Brig legally cant be buffed

na were fine. supports always complain their hero isnt easily OTPable because its what they are used too.

brigs fine, shes always been strong. she doesnt need any buffs of any size lul

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I think Brig needs a rework but into what I am not sure. I would like a Brig who can better capitalize on her abilities like other supports and more independence.

I think she’s fine rn too. We’ve all seen how quickly the game crumbles when she receives small buffs tho. That 25 hp nerf-yes just 25 not even 50 hp or anything else broke the game when every character was balanced October of last year

More like made her strong in high ranks and more usable in lower ranks.

This would fix queue times

She doesn’t need buff. She needs powershift - less healing, more health

Brig just needs the model on her shield increased by like 5-10% and for it to deploy a millisecond quicker so it works.

Maybe if you were going to buff anything increase shield health by like 50. I’d like her to have 225 hp but I’m pretty sure it’d break her without a nerf alongside it.

I can’t comprehend people who think Brig needs to be buffed. She’s a situational hero. Unless you hard OTP her and can make up for the drawbacks, she can’t be played in every scenario to the best of her ability. So yeah, if you’re using her where she really does not belong, she is going to feel weak. But if you take her for what she is intended for, she almost feels too strong. That’s the issue with Brig. I’m a GM support main and only flex onto Brig if I have to, but let me tell you she just dominates those matches. Just last night I flexed her into a team with Winston/Ball/Tracer and it was almost comical how much she shuts them down. That is her role and what she is good at.

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Brig is in her own special box right now. She’s decent on a good team and terrible at lower ranks. All people see is the “really good at high ranks” part and ignore the terrible everywhere else part

Same for D.Va except for OWL because she’s still mediocre in GM

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Yea brig and are both in the same boat - they both suck outside of owl. Brig is even worse than though.

If you ban tracer though she even sucks in owl, as the june joust shows. She’s mostly only used in owl because of tracer.

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Seasons 10-17 is that you?

In what way? Most ranks play Rein/Zarya, and Brigitte goes with Rein like peanut butter and jelly.

yea and lets give her more damage too, and a wider shield, ooh and a bigger hitbox too, also hey lets remove inspire to make up for all that damage. wait that would just be a tank…

imo they should allow her to Shield Bash through shields again, except there are 2 conditions:

  1. Going through a shield will take 50 of her Shield’s durability. So it’s possible for it to break against another Shield, thus stopping the ability. Multiple Shields means multiple 50-incriments taken off. On the plus side it deals 5 damage to each Shield it goes through… Yay?
  2. If the character has altered Received KB Values, the only the 5 damage is applied and her Shield takes 50 damage.

The above insure that shields can still sorta block Shield Bash or put her in a bad spot if she’s not careful. It also means that Reinhardt won’t get steamrolled because his passive alters Received KB Values. The same goes for Fortify Orisa, Bubbled Zarya/Enemy, or Sentry Bastion. Overall means a lazy or absent-minded Brigitte will get screwed over. But now she can actually feel like a threat up close. It makes no sense for her Melee Shield Bash to be the only Melee ignored by shields, but the above changes would allow for her to feel fair without being bottlenecked by weird interactions AND won’t let her to be steamrolly since she’ll still be unable to Stun Rein (which tbh she shouldn’t be able to because the dude is in giant armor and he’s her mentor so it’s kinda funny the pupil can’t stun him at all).

Fun byproduct of this change that fixes an issue: sometimes Bubbles act as a Shield Bash blocker even if Zarya/Bubbled Enemy isn’t the target that would receive the bash. So now Zarya/Bubbled Enemy has to be the main target for Shield Bash to be nullified. However, a Brig who aims properly can now clip the Bubble Barrier (lose 50 Shield durability) and hit the target that’s actually in the cone’s range.

Torb is truly the main villian of Overwatch. If he wasn’t so horny, some of the games biggest problems would have maybe been avoided :frowning:

Brig just needs 5 armor packs and the ability to turn off targeting full players for heals

Pick rate and win rate steadily decline after GM

Usually means without constant team support the hero is bad. But maybe she is “balanced for GM” as they say