Brig is a no star hero

You might as well be trolling at this point, hence that fact that you are blatantly rude.


Hahahahaha, having a different opinion one that is factually supported by evidence is not trolling mate. But nice try, sorry I got your triggered. It’s called a debate.


You selectively answer to things while telling me that I lack basic reading comprehension.

What is next ? Calling people idiots while you don’t even bother to answer to everything and on top of that, pulling ‘facts’ out of your head ?

Even I see someone else calling you a troll right now.

‘Triggered’ ? What is that term even supposed to mean ?

Good riddance, another forum troll. Done with this.

Please feel free to tell me which point of yours I didn’t address? I’m sorry you and the other cupcake don’t like factual information but claiming that Brigitte can win against a Tank is a blatant lie. Calling something factually wrong does not make one a troll.

Agreed. She needs more nerfs.
Shield bash 8 secs cd instead of 6
Shield hp 500 instead of 600.

Ok we misunderstood ^^
I was speaking about OWL since Bli² balance the game around pro.
Pickrate from random player doesn’t seem to mater.

Just because you can’t play Mei effectively doesn’t mean she’s low skill. In any level above gold hiding in a corner and waiting to freeze enemies won’t win you any games.

Also, Brig punishes good positioning too with certain heroes. She mostly just punishes players for being where she is.

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Poke damage is usually a trade-off. You get a bit of ult charge, the enemy healers get a bit of ult charge.

Rally provide extra armor on top of HP that can’t be healed. So if you get all armor on your team, while you get some padding, it’s free 600 ult charge for the enemy team that your supports don’t get.

In a way, Shield Generator was better than Rally on that aspect because it didn’t had this problem. While shields regenerate by itself, if your healers is on point, they can heal the extra HP from poke damage and get their charges just fine.

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Yeah,no.I would rather have a slower charging ult,than have my poke damage be complietly useless. :frowning:

Winston is a no star hero. He has auto aim, he has a jump, and he can shield. His kit is so simple for how much he impacts the game.

Isn’t it time to add some complexity to Winston?

(do you see how dumb this sounds)


except winston has only one damage ability, long cooldowns
vulnerability, a huge hitbox, no stun, requires thought how and win to engage, easy to punish, lots of hard counters, etc etc etc

Winston has a 12 second CD 600 hp shield,and a jump.Brig got stun on 6 sec CD,600 hp tiny shield which is harder to focus than winstons giant sphere.His ult is almost useless,and mostly used for clearing the point.And she has self healing.And her ult makes her almost unkillable and gives permanent armor to the entire team.While winston is easily focused down.

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Don’t forget that Winston does poke damage overtime, and his source of burst is mainly his jump melee combo.

Meanwhile Brigitte has a combo that can be done by anyone in 2 seconds!

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I mean. That’s a pretty stupid way to look at it. You give Reaper 600 hp shield and it will be hard to break. You give ANY non-tank 600 hp shield and it’s gonna be pretty hard to break.

WTH would I do that? Many people who DO play the game, some played hundreds of hours, still don’t understand the game (e.g. see the argument you made about “all of a sudden 600 hp shield is hard to break”), particularly the support mains who think op supports are balanced or up and balanced dps are wildly op.


Brig is strong but has her weaknesses, anyone who has ever played RTS style games knows every unit has a weakness, I think a lot of you are having problems because you dont know how to adapt. You need to be running team counters, if youre getting chapped because you play lets say reaper or moria and brig is kicking your booty well thats a YOU issue not a brig issue lol Phara, Junkrat, Bastion, Sombra, Hanzo, doomfist all counter her quite well but youll never know that if you never play those heros or you and your team refuse to work together and counter her, which im ok with, ive been playing a fair bit of Brig and if yall want to let me keep my 75% win rate all the power to ya, I switch off brig when I see a Phara ASAP


If youre a squishy and dumb enough to try and brawl her yes

Brig is the only support that winston doesnt really counter

You guys oversimplify it. widow requires no skill because she just has to “press a button” is true by your logic.


I just think this is a bunch of bronze players complaining or people who play heros who get countered by brig and refuse to learn how to counter her, which I have a comment about who ive seen counter her, it is not hard at all.

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Plat Mercy main saying Tracer takes no skill

Absolutely hilarious.

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