Brig defenders in a nutshell

I actually can’t… Not even joking.

I mostly play D.Va, Rein, Orisa, Lucio, Moira, Reaper and Torb.

None of them play even remotely like Pharah, Hanzo, Widow or Junkrat.

Pretty rare for me to play any kind of DPS outside of the arcade.

I mean idk I can pretty easily shut down a Brigitte with Pharah but maybe that’s just me

Those same two characters hamper almost any character… that example is true but it’s just as true for most characters…

And Bastion too,

Generally tho? Any hero that can abuse high ground is a brigitte counter, her range is so limited that high ground is her counter

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Bastion ruins pretty much everyone tho especially if he’s being protected xD

Literally… .like… just use range to ur advantage and she cant do jack about it

I mean she’s got all of these counters and I still have an entire thread of nerfs that would put her in a good place without making her unviable

I think of the biggest factors in why Brig seems to be so divisive is that when it comes to actually counter her: yes, there are really good matchups against her. The problem comes with the division of Tank, DPS, and Healer.

Specifically, when it comes to a tank or healer individually changing to try to coutner act her: really there aren’t that many GOOD matchups. Sure, D’va and Zarya have neutral matchups on her, but they aren’t ones to oppress the Brig down and neutralize her. Ana’s match up is the only support matchup that’s favorable, (Lucio and Moira are more neutral) but if you dont’ play ana and heal, you don’t have a lot of good options to oppress that Brig.

It’s then up to the DPS on your team to switch to counter her OR go a 3 DPS structure to deal with her, and that’s where I think the big issue lies. As a tank like Reinhardt for example, I can see and call out that brigette is what’s causing our team to lose, and I can switch to Orisa for example to help, but even then I can’t really neturalize her, and need that genji to switch off and go Pharah/Junk. And I don’t want to be rude, but some DPS players can be the most stubborn when it comes to that, hoping the other DPS switches, or saying that they are on a roll and can’t change off.

I think if a new hero was introduced in both classes that was a more hard counter to her, you’d see the amount of complaints go down a lot, but right now, it’s the way the game is structured that causes the issues here.

You need to consider in her teammates

Widow counters pharah because she is flying above shields and can be kild before she even drops down

While brig is countered by hanzo in the open alone but realistically brig is never alone because her kit is best around her tanks

Fun fact.

She is vulnerable during her whipshot animation (while it slowly retracts) and at the start of her rally ultimate.

Also positioning ruins her day along with traps, turrets, stuns and facing more than one opponent at a time.

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You do realise there are always 5 other players on your team right?
It’s not a 1v6

Yes I know that, I have sniped her during animation before

But most brig mains know this and usually they don’t do it around widow

Okay, i was waiting for this response.

Be Bri, be very smart player that knows everything, and talk smack on the forum about how everyone else is dumb.

  • Pick Pharah to counter Brig.
  • Enemy gets Soldier.
  • Pharah can’t kill Brig anymore.
  • Pick Widow.
  • Enemy gets a Winston as well.
  • Widow can’t kill Brig anymore.
  • Get a Junkrat/Hanzo, enemy gets a Genji or Reaper as well.
  • Junkrat/Hanzo can’t kill Brig anymore.

The only way to not get rekt in situations like this is only to have a Brig in your team as well.

Brigitte almost never has to switch.

Not to mention that Pharah/Widow/Junk/Hanzo are not HARD COUNTERS to her, they just do kinda well vs her, but they are not so dangerous to make her actually switch.

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That’s why they are becoming meta lol

Dont worry if you see the on your team. They get the job done.

The question isn’t that she has counters, all characters have them as they should, it’s her ability to simultaneously perform an off-dps, off-tank and off-healer role being too effective as result. Something has to give… 57% win rate and numerous people using her like an exploit to gain SR shows she is overtuned…

If Brig’s “so OP” I’m sure no one on your team would mind having a Brigitte on your team as well :slight_smile:
everyone has a counter, that’s why you switch to counter people it’s kind of the aim of the game. Got a bastion on the enemy? Get a junkrat. Got a Tracer? Get a Brigitte. Got a Brigitte? Get a Pharah. They cant feasibly constantly switch to counter each of your picks and you can pick more than 1 (one) dps at a time because usually theres 2 DPS on a team minimum :woman_shrugging:

She cannot support a team with her damage, she does 35 damage per swing in a 6 METRE RADIUS, and has a maximum burst damage potential of 155 each 7 seconds. She’s not a DPS. But again, I did make an entire thread on how to fix her :woman_shrugging:

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this made my day. thanks :*

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Your tank will lose frontline very quickly unless you kill her

Also did you know that Brigitte is being used as dps rather than support? 70% of my games it’s triple support

Ya if it is 1v1 she is easily no problem. But the trick with pharah when you are trying to pressure a brig is making sure you have a place you can LOS any hit scan. I have good accuracy as pharah but that doesnt account for the fact that pharah has a very predictable pattern of movement.

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So the counter to Brig is having a Brig in your team.

That doesn’t sound right, does it? Does it sound right to you ?

That’s the problem with Brigitte, that you make the enemy DPS switch, to something that can be countered by your own DPS or by Winston.

You’ll never have to change as a Brigitte support.