Brigette is actually blatantly overpowered by the way

Now, Im not even gonna pull any emotions in this one. Yea, Bridgette annoying to deal with, but shes also… blatantly, objectively overpowered. Brigette can play EVERY off role, and is amazing at ALL of them.

Bridgette’s combo… is ridiculous. It does an extream amount of damage… as a support. Briggete’s combo of Primary->bash->Primary->Boop Does 190 damage overall. 190. That’s enough to basically kill anyone whos not a tank… and if you’re tracer, just forget about it. Is it any wonder why there’s no one playing her anymore?

“But op! Ana can KILL anyone she wants with her combo.”
and I’d have to disagree. Not only does Ana’s sleep dart take more skill to aim with, and essentially leaves her without any self protection… but its on a cooldown of 12 seconds. Bridgette’s bash is on a cooldown of 6.

“But ana has range on her sleepdart!”
Yea, and Ana has to use skill to aim it. Bridgette does not. In fact she’s literally shielded.

Bridgette has a combo that at the most is on a cooldown of 12 seconds. 190 damage every 12 seconds in a duel? Thats pretty damn good.

Off tank

Bridgette’s shield isnt the only thing that makes her a great side tank. That’s right, not only does she have the ability to protect against D.VA ults, she also has strong crowd control in the form of her boops and bash.

Her bash allowing her stop D.VA shields, rein shields, Tracer’s existence, Genji ults, and the list goes ON. its a RIDICULOUS tool. Like, honestly who thought this was okay? It pretty much allows her to damn near kill all opposition. Other than of course, pharah.

Who’s probably being shot down by the nearest widow or solider. Why solider or widow? Because everyone else is thrown out the meta because of a certain “support”

Her boop allows her to push anyone who was harassing a teammate out of the country with a single button press… and once all those people have been dealt with, its finally down to healing up you’re wounded right? Wrong.


Here’s where bridggette throws a big ol middle finger to Lucio, as her healing radius is freaking twice as large as lucios for .25 less healing. Oh, that not enough healing for you? Well here. Have 150 healing ever 6 seconds. Oh? You have 190 health? Enjoy the 75 armor. Mid teamfight Just enough health to stop whatever was just about to kill you.

“B-but op! It has a travel time!”
That is not excuse for its ability to bring you 150 health. it moves at a rate of 30 meters per second. Its max range. At max range it takes at the most a second to reach you. Thats 0.25 faster than the speed at which Widowmaker reach’s full charge. That’s not gonna be a problem.

“It can be intercepted by other teammates.”
Then… maybe not be 30 meters away?

and dont even get me started on how ridiculous her god forsaken ultimate is. Every .5 seconds she gives 15 armor right? Which last for 10 seconds, and Wow look at that, cant be shut down by sombra’s ult. It literally has no counterplay once its started. It then last untill its shot off, meaning it doesnt decay like lucio’s ult. So after 1 second, you have 30 armor. After 10 seconds, you have 300 armor. That doesn’t decay, and cant be removed by sombra ult. Again, whos idea was this?

My point in all this? Bridgette has too much. Shes an answer for every question. She and mercy are easily the best supports in the game right now. She supports aggressive, as well as defensive playstyles. Her bash being on such a short cooldown, allows her to merc the enemy team, and constantly threaten the existence of every flanker with her ability to literally stop damn near anything in her path. Its too much with no hindrance. Its an unstoppable killing machine, and everyone knows it.

“what do you suppose we do OP?”

Oh me? its rather simple really. Raise her cooldowns by 2 seconds, lower some damage a bit, and allow sombra ult to remove that god damn ultimate. With mcree being in meta again, and hammond’s mines going to be a problem, we have no reason to continue with her rein of terror.

Her bash should be 8 seconds, and the radius of hitting someone, only 40 degrees, and only do 35 damage.

Her whipshot, 6 seconds, and 50 damage.

Going through this… why the HELL is her damage numbers so high? Shes a support. treat her like one, and stop making her an all rounding god. She should have to rely on teammates to get kills, as a support character. If you’re intent was to make her a DPS-support like zenyatta, or moira then she has atleast have a flaw in some aspect. For zenyatta its his squishyness as well as his low healing, and for moira its a limit in that she has to do damage in order to heal.

Perhaps make it so that moira has extreamly long 12 second cooldowns across the board, but blocking damage reduces her cooldown? Maybe every 35 damage reduces all cooldowns by 1 second? Im just brainstorming here but please do something. Anything, when this overwatch league ends, because this is oppressive.

PS: Even if briggetes sheild is broken, its a 3 second cooldown to get it back. So its not really a big deal.

