Brig is a no star hero

NONE of her abilities require any type of skill nor much thought. Its just press and go. Ult become a God and charge in with team. Simple she deserves zero stars.
Isn’t it time to add SOME complexity to brig? It’s almost embarrassing to use her. But she is just so darn effective lol


She is way too effective and impacts the game WAY too much for the amount of skill she requires in my opinion.


so basically just tracer but far less mobility.


here we go AGANE

20 characters


Just because her abilities aren’t mechanically demanding doesn’t mean she’s easy to play correctly. Yeah, anybody can run in and hold down left click, but, if that works, it’s because you’re playing against a terrible team. It doesn’t indicate a problem with Brigitte.

She has one of the lowest dps and hps levels in the game. She has good survivability, but that’s gone if you just break her 600hp shield (which people almost never try to do at lower levels). She’s much less effective at higher levels right now than she was at release because people have figured out how to counter her. She’s solid if you play around her, but by no means OP.


Based on the number of brig players who runs straight into me when i play bastion, brig players are 0 star players.


Don’t you guys get tired of these threads every day? What’s even funny is you come with your Smurf accounts to post the same threads again and again.


What the heck do you mean that Tracer requires no skill? :joy:
And if that is what you believe than yes, it is tracer with less mobility, but with a long range boop that deals 75 damage, and has the same 4 second cooldown, yes it is tracer with a 600 hp shield that only protects her and no one else, yes it is Tracer but with an op McCree stun every 6 seconds, and yes, it is Tracer only with an ultimate that gives everyone a speed boost, and 100 armor. And brigitte is tracer only with 200 health, along with 50 armor, and self healing.


mb we need somthing like #nerfbrigitte or #deletebrigitte ?


They already nerfed her twice


People like you make Brig sound worse to play against then she actually is.


100 armor instead 150 its nerf? and when was second nerf?


How is that relevant? People are dicussing her current state, what does it matter how she was before?


Everybody asked for a buff on Rein’s shield before this meta because it gets destroyed so fast and suddenly a 600hp shield is hard to break.
If you asked someone who doesn’t play the game which is more op a single player stun with 6 seconds that can only kill one character with a full CD combo, or an AOE 10 sec stun that will secure a non-tank kill, i’m sure you can guess which one would they say.
Also, her ult only gives speed boost to herself, not her team. The next time you try to make a point, try not to lie.


I’m not making it sound any type of way lol this is what it is.

She is actually really easy and annoying to deal with, but you along with other people overexaggerated her.


Tell that to every point i help take/hold when i simply hit her ult and proceed to decimate and stun them into the shadow realm.


They bumped her Shield Bash cooldown up to 6 seconds (from 5)

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So is Winston, but then again…
(If I was Lvl. 3 I would pull up a picture of Winston’s star rating.)

It was in one patch man!!! 150 to 100 and 5cd to 6 lol its two time? You so hypocritical -_-