In the end of the day, I don’t know what would make people just accept brig. She literally has had every aspect of her nerfed at some point or another. People will never stop complaining about her because of her stigma.
They never will, these kinda people’s victimhood grudge bandwagon trauma scars will never go away no matter how many times Brig is nerfed
They can’t move on
My feelings exactly. I like her gameplay, lots of stuff to do (well, one less as of late -.-), but I almost feel like the next time they want to nerf her, they should just retire her instead. Remove her from the game, give her a break, and revisit the paladin-type healer archetype in a year.
She basically had every single aspect of her kit nerfed at least once or twice.
Shield Bash
- 2 cooldown nerfs
- one damage nerf
- hitbox nerf
- stun time nerf
Barrier Shield
- 3 hp nerfs
Repair Pack
- 2 healing nerfs
- overheal removed
- no longer instant heal
- maximum cap reduced
- armor damage mitigation reduced
- blocked by barriers
- no longer permanent
- ult cost increased twice
- now receives 50% self heal
The only thing they nuffed was Whip Shotx what is there left to nerf without butchering her?
She is supposed to be a tanky support, what else is there to nerf?
Nerf her healing and she can’t keep her team up in the slightest.
Nerf her shield and she might as well not have one at all.
Nerf her ult and she basically has none left.
Nerf her damage and she deals less than Moira tickle grasp at this point.
What is there to nerf? What can we nerf without killing her?
You know why she is not popular in low ranks even though she is OP cuz low ranked players care less about wining whereas in GM you have to play the best hero.
They never could tho. This is the same. Exact . Space she was in before her rework. 1-2% on ladder. And only used in gm. Although, tbh, even before her rework GM wasn’t seeing her used as much. Only owl was still consistently using goats.
People still say she broke the game when sigma and Ana equally walked out meta. But…GM is all that matters I guess
Ehh. I’m still not feeling it.
Yeah funnnnn if she’s still a must pick in every game you still haven’t figured out how to deal with her? or is it because you’re a doomfist main who got tired of brig stun? you clearly do not understand how this game works you’re being countered jackasz here is the solution SWITCH and you’re calling yourself a gm yikes
i have a smurf in the lower ranks right now and legit I have seen Brig maybe once during my traverses in silver and gold. it’s all just moira, mercy, lucio down there. kind of remarkable, just consistently no zeny, no brig, barely even any anas or bapts! but tons of ‘one tricks’ playing only lucio or mercy, never getting to or above plat.
Checks OP’s profile
Sees that he is in GM
Alrighty then
You must be 1500.
Honestly just shoot her.
ooh yes
well with that logic, we dont need to nerf genji then right? Just shoot him LUL its not that hard
I mean, just shoot Genji 4head too.
Being countered doesn’t mean that you’re not OP.
Yes yes, I recommended that strategy as well
The fact that she is still dominate with only 2 meh cc abilities and a barrier does strongly imply only a rework would fix the design.
Any competently moderated site would close these threads and bann the usual suspects that keep spamming them
Their profile is public, though? They’re not a Genji main.
They’re a Doomfist main - the hero who has the most DISGUSTING hero design in the game teehee
Gotta love the absurdity of people telling a grandmaster player to just get good and shoot her 4Head.

Yeah funnnnn if she’s still a must pick in every game you still haven’t figured out how to deal with her? or is it because you’re a doomfist main who got tired of brig stun? you clearly do not understand how this game works
This is especially funny because you’re so convinced that he doesn’t understand the game when you have such a basic, black and white, static understanding of the game. Keep looking at heroes in a vacuum, oh wise one.

and you’re calling yourself a gm yikes
No, the game is calling him a GM. That’s because he’s actually a very good player and, I know this may be hard to believe, has a vastly better understanding of Overwatch than you do. I know it hurts the ego to think about someone being better at something than you are, but it’s a reality of life and you ought to get used to it.
Just shoot genji, its not that hard.