Edit 2: Delete Brigitte - Rant & Review (And some possible fixes) - YouTube

Edit 3: I’ve come to the realization thanks to video above that not only does bridge-bridge do all the damage in the world, shes also one of the hardest to kill. Why? Well because shes a support, she has a healing ability in the form of inspire, right? Well in a teamfight, not only is this incredibly strong, but its broken.

Normal team comps are 2/2/2 right? Which means shes one of 2 supports. So not only is she healing herself with her inspire, she is also receiving heals from a teammate.

The video also brings to light that brigg, the support designed to COUNTER dive can make dive STRONGER by her inclusion. I mean, whats gonna stop you’re instant bash? Rein? Hell no. Mcree? Think again. Roadhog? Never. The only hope would possibly be another brig, making her counter herself.


I for one am happy Blizzard finally made a support that is really really good in 1v1 melee-ranged duels. Yes she is stronger than any other support, and that’s okay. The game IS going towards most people being able to do a lot of DPS, it started when they nerfed defense matrix and added micro missles to dva. She doesn’t have to match the weak I-must-always-run-away helplessness of other healers, she’s the first one who can hold her own and I hope they make more in the future.

I find it funny how OP doesn’t mention the heroes that absolutely destroy Brig and she has really no opportunity to fight back: Bastion, Pharah, Junkrat, snipers, long range hitscan, sombra hacking your shield off every 7 seconds etc


The real problem is that none of the numbers are gonna show it until Zenyatta isn’t mandatory for GravDragons.


“But op, you didn’t mention her counters”

-No one plays bastion.

-Pharah is shot out by the hitscan hereos, because that’s all anyone plays since bridgie-d over here deletes flankers. (A point I already mentioned btw.

-Everyone else can easily be blocked with her 600 health shield. Make this point mute and pointless really. Her shield makes it simply too easy to avoid all these damages.

Sombra is a nice counter, but that would require a sombra pick on the enemy team, find an opening to hack bridgette, and then escape. This shuts her down for a TIME which is frankly not a big deal. She has teammates that simply wont let this happen, and again, because of her shield… it has to be done from her back.

So a hack from the back in a team fight when no ones around her. That’s an extremely rare situation that frankly will never happen in most competitive games.

Especially with the new sombra rework: you’re situation simply isn’t possible.


Oh yeah! 155-200 is so ‘ridiculous’. Ignore the fact that she has to be in range and use all her cooldowns to get 155, 200 is throwing in two melee hits. Zen can deal more damage by Discord + 2 headshots without needing to be 6-7m close to anyone.

Her shield good? Really!? Brigitte’s shield is mediocre at best, it’s personal and is at 600HP. While Reinhardts is bigger and has 2000HP, with how fast 2000HP drops 600HP should be nothing.

That’s the point of Brigitte, she’s there to give flankers and dive to a lesser extent problems, in all your rambling you forget that little tidbit. Her CD needs to be low so she can catch high mobility heroes, increasing it only would cause Brig to be bad at her job.

I see no problem with her shield bash going through Rein shield as well, it’s a melee hit so why would it not go through, Brig also initiates Rein as well. This is coming from a Rein main.

Lucio’s heal is 16HP/s for teammates 12HP/s for self, with Amp doing 46HP/s on teammates and 35HP/s selfheal for 3 seconds. Inspire is a flat 16hp/s with no way to increase it.

Yet, she is mediocre in all catagories. Outside of armor pack, bash and Rally, which is all decent. There’s nothing else that screams ‘MUST PICK!’. She’s ‘OP’ cause she punishes bad players which is majority of the playerbase. Yeah, she’s strong and annoying but not OP.


If Brigitte was OP now

  • she would have higher pickrate
  • dive would have lower pickrate

She is just strong as dive counter and Deathball support. Which actually uses Moira Lucio more. If that is OP then Reinhardt is OP


Eh, I don’t know why this keeps coming up, but Brigitte is the hardest counter to Sombra in the game by a wide margin. Sombra’s even worse against armor than Tracer, and a Brigitte who pays any attention to her surroundings is unhackable due to her shield having instant activation.

In no realistic scenario does Sombra ever counter Brigitte, as she would have to magically have EMP every fight to do so, and she struggles to even charge it against widespread armor.


Oh nice. 3 seconds of really good healing at 10 meters, or constant team sustain at double the range constantly… hmmm which is more helpful… whats the cooldown on that again? oh. 12 seconds. of course.

