nah.

Road literally has no issue against Brig at all, Reaper I can sort of see it, it can be tricky, but Road? Hmm no, just no.

And that is not a design problem, it’s a people problem. The same can be said about any other hero in the game.

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And I ask again, where is the rest of Rein’s team? They should be doing things to support him. Instead of bubbling the rein, why didn’t the Zarya bubble herself and step in front of him and absorb the shield bash? If that wasn’t possible, what about Zen popping Transcendence to cover his shattered teammates?

The point being: you are describing a coordinated attack to lower the Rein shield and stun his team. That’s coordination, which will beat 6 individuals every day of the week. Enemy planning and ability coordination has to be countered by planning and coordination on the other team. It’s basic tactics.

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The thing with Roadhog (and tanks in general) is that obviously you can’t solo them. But what you can do is render Roadhog totally useless. Waste his hook on your shield, boop him if he hooks someone else, or overheal his target. If he rushes, stun him and dogpile him with your team. If the bash is on cooldown, use your boop to send him away. You completely control the battle on every level, you can just make him useless all around even if you can’t solo him.

There are always two sides of the coin. Road doesn’t need to “waste” his hook on her shield, that is just bad performance, you need to be smart, wait for Brig to engage then hook her, it’s even easier than with most heroes because once Brig lowers her shield and start attacking she is an easy hook. Also Road has tons of damage, if you use your right click on her shield at mid range, you destroy it, you can put up a lot of pressure on Brig, not to mention Road’s ult is great against her in general.

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Why do people act like her stun is the only issue? Yeah, you can avoid it and not be “out of position” (though for tanks this isn’t always easy) but what exactly are you supposed to do about the burst heal and armor she’s giving her teammates?

If you don’t kill Brigitte first then she’ll just keep you from getting any other picks, but if you do go for her then you have to contend with her extreme 1v1 ability. Short of high burst heroes, there’s no easy choice to make against her.

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Change this to “kill without consequence” and I’d be fine with it. Brigitte can hit anyone but she’ll trade or get picked herself if she saunters into enemy territory.

  • Self-bubble has a way longer cd than shieldbash.
  • Shield bash is instant, no wind-up animation or cue so you know it’s coming. If the Zarya bubbles preemptively, Brig can just like wait 2 seconds or just shield bash the Rein because …
  • Rein is huge, even if Zarya gets close to him with the bubble It’s not like Brig can miss him, what are you saying.

Hey I’m Zen, our Rein told us the enemy Rein has shatter, I’m standing behind him safely. Whoops all of us got shattered, our Rein must be bad and didn’t block it.

Didn’t say anything about 6 individuals. Brig is so easy you just need the most basic comunication.

Here I’ll teach you some high tier coms for Brigs: “Stunning Rein in 3, 2, 1…”. There you go, that’s all the coordination you need for all I’ve said. No one else has to even talk, just take advantage of the opening, it’s the most basic stuff man.

So to beat “Stunning Rein in 3, 2, 1…” from the enemy team, what does your team do? Zarya has to preemptively pull off a weird bait with her personnal bubble that no Zarya ever does because it doesn’t work against shield bash? Zen has to assume his Rein’s shield will never protect him? Isn’t that a bit much to even begin to deal with a 7 second basic ability?

Brig is busted, it allows high and consistent value with minimal effort. She doesn’t need to be nerfed she needs to be fixed.

Well, it’s a good thing we don’t have a 250 hp healer who can oneshot in the game then, isn’t it?

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No, just 190 damage. Which is close enough to feel like it.

We can sit here and argue what ifs all day, but it won’t change the ultimate point: coordination always wins over an uncoordinated team. No matter how simplistic you think it is, it’s still coordination, which beats an unsupported Rein any day of the week.

It requires 4 seperate inputs, and deals 190 damage, which is only enough to kill Tracer. It’s not a oneshot.

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Payload is bad position

Most if this assumes the Brig isn’t very good. Which is common, I’ll grant, but some are better than others.

Remember that Roadhog’s job is to create space for his team, which he does by using his hook and in general being dangerous and hard to kill. Brig’s job is just to protect her team. So if she stalemates you or delays you a lot, she wins. Brig doesn’t need to engage you as much as you need to engage her. She can just sit back and wait for you to move first, throwing out health packs and idly booping people for inspire. She is contributing and you are not.

If Roadhog’s hook is up and he’s in decent health, you dont want to engage him fully. Stun, boop, and shield. It’ll put him mostly out of effective range. Walk back and rejoin your team.

The main issue is that between her healing and booping she can stop you from hooking and killing anyone else, and if you engage her team she can stun you out of your heal and prevent you from disengaging. So you are largely rendered ineffective.

This does not work in reality. If Brig just stands there then… Road will destroy her shield in seconds with his right click. Brig cannot afford to not even try to advance because she will lose her shield and then she is pretty much done for. Road literally holds the cards in this situation.

This is circumstantial, it could happen that way, or lots of other things could happen as well, there are 12 people in the game doing lots of stuff all the time.

This goes both ways. Sure Brig can heal someone to protect them, just like Road can hook someone to kill them. Sure she can stun you out of your heal, just like she might not have the stun when you are healing, or she might open up with stun while you have your heal.

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