Brigette punishes BAD POSITIONING

No, but ten health left and easily getting out of range from that final swipe or whip when it comes off of cooldown is as close as it gets.

Whipshot will have knocked you out of range, most likely.

Do you have no self-sustain or mobility?

One action that kills you with one shot, is as close as it gets to being a oneshot.

Maybe next time youā€™ll read before replying, I donā€™t get why you keep thinking Iā€™m talking about a coordinated team versus a team of individuals.

The point Iā€™m making itā€™s that even if both teams are coordinated, even if the Rein is not out of position, Brig with her badly designed kit can destroy him with minimal effort, the most basic of coordination and no counterplay. That is the point Iā€™m making, because itā€™s true.

So a Brig isnā€™t allowed to play smart and still be skilless?

And forcing a Brig to retreat is an advantage for your team. You should be calling it out.

There are some heroes that the opponent should be calling out their position. Most of the time we call out dps positions because we donā€™t want them killing our team. Now we need to make calls on Brigā€™s position, its just that people arenā€™t doing it often enough.

If I notice weā€™ve forced a Brig to retreat to sheild regen, I call that out. I tell the team to be aggressive, and keep forcing the Brig to fall back.

Winning an engagement isnā€™t always about outright killing them. Forcing them to retreat is also winning the engagement.

And if you do force Brig to retreat, youā€™ve effectively made her useless in the fight. You should be happy that you did.

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Except itā€™s not true. Brigitte is not some magic I win button. If a team is actually coordinated, they can handle her, and other characters and situations. If both teams are coordinated, the best strategy wins.

Iā€™ve been bringing this up repeatedly because you seemingly donā€™t want to believe Rein can not only survive Brigitte, but thrive with her on the enemy team if he is being properly supported. It can happen, and it does happen. Iā€™m sorry if you havenā€™t been in any games with a properly supported Rein.

And thatā€™s why Iā€™m never on the objective since itā€™s apparently out of position af.


And if she is ā€œshield dancingā€ you are chipping into her health faster then her inspire can heal her while also chipping into her shield, which requires that it stays down for 3 consecutive seconds before it begins regenerating shield health. Either she will fall first or her shield does followed by her.

And if she times the drop down at the wrong time then she can catch the helix rocket with her face instead of on her shield, which cuts her health nearly in half by itself regardless of her base armor. Which is going to force most brigs to stop trying to shield dance at all and just hold up the shield while backing off. Letting you just reload your clip and keep dumping into her shield and break it and keep the pressure on.

And again, if even one other DPS or Tank is helping out in doing this then no amount of shield dancing for her is going to work. She will fall apart too fast.

When on earth i ever said she had a design problem?

If she punishes you for being out of position, then the cart and KotH maps are considered out of position. Iā€™ve lunged as Brig into clumps of people and have been fine. Are you telling me all 6 members of a team are out of position if I rally and then spam flail into them?

She is a tank, nothing pseudo about it. She was designed to be an off-tank. Sheā€™s the games first and only tank/support hybrid.

Unless she does Rally, in which case she can do whatever she wants. This usually involves cleaning the backline by herself (on smaller maps).

The only correct position against Brigitte is not playing apparently.

This argument in general is a silly cop out anyway. Various heros are intended to be played in various positions and ways.

So, being on the payload/point with your team is bad positioning?

Damn, Iā€™ve been playing this game wrong for 2 years!

So rein standing in front of his team, holding shield up when brig comes around a corner and bashes him, IS BAD POSITIONING? Playing the Objective IS BAD POSITIONING?

Your logic is just flaws.

If you are flanking with Soldier youā€™d be on high groundā€¦ nowhere near enemy Brig?

Since release the chorus of the forum has been that X hero punishes ā€˜bad positioningā€™ as a defense to powerful abilities. I recall Hog 1.0 being framed as such. I remember Genji being presented similarly. Why should Brigitte be any different?

Nope. If the enemy team has a Brig and your carelessly approaching a corner, knowing they have a Brig, while not knowing where she is. Then yeah, it was bad positioning.

I once heard a Genji cry about how he was taking a flank (which was a tunnel) and getting curb stomped by a Brig who happened to be taking that flank and how she wasnā€™t fair and this was broken.

ā€œIā€™m a flanker and I canā€™t flank because of herā€ he said this despite their being another flank that was more open, or straight up being able to double jump, wall climb, and Dash over the flank that he got murdered in.

Also teams that jump to the objective to cap it while completely ignoring the enemy team is bad positioning. You win the team fight, then take the objective.

There is literally not a single support who can one shot in this game.

Itā€™s disgusting how Brigitte can ā€œpunishā€ other players constantly while she herself can be wildly out of position without getting punished. Heck, sheā€™s pretty much never badly out of position unless sheā€™s literally trying to 1v6, her positioning is so forgiving. In high ranks and pro play sheā€™s a frontline tank, healer and flanker. Sheā€™s astonishingly badly designed as a hero.

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  1. Yeah itā€™s BS that she can stun Rein through his shield.
  2. Rein should have a passive that makes CC on him weaker
  3. Balancing heroes around 1v1s kind of takes away the point of it being a team game.

Brig is controversial because sheā€™s a hero made to do something that every hero should have always been doingā€¦ Backing up your teammates.

She gets away with 1v1/flanking exactly because of this playstyle that everyone has gotten used to. If Brig is in your backline and able to pick off 3 of you, itā€™s because your team isnā€™t playing together?

Tanks exist for a reason. Use the space they make then youā€™ll find that when Brig stuns you, your team is right there to back you up.

And if Brig gets a stun on you and you die instantly because her whole team focuses you down? Thatā€™s a team that is coordinated and playing better than yours.

not all 1v1s need to be fair.

This is why people hate playing Tanks. Theyā€™re there to make space and they rely on you to be there to help them hold their ground but the team is often spread out all over the map trying to 1v1.

Good positioning doesnā€™t mean ā€œLol stay out of Brigs range duhā€.

It means be in the team fight and use the space your tanks make. Find that sweet spot of ā€œI can see the teamfight. I know where my team is/where the enemy team is. I have a place I can fall back to if I need to. My tanks are able to soak up damage here and my healers are able to heal me hereā€ .

Or if youā€™re flankingā€¦ ā€œBrig is focused on my Reinā€¦ Ana just used her sleepā€¦ Their Zen is way in the back, My team seems to be doing ok- Itā€™s probably safe for me to sneak through and go after himā€

Flanks donā€™t work when the whole enemy team saw you come in. Yeah youā€™re gonna have every CC ability used on you. It doesnā€™t mean your hero is weak, It means you didnā€™t play smart.

If Iā€™m playing Dva and thereā€™s an out of position Mcree shooting me from the side, yeah I could kill him but Iā€™ll just ignore him and look to help a teammate who is already fighting something and help them first. Then we can get the Mcreeā€¦

You donā€™t need to be chasing kills and starting fights. Thereā€™s probably one happening already. Back up your team so they can back you up.

Enable your teammm.
ā€œI have 60 kills and we lostā€¦ Youā€™re all badā€

ā€œI have gold dmg as Dva, Dps is badā€

Killing 1 Genji who is about to kill your Ana can mean more than killing the enemy Ana/Widow.

DMing your Hanzo whoā€™s getting shot by Tracer can mean more than killing the enemy Ana/Widow .

Quality > Quantity.
Team performance > Personal performance.