Oh yea, she makes flankers weaker alright. She deletes them from the game because no one in their right mind picks them anymore. That’s the issue. Not that she fights it, but that its literally a detriment to your team picking them.
Mcree in my opinion was a anti flanking character done right. Range with a flashbang that took knowledge and timing. Not an instant “HALT”

Lmao, your joking right? Because zen has a 600 health shield right? Because zen can jump and bash through the air for quick mobility? Because zen can do that to an ulting genji, and stop reaper death blossoms with ease. Right.

Zens double headshot takes skill Theres aiming, range, and travel time. Bridgette’s bash does not Its a melee… Your argument completely ignores this. Not only that, but at max cooldown its 12 seconds. 12. Every 12 seconds do 190 damage? Well sign me right up, because that sounds incredibly easy to do, and not only is it not situational in the slightest, as I can do it to whoever, whenever in most fights, but its again… every 12 seconds.

Except people have to focus fire reins shield down… Bridgette is 600 hp. That’s like shooting down a roadhog. In a duel with Bridgette… this just aint happening. Especially when the rest of youre team should really be shooting at rein’s.

No, people don’t like her because she gets way too much value for a skill the player just doesn’t have. She’s a character, that if you’re bad at aiming, you can still be good at the game overall. She’s a melee dps with far too much value with minimal effort is my point. People are upset because she makes characters bad for existing. Which I understand is the point, but it can be done in a way thats fair and balanced.

Again, I propose that her cooldowns be long, and that shielding or doing damage make the cooldowns go down. Thus forcing her to actually do things in order to get the value shes getting now. Because right now… it just aint right.


Orisa, reinhardt, roadhog, zarya, bastion, doomfist, hanzo, junkrat, mccree, mei, pharah, reaper, soldier, sombra, symmetra, trobjorn, widowmaker, ana, moira, zenyatta.

Those are her counters.


That’s because in the current competitive meta, Zenyatta is a picked for damage, and mercy is even more busted. Stats can tell alot, but I made several arguments as to why I feel this way. You’re comment is literally just a isolated poke at the title of the post.

You didn’t even read it.

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Guys, in a game where there’s characters who can nuke you in one shot, there’s a support who has to get into melee range and perfectly execute a four ability combo without interference to deal 190 damage.

This isn’t faaaaiiiir.


As someone who always has to fill support or tank, she’s fine.


58% winrate
Above avarage pick rate.
That is Insane


not really, only armor mechanic in general. Which she provides a lot.

She would be probably throwpick now if she was just a healer without armoring


  • 6 damage per bullet (body shot) —> 3 against armor [50% damage reduction]
  • 12 damage per bullet (body shot) —> 7 against armor [41.7% damage reduction]


  • 8 damage per bullet (body shot) —> 4 against armor [50% damage reduction]
  • 16 damage per bullet (body shot) —> 11 against armor [31.2% damage reduction]

Yup, that’s not right.

you are not alone against you counters. someone will do it for you. you will never die behind your shield anyway. bridget has no true counter. In a game without mercy you would be right. but bridget with mercy is just unbeatable.

Her shield has 600hp and regenerates almost instantly even if you break is. the whole “no range” argument has no value if you can walk to the point behind another shield and occasional use yours.

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What the?

Not even close

Nobody likes or picks bastion

It’s an equall matchup

Nope, he get’s close it’s all over, he is far away and brigitte is protected by her rein , you try to focus her down? the enemy widow would have blown your brain out by 300hp down in her shield.

Not really, yeah i know he can stun her behind her shield, but he has to be close to do that, meaning that you would have to rush in into an entire team to flash the brigitte, and even then, going anywhere close to brigitte would just make her boop you away.

What the?

This is getting ridicilous.

Excuse me? HOWWW???

Good luck doing that with a sniper or anyone who can aim to save their life, and even then, she can just go into her team and behind her rein.


Reaper is a throw pick atm, and also his shotguns are potatoes against armor, going close to a brigitte like you have to, will get you killed before you fire your second bullet.


Average support pick-rate (because 4-1-1 is not meta) is 5.6%, her pick rate is close to 2% below that in almost every tier.

You should never compare support (6) pick rates with DPS (15) pick rates. It just doesn’t make sense.


She is the 3rd most picked support, and has the biggest winrate of all the heroes and she also had it, before private profiles, exept symmetra, but her pickrate is 5 times smaller, and she is only picked during a nieche sitiuation or when you are allready stomping the enemy.
Also, she is not picked as a support, she is picked as a tank/dps with supporting abilities, saying what you did makes no sense when the hero is literally a hybrid of every class.

5th overall. She is only 3rd in GM and by a very small and fluctuating margin.

There are 6 supports.

Also if you’re picking Brigitte as a DPS… Well, I don’t know what to say but even Lúcio has better damage.