Brig legally cant be buffed

if brig is good tanks and dps will run away from the game as quick as a lucio running to get a boop. yea im sure rein him self would want brig to be OP as heck, but a rein player sees something like that and is like “EW thats stiiinkyyy”. so yea right now im making it illegal to buff brig in any form, so if brig gets buffed i will be suing torb personally :briefcase: :woman_judge: :hamster: :hammer:


She’s ok as she is rn.
However I’ve seen Brig players complaining about her recently.
Maybe a small buff is needed?


How about we circumvent what you just said and nerf everyone except Brig so she looks buffed?


BrigWatch just remove every hero from the game but Brig! Beautiful


remove every thought from your head but brig, the one true OW character

I’m still all in for QoL Buffs. She doesn’t need anything more than a bigger shield thats slightly curved like orisas so she doesn’t get hit by stuff she is not looking at exactly or because she dared to jump. Plus remove her shields deploy time so you get screwed over by favor to shooter less often.


it would make her viable in lower ranks but a monster in GM. it’s very sad that brigitte has to suffer to make the GM’s happy

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Not a small buff but a big rework

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I think it’s too soon to come to this conclusion.

Let’s reconvene and discuss at her next funeral. They’re held bimonthly.


Naah Brigitte is doing super fine right now. Her current playstyle is something that I think devs would have wanted from the get-go. An actual support that isn’t a respawn timer to flankers, but not an off-tank


define small buff. They’ve tried “small buffing” brig couple of times and in all of those she became meta lol. I don’t hate her btw, i’m just sick of people who call her garbage when shes an amazing support/peeler still.

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Brig players are always complaining, they even complained early 2020 when Brig was broken


DPS players will never leave. There’s loads of em and they can do what they want in every environment except double shield.

I would rather BroFlakes like that leave so that we can enjoy our game without them.

So let them leave.

I don’t think Brig needs a buff. Maybe reduce the health packs recharge from 6 to 5 or wherever so she can hang back more if I had to pick something.

But I am no Brig expert. Not like all the people with Brig PTSD

Why do dps think that flankers should have an easy time killing supports and supports should be free kills?

Flanking should be high risk high reward. Not ‘oh look at me I took the other stairs I’m so smart now die’

Well, they could get an early start on OW2 rework for Brig

fellas it is unconstitutional to buff brig

Why do you think all DPS say that?

She’s fine as is, the only QoL improvements she needs is her shield deployment coming out 0.1s faster so you aren’t shielding on your screen & not on the enemies, and also the bottom of her shield needs a slightly wider hitbox as you’ll be pointing directly at something like a Zarya secondary or Pharah rocket and still take damage

I just want her shield to work. The amount of times I have it up and it’s visually set, yet I blow up from a D.Va bomb, shattered, a pulse bomb that was stuck in front of me blows me up, etc. is weird.

Like, don’t even buff it…just make it work and match the visual.

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