Brigette is actually blatantly overpowered by the way

A hero may seem overpowered to you when 1) you don’t know him well yet, 2) in a specific skill bracket.
As someone who plays Brigitte regularly in comp games that have diamonds/masters and whose Brigitte is #147 on overbuff atm I can assure you though that Brigitte is not really more “OP” than Hanzo, Roadhog, Doomfist, Zarya, Mercy, Widowmaker, Zen or w/e, you just have to learn a bit more about her and how to play against her.

Bridge is very very annoying though:(

Hack does nothing, unless you somehow complete the hack on her. She doesn’t even have to be aware enough to recognize where the hack is coming from, as just hearing the sound and randomly spinning her shield once is enough to reactively break the hack from any direction.

Some of us definitely did try to make Sombra continue to work after Brigitte arrived, but it just doesn’t. Sombra can be mildly useful up until Brigitte charges her first Rally, despite being unable to actually kill anything—not useful enough to make her a good pick, but enough to be playable. Once that first Rally hits, Sombra’s fun (and relevance) is over.

So instead of becoming better at the game you and your friends chose to leave, how is that Blizzard fault?

If every player acted as you did then this game would had been without healers until Brigitte release because Tracer and Genji had free time against them with no actual chance of retailation nor any counterpick to worry about.

Do as other ppl did, learn and endure or leave and don’t complain for your own issues as they are the game’s.

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As veterans of OW, we should not have to learn to play around 1 new hero. It should be the opposite that 1 hero should have to learn how to play around us.

Why is it fair for a game developer to release a game and expect people to get good at it then 2 years into the game expect players to re-learn the game all over again. This for us is a major turn off. When a new hero is released it’s expected for the players to get good with that new hero not for the veterans to sit back and say “Well now we have to change all of our strategy and tactics with multiple heroes because of this 1 hero”. 1 Hero should not have that much control over multiple heroes.

I will tell you this. She is not the only reason we quit, just one of many problems with the game right now.

Being veterans means that it will take generally less of an effort to do so and that you should be able to find sooner which counters and what synergizes the new addition.

Especially when the situation turns into one mirror pick defines the outcome of a match, drastic changes are needed and this means all have to adapt.

I think you’re missing my point here. I see you’re a Hanzo main and a good one at that. Let’s fictitiously create a scenario for the sake of argument of this post:

You’ve spent 100+ hours on Hanzo. You practice day and night with him. You had some good times and bad times with Hanzo. But now you’re just at the point where you’re comfortable with him and you feel you’re great with him

Let’s say that tomorrow Blizz releases a hero that 100% counters your Hanzo. And you can’t find any solution personally to deal with this by being Hanzo.

Wouldn’t you feel that you wasted a good part of your time in OW now? Wouldn’t you feel a little betrayed and have the unfair mindset?

Ofc I’d be frustrated (especially if it ends end up being a popular pick) and I’d shift to playing some other characters a bit more even to find out exploitable ways to deal with the new entry or who does work well with and against it.

So now lets keep your scenario of Hanzo being completely useless against it. Well I’d probably focus on other targets or just give some more firepower to my team and stick with them or trying to do some sort of flanking depending if the new hero counters me by either defenses or assaults.

Again, it would suck, but not enough to make me leave the game entirely (unless it becomes severly unplayable but this isn’t really the case with Brigitte since she can be countered in multiple ways and even Tracer has ways to play around her instead of submitting to 1vs1 against Brigs).

Now, I don’t believe Hammond is going to be this sort of character, but giving that he is a heavy diver which will allow Genji, Winston and Tracer to be mor effective again I foresee hard times for my 2 mains (Hanzo and Pharah) considering that hitscan will be buffed too.

Off Topic: Thanks for calling me a good Hanzo main :stuck_out_tongue:

Great, And I am glad that you can deal with that problem. The problem has put this perspective with multiple players and this is why people are frustrated and quitting.

It’s like trying to play a whole new game again after investing so much time in it already. It becomes repetitive and that’s a games worst nightmare.

As the old quote goes:
“Hell is repetition, repetition is hell”

As a Junkrat one-trick, considering that D.Va, and Pharah, exist to utterly crap on him, I have very little to no sympathy on people who complained about the existence on Brigitte.

Nevermind the massive issues and roster that also soft-counters Junkrat as well.

You either deal with it, or don’t. Its that simple.


Good point. And as a JR main you really don’t have to deal with Brid much I mean unless you obviously do yourself there which I assume you don’t.

As you can see quite a bit of the player base

“don’t want to deal with it” myself included.

And that is why you see all these posts.

Unfortunately this seems the design phylosophy of most games recently from MMORPGs to MOBAs, etc.

Imo the best solution would be not to just keep releasing new characters and rework old ones because otherwise ppl get bored but to achieve a sort-of level of general balance and then don’t add anything that would bring this down, menaing that each new addition should be more thought out.

And therein you see the underlying issue here. She was a new hero brought out in a 2-year game that a lot of players have issues with. Sure some don’t but a lot do.

I think you can now clearly see the frustration that some players have with this. And why some players can’t deal with this kind of move by Blizz.

Then its on them.

If the character is actually broken, around the areas of Hanzo/Widow/Tracer/ or even Mercy, I can see their point but Brig?

She’s really not that great outside rush comps or deathballs.

I have also dealt with Brig, and the comps shes run in. She’s problematic if she manages to close the distance but I ensure that doesn’t happen or if she does, I’m always prepared to run and detonate mine around the shield.

You’re talking about a well-oiled well-organized team in comp play. What about causual/qp people? It’s a nightmare and I believe this is probably where most of the problem is.

I don’t have any issues in comp with her at all, I have other issues with comp. My issue purely is in qp/casual.

Then its still on them.

Just because its qp/casual doesn’t mean you simply forget how to fight, play against or work around a hero.

If you lose, just take it and roll it off. If you win, you’ll feel better.

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all jokes aside a hero that can delete you with a combo when only assisted by a mercy boost/zen discord is brokenly unbalanced.
it goes over 200 damage when boosted by either.

The thing is that Brigitte was a needed addition because without her 2-3 major characters were left unchecked and most of the games were decided by who had the better Tracer/Genji.

But honestly, even in QP/casual games he isn’t hard to counter.

660+ Posts later and the OP still doesn’t want to accept that Brig can simply be hard-countered by Pharah, Junkrat, Sombra, or Bastion. That’s amusing.

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which is a real shame since hanzo and widow hard counter all of those, and they’re the preferred DPS right now.

edit: spelling xd