Brigette punishes BAD POSITIONING

i really like her look and voicelines but she is so stale to play and many times i feel cheapy playing her against certain heroes.

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i feel like scum whenever i play her just to win

Not someone who dislike Brigitte, but I find it hilarious when the exact term was used to defend some heroes that had 600HP and could one-shot somebody before

You’re so right, I’ll tell every Reinhardt player that being in the frontline is bad positioning.

No, you can, but you need to turn around first.

It isn’t bad positioning, he is right where he needs to be. And if a Brigitte is foolish enough to try to 1v1 him, he will defeat her easily.

But she can stun him and open him up to focus fire from her team, you might say. Of course he will lose. That a 6v1. Where’s the rest of his team? Where the dps to break enemy shields and make approaching melee range difficult? Where’s the supports providing healing to keep Rein up? Where the offtank ready to give him temporary cover to endure the stun?

If the Rein is standing on the front line without his team backing him up, then I guess you can say he is out of position. Or his team is.

so am i supposed to just stay in my spawn then? she is a broken piece of garbage who should be deleted in a instant

Pro teams have done this and it worked. Specifically, they solo rallied to get early picks.

Brigitte is not a problem for anyone who plays a ranged hero. I play ranged heroes and Brigitte is never an issue for me, if anything is kinda easy to deal with her, contrary to other heroes who are a nightmare to deal with. Just like everything else in the game, some heroes are strong agains some heroes. And no, Brig does not counter the entire cast as some people want to believe, that is a lie, I play a lot of Rein and Brig is not an issue at all, it’s an exaggeration from people who simply hate CC abilities.

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“Brigitte is overpowered? Pshh. Just don’t get close to her. Duhh!”

I can hear the ban hammer coming for you.

too bad i don’t give 2 shíts about it i can’t even criticize a game i paid 60 bucks for because it hurts Jeff the donkey feelings

Good, keep em coming, the ban hammer is getting closer! Good riddance I say!

If you’re safe with your team and a LĂșcio speed her and his team in does it still counts as bad positioning?

You can have a Lucio too.

I can but i rather have my own Brigitte.

So, you are saying that the only thing that can fight a Brig is another Brig?

No but if the enemy team has a Brig and she eats a lot of my space i need a Brig to help me out too or a Rein.

Sure, there are also other heroes that can help you out against Brig.

Alright, so remind me of where I am supposed to position Reinhardt, Roadhog, or Reaper again? Apparently it’s not near the enemy team where any of their weapons work.

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