Brigette is actually blatantly overpowered by the way

brigit is a melee hero. most of her damage is on heroes who die. she has no range to do “trash damage”. you may see the numbers of damage and think she is weak but thats wrong. sups usually deal damage without killing anything. brig is not the same. also when she stuns you, someone will kill you, even if he is not brig.


Even if you look at eliminations per game she’s at the bottom 5 - 6 of every tier and is pretty close to every other off healer, especially the more you climb.


It’s ridiculous how her auto-attack interacts with turning around.

She has the longest melee reach in the entire game and its hitbox covers insane area when she rotates.

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Brigitte has a 195 DMG combo, can kill any Dps In close range, she is a good DPS.
Lucio is horrible at both healing and DPS.


I really don’t understand why people think Brig is OP. Maybe at higher ranks where people actually follow up her stuns, but in an unorganized team she’s kinda average.


Yeah, she has more range but needs to score melee hits to activate Inspire. Unlike, Lucio who doesn’t.

Actually a smart Tracer can defeat a Brig quite easily, just dance around max range of shield bash, poking Brig to bait out the bash. Even a Winston can defeat a Brig if he plays smartly.

Zen can still do more damage then Brig can in the same time frame, what he has or doesn’t is irrelevant. Just want to also throw out that if Brigitte is using bash for movment she is not using it for bash.

Just like clockwork you bring out the ‘X takes skill but Brig doesn’t’ retort. You defend Zen for doing more damage and Ana being able to sleep dart which stuns the same characters[or more if you add flying Pharah to the list] cause they need to ‘aim’ or takes ‘skill’. Brigitte is a MELEE hero who doesn’t have the luxury of being able to stand back and hit from afar. If you think Brig takes no skill then will you agree Rein takes no skill? Cause they are same type of hero.

So Reinhardts shield is easy to take down with it being 2000HP but a 600HP is not? In a duel scenario she loses to a lot of heroes.

You can have bad aim with Reinhardt and be good at the game overall, you can get by with having average aim with Soldier 76 and get by. Yet, if anyone asks for nerfs to those two you people shout and tell them how stupid they are[Which they don’t].

Again, you would be making her useless under the guise of now she takes ‘more skill’ to play. Cause I’ll keep saying this till you get it , Brig was made to counter high mobility heroes. Which is why she needs a low CD on bash and especially if you nerf her damage.


As a Brigitte main myself i can only agree she is too good but everytime i suggest changes everyone just say “Brigitte is fine lol” and no argument


I give you a tip ignore this user because he say only non sense things , discussing with him about mercy,Brigitte is like talking with a bronze (no offense to bronze players)


Is her winrate seriously 58%? that is insane, how are blizzard letting that through?


It’s 155 damage and can only actually kill Tracer and Gremlin D.Va, pretty much anyone else gets knocked back outside of Brig’s range making it mostly feed the enemy healers if there’s no follow up by team mates, unless the Brigitte player decides to throw some flail hits before finishing up with Whip Shot which allows the target to recover and either use a escape ability or just straight up kill Brigitte in some cases (or giving a longer opening for her enemy team to do so).

This only supports my point further, in actual game play they have very similar numbers in both damage and healing (disregarding both heroes’ utility) so if in your eyes Lúcio is under-performing in healing and damage the same should apply to Brigitte (in those aspects).


Well she can also not whip shot them and just keep flailing them. And they can’t escape her. Stun+flail+flail+flail+flail+whipshot/flail

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Yes, but it allows mobiles heroes to escape, heroes with CC to counter her back and it overall gives the enemy team a bigger window to focus the Brigitte down (unless your teammate is in their back lines).

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just put her on the rework table

You can easily use cc if that happens or use mobility or attack her since outside of that 1 sec they can attack or use abilities if you die to that combo all I have to say is calm down and think


Nah I didn’t mean heroes like Genji and reaper and posibbly Hanzo that can just escape.I meant heroes like Soldier,Ana and those who don’t have actuall escape abilities.I mean as Ana you just have to accept your fate so many times.

No you don’t I use Ana a lot so if she’s hitting me I use my dart on her (since she can’t attack and defend at the same time) move a few paces then use grenade and run to my team


Im a trash player but this game was…ridiculous.

This brigette was unstoppable, especially when paired with a Rein.

This is like…the most blatant evidence I’ve ever personally experienced.

She does 155 damage with the primary, shield bash, and whipshot combo. All of which require her to use her ENTIRE KIT to achieve that. And if you think about it, a Reaper in close-range (where he’s effective, just like Brigitte) can do upwards of 200dmg with a well-placed headshot. Just one headshot. Junkrat can do a trap, mine, and grenade combo in the same amount of time as Brigitte and achieve up to 320dmg.

The point is, 155 damage is really not that much, especially when you consider that she is using her whole kit to achieve that. You don’t get close to a Reinhardt, take a hammer and Firestrike to the face (175dmg) and then complain about it. You’re in Reinhardt’s strong spot.


Well, there’s your problem. You got D.Va and Winston trying to counter Brigitte, lol. Also, what is that Pharah and Junkrat doing on that team to not be able to counter a Brigitte? That’s honestly a poor example.

Crappy teamwork all around, mediocre comp choices, and people not playing their roles properly. That’s just a classic case of getting outplayed.


So you’re complaining about Brigitte’s low skill floor and asking for a nerf to the only skill shot in her kit at the same time. What a meme lol