Brig has been ruining matches for half a year now

A lot of things ruin overwatch, but brigitte is not one of them lol.

its more varied in the sense that your playing more then dva-winston+w/e

but its less varied in that the only groups that have variation are the tanks and healers.

all tanks and healers are meta. this is rare in overwatch

but conversely of the 10000s of dps heroes only like 3-4 are good. the rest are far less effective to the point playing them is throwing. in previous metas there were top picks for pro play but then everything else was viable in ladder. but now that limit has been thrown into ladder play. sure you can play a hero like tracer and climb, but doing so requires x10 the effort then it would if you instead played doomfist. (it used too be say twice the effort to use a non meta over a meta pick)

when most of the playerbase main dps, you have yourself a far less varied meta overall.

and brig isnt picked every match because the heros she counters arnt picked every match (and alot of ppl avoid playing goats in most elos).

just like you dont have to kill a hero too counter them. you dont have to pick brig to feel her presence. most of us have just stopped playing heroes shes good against so we can prevent the brig pick.

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If she’s ruining your matches, then you should retitle this to “Brig has been out for half a year now and I still haven’t learned the match up” lol. :^)

Just ask for MU help. Claiming something is bad (when it’s not) is a very indirect way to ask for help. If anything, going the complaining-route is like putting an downward arrow above you and screeching “INSULT MY POOR GAMEPLAY H A R D E R, DADDY” which is obviously very different from asking for help.

Not at higher ranks, rein signals brig who stuns the enemy rien; at the same time rein uses his ult and stuns the enemy team for free.

that’s the point… that’s when dive was most dominant lmao


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Happy 1/2 B day spaghetti girl!

This is probably controversial and I haven’t thought a lot about it but I feel like brig would be better if she had 200 hp or had 250 hp but less armor or something. I know a lot of people have problems with her shield bash and combos and stuff (poor rein), but in my experience in lower skill playing the thing that annoys me the most is never being able to win a 1v1 or even 1v2 sometimes cuz she has a lot of health and a lot of sustain. I know counter picking is kinda the point of the game but there’s almost always a widow so playing junkrat or pharah isn’t always ideal

I think I know how well the hero I’ve got 464 hours on does against Brig
And I reinstate the fact Junkrat destorys pharah

Pharah destroys Brig
Sounds like you either don’t know how to player who get teamed with/against Pharahs who’ve got no idea how to play her
Because Pharah deletes Brig without having to worry about her due to Brig having no decent range whilst pharah can reign hell from above on her.

Wrong, I actually try and listen to low ranks, though the majority of the time, as expected they’ve got no clue what they are talking about.
Also I didn’t even knoe you were a lower rank than me until just now when YOU brought it into the conversation.

I think I know better than you being as you think Pharah doesn’t hard counter her.

Thanks mate!
Your pretty cool!
Actually uses common sense. we need more players like you.



There, adjusted your post to fit how I feel.
Seriously, everyone has a character in the game that they hate, and for some people it’s the Hate Target Of The Week, or for some it’s been the same character since day one they played.
They aren’t going to delete any characters.
Stop crying.

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Ashe will Counter Brig stop your whining

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Thats part of the problem they keep adding in hero to counter other hero’s instead of just buffing and nerfing the current roster we have. Blizzard has no sense in balance only bandaid fixes.

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