Brig is a no star hero

I never said otherwise.

But you’re saying Briggs has a high skill ceiling?

Compared to what? Seriously- what’s the measuring stick here?

I’ll agree brig is too powerful, but saying she’s easy is like saying winston is just as easy. they both,while not being mechanically challenging, require advanced positioning and game sense to be used to their fullest.

Because poster is lv 16. This means he either is a salty smurf or an arrogant newbie that thinks he can talk about game mechanics having like 30 minutes of game.


It was not sarcastic. I am 30 years old, and nowadays the websites work with likes and dislikes, and not with arguments in the discussions. Gosh, many times people dont think about their own arguments, they just dislike because they feel like that.

And a dislike sometimes is very powerful to ruin a plan, argument, whatever.

You took your time explaining your reasons about brigitte. That reflects a mature thinking, more than 2 neurons. That deserves a like. IMHO.

I am from spain, by the way.

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Thanks, appreciated. In these day and age, you get reported and flagged as a troll if you so much try to disagree with anything or have your own opinion that doesn’t conform. People don’t know what a debate is and their fragile egos get offended by even the slightest disagreement.

This is multiplied triple for the Brig hate crowd. They will make the most ridiculous posts some of which flat lies (like the one supposedly that Brig can 1vs1 any tank :rofl: ). People just don’t want to adapt. Brig is fine, she is not OP or broken. She has plenty of counters. She has a low skill floor but her skill ceiling is also limited. She is also a counter to Tracer more importantly and was needed in the game since Tracer didn’t have anything to even remotely counter her before the introduction to Brigitte. People would rather complain and cry nerf (which she actually got - 3 nerfs to be precise) rather than adjust and adapt. Oh well, such is human nature. Anyway, got talk, have a good successful week beratna/sésata.

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I can’t think of a single tank i could 1v1 as brig lol i only need to survive long enough to get in two stuns if that. They are so big a few hits and whips make it easy and if i have my ult…as brig i could probably take on two tanks and a close range dps at once lol


It’s so true. She really is 0 stars.

At least people hardstuck in bronze have gotten to experience silver and gold. The dream.

Shield bash cd and cone

Sounds like you’re a little salty. Adapt, change your tactics, get better, learn to play her counter, maybe work with your team? I mean her biggest counter is team coordination.

Cone its was fix and little buff because easier to stun target more right.

No, it was reduced from 90 to 60.

-_- and what? she didnt become worse

I’m merely stating the facts, not making any particular argument. She was nerfed. That’s a nerf. Someone on those outer left/right 15 degrees who would have been caught in her shield bash pre-nerf is no longer caught in her shield bash post-nerf. That is all.

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That’s what Brigitte wants you to think but really shes been working behind the scenes to hack into the blizzard servers so that she may get some of her favorite Italian pasta: spaghetti

LOL people think im salty for stating PURE FACTS. I want you to tell me what ability brig has that requires a single star and i swear to God if you say whipshot…you couldn’t aim from the beginning and you have no say in this matter.

Brig’s difficulty lies not in aiming difficulty but rather in timing, positioning, and decision making. I am not going to debate that she is an easy hero compared to a lot of the roster because she is. But I will state that those three things I mentioned are what seperates “meh” Brigs from the good ones.

A “meh” Brig just spams her skills and charges at the first enemy she sees full speed ahead and never thinks about enemy positions, ally positions, enemy target value, or even whether there is strategic value in holding on to skills such as stun or knockback.

A good Brig will win fights sometimes by deliberately not trying to kill someone but backing up a teammate who is in trouble instead. A good Brig will position herself so that her AoE heal pulse actually helps her team - which in turn gains ult charge helping both herself and the team as a whole. A good Brig saves her Shield Bash to stop certain ults or personal skills of her enemies. A good Brig saves her knockback to force an enemy healer, tank, or dps out of position in such a way that the entire enemy crumbles as a result.

Is Brig an easy hero? Yes. Is she a 0 star? No. 1 star? Most likely.

Timing lol all you have to do is use her ult and charge the point zero star hero status no matter which way you look at it.

Well, if you’re going to plug your ears and go “LALALALA I CAN’T HEAR YOU!” then obviously we aren’t going to change your mind.

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Brigitte is quite easy tbh. She’s very much a pick-up kinda hero, where you learn her kit in 1-2 games, and after that you need to refine your timings to master her and that’s it. One game I just picked her up in comp because we really needed an anti-flanker, and I was instantly demolishing everybody while almost never dying. When I first got my ult I was like “holy cow, already??” .

Brigitte is very easy to play if your enemy is stubborn, yes. If the enemy team has a Tracer, a Genji, a Doomfist and a Hanzo who keeps jumping into melee range, all of whom refuse to switch or modify their tactics in any way aside from focusing you down, yes - Brigitte can work quite well. At that point, you’ve gotten under your enemy’s skin and they’re not thinking clearly.

Smart teams, though, will typically switch comps to counter Brigitte, or at least marginalise her contribution. Again, I’ve had great games with her and I’ve had games where I couldn’t do much of anything. If she were this easy, then I should have had predominantly easy games, which isn’t the case.