Brigette is actually blatantly overpowered by the way

You can’t really do much when your whole team dies as soon as you touch point.

The Dva and winston were supposed to be killing the sym turrets. Thats why they picked them

Are you serious? :joy::joy::joy:


Again. Outplayed. It’s a common occurrence in OW. You don’t need two dive tanks to counter Symmetra turrets. Winston would have been enough.

Here’s a bunch of examples of people outplaying her with logic.


Obviously it wasn’t :roll_eyes:

You should be able to take out Syms turrets with even Mercy wat do you mean

With that massive cooldown just shoot them on sight and Sym won’t be an issue for you anymore.

If you get caught in a cluster and you’re squishy then wp Symmetra cause you can’t expect to not die sometimes.


Your example you provided was a poor choice, for the reasons I already listed:

Watch the killfeed.

Brigette killed our junkrat. Along with Winston, and our Dva kept getting popped out of mech.

That’s 3 down. Almost all game.

What exactly was I supposed to do here?

Yeah you’re right.They should’ve gone the only comp that works around shielding,armoring cancer heroes.Hanzo and Zarya. sarcasm

If Brigitte is killing your Junkrat, your Junkrat sucks. Also, that’s obviously a silver or gold game because everyone’s playstyle is incoherent. Brigitte has a much easier time in lower elos because teams struggle to coordinate properly. It would help considerably if Pharah could actually land some rockets, and not keep getting 40dmg in splash damage.

Weird how I am not encountering any of these same issues in my games…oh, maybe because I can actually play Junkrat, Pharah, Zenyatta, and Reinhardt quite well, and my team actually focuses her and drops her dead.

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Maybe because you mostly play Moira and Brigitte in comp


Look at my PSN account. Also, I play mostly Reinhardt. Check out QP as well.

Here’s my stats because I have nothing to hide:

Can’t get my PS4 account to appear on Overbuff, otherwise I’d share that as well.

I understand.But QP and comp ain’t the same really.And in comp people usually play what works best.

I’ve played plenty of competitive between PS4 and PC. I just haven’t touched it yet this season because I don’t play OW every day.

I usually place high-Platinum/low-Diamond, so my games make more sense than a silver or gold game. We always have a strong comp. Even in QP now with LFG we always have strong comps.

as if it is difficult lol

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Firstly, I’m a Genji main. I don’t even play pharah that much I just picked her to help.

Secondly; I did. Brigette has a shield, Rein has a shield, I was shooting them. All game. You can literally see me shooting them. I had to turn away with my ult because I saw the junkrat and he would’ve just killed me while I was stuck in midair, so thats why it was a bad ult.

Watch the killfeed. Everyone is consistently dead except for me, so obviously I had to play more cautiously to avoid getting picked too until they got back.

You got outplayed, home slice.


She’s so blatantly overpowered, she’s the 3rd most picked Support out of 6. Get real.

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Nah, Brigette is BS homeskillet.

I’ve tried to defend her as much as possible, but no. She is completely ridiculous.

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brigitte had like 57% winrate last season

she is overpowered and nobody cares for some reason


WR can constitute how well you do in a team environment, whiiiiiich doesn’t reflect her pickrate- especially in GM.

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