Breaking news mercy winrates highest for main support in gm

So the heroes mercy can pocket and who need peeling like mccree, soldier, pharah got better and she’s being dragged along. Then people need more pharmercy counters and Zenyatta’s pickrate is rising again, thus Zen Mercy combo. Brigitte is dropping lower due to pharah and Hanzo is rising again, thus more mercy. And so on and so on.

Mercy herself still blows tho, like the 2 month previous data and empirical testing has shown plenty people who play mercy, that she’s horrible to heal with. Ana is not reliant on very specific hero to be on her team for her to be a good hero, she’s good on her own right.

Metashift doesn’t make a hero magically good that was previously overnerfed, just saying.

Also new torb destroys mercy when his turret locks onto her and he can have one up pretty darn fast. Valkyrie becomes literally useless when the turret locks onto you. Turret also does more dps than nerfed mercy can heal, so locking onto the pharah is a very good deterrent. Just wait for new torb to shake up the meta again in comp once he gets there and mercy will probably become useless again. =p

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The problem that this shows is that now she is relegated to the “pocket role” and that role is an OFF-healer that is stuck sucking either widow’s, pharah’s, mccree’s or soldier’s a**.

She still isn’t a main healer. She isn’t being used for her healing. And she is more sh** to play as than ever before.

I would say that her win rate statistics don’t matter either way. It’s how it feels to play her. I liked her rework at the beginning personally but once they added the quick sand I knew she’ll go down the drain real quick, the healing reduction reinforced it. She is not fun anymore.

There’s no other hero that even receives the “unfun” to play as argument. I can only think of mercy, and some symmetra players who don’t like her primary. But for symmetra, half her playerbase don’t mind the new primary. And most don’t seem to mind her new kit overall (although there are so few of them it can be a bit hard to tell). Most seem to just want buffs for symmetra rather than revert or new rework like the mercy player base.

Mercy is the only hero in the game where majority of her community want another rework or revert. That’s a problem.

Statistics, when the win rates are negative just give mercy players something to scream at the developers to get through their thick skulls that there’s a problem. Because now that the win rates are positive they’ll look at them and say “Oh everything is fine!” just like most people are doing on these forums.


A healer that can Rez and Damage boost has the highest win rate.

News at 11.

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Easy question. Considering that mass rez received only 3 changes in its life (limited range, not stationary mode unlike now, and i-frames) versus the 13 nerfs that valk + E rez has had in just the half of that time, considering that Blizz won’t remove rez because they know how important it is for her and they already stated it, considering that Mercy is in the worst state she has ever been (even worse than seasons 2 and 3, being picked ONLY for pocketing Pharah/Widow) and that almost no one seems to be happy with her current form because of how unskilled, underpowered and unfun to play as and with it is, considering that Mercy is having her highest amount of complaints since forever with popular youtubers and streamers of all types like Stylosa and YourOverwatch or even Seagull admitting that they’d rather mass rez over valk + E rez, arguing that current Mercy is almost impossible to balance, or even calling directly for a revert,… Considering all that, do you think that we should keep wasting time with something that was considered bad design since alpha, like valk, or since beta, like stationary rez? Wasn’t Mercy’s focus supposed to be healing and mobility instead of rezzing? Wasn’t she supposed to be engaging (she has no reason for that now)?

Sincerely, I would rather any other thing. I’m not calling for a revert, but it seems clear that rez can only work as her ult. As her E, it will never work, the same as valk as her ult. Mercy needs a balanceable kit, with her abilities in a place where they can be balanced. By trying to balance this current nightmare of design, she will be always either op or up, but never balanced.

Mercy’s kit allowed her to SOLO HEAL HER TEAM before, she wasn’t just a pocketbot (and I’m talking now about the days before valk’s return to the game; she was well known as the only support capable to do that with some skill). Now she is 100% a pocketbot. Unskilled. Braindead. Boring. Pointless pick unless one of her two specific partners, aka Widow and Pharah is picked. I’m sorry, but Mercy’s work is (Jeff’s words) to keep her team alive, and that means more people than just one. Yeah, you can play her that way, but the most of the people plays her for something else, not just as a sidekick (even tough her current kit doesn’t allow any other thing).

So I’d ask you to explain how would you change Mercy considering that she is, as so many people are saying (like YourOverwatch, Stylosa, etc), too weak, too niche and with no real ultimate but a busted E ability that forces everything else to be weak (otherwise, mandatory again).


This is only true if changing Mercy to be more fun for me (and others like me) will reduce the number of people that find Mercy fun. I would argue that there is a version of Mercy in the future that satisfies a larger portion of the player-base than the current Mercy does. There is ALWAYS a reason to make the game more fun for a larger portion of the playerbase. Also, I don’t need to change hero because I have decided not to play the game until Mercy is fun again. I don’t need the toxicity from people calling Mercy players cultists, people using insults like “no aim no brain” or a number of other insults and even threats. If Mercy is not fun enough to make it worth enduring the toxicity then Overwatch is not worth playing for me…

Also, here is a post I made in November 2017 (when Mercy was still OP) where I complain about Mercy no longer being fun to play, so it’s not exactly something I just came up with because all the other arguments have been shot down… I don’t really think you know how long many Mercy mains have been complaining about her not being fun… it’s not a recent thing…

Mercy is the 16th most picked in GM but go off


This is Mercy 1.0 play (June 2016):

"Ahh! They’re everywhere! And they all want to kill me!

We liked that :stuck_out_tongue:

I did a little more digging. Ana,Brig,Lucio pickrates are down for the week compared to this month, Zen,Mercy are up,Moira is the same. Now for winrates. Ana is same on the week compared to the month. Lucio,Brig,Mercy are up. Moira is up by 0.75%, and Zen is down. Now looking at the data I’m not sure what’s causing the shift in Mercy’s pickrate. For reference Widow pickrate remained stable. Hanzo went up .9%, S.76 up .3%, McCree dropped slightly. And Pharah went from 0.92% to 1.17%.

Sorry for the late answer. I couldn’t answer unfortunately due to being flagged and silenced, so i’m taking this opportunity to also thank the GM who i cannot name unfortunately for the good answer he gave me, along with reverting the silence and aknowledging the false flagging.[This is not discussing a disciplinary action, this is Commending a GM for being very professional and throu with his work ]

Now, to the actual post:

To be honest, i wouldn’t change her.

The healers i play are Mercy and Zen, Brig if it’s really needed.
And i feel like Mercy should have never been able to keep up the whole team and no healer should especially at the easy condition in which Mercy healing is provided.
And, call me stupid, but i really enjoy playing Mercy. I enjoy flying around to both escape or support someone who needs either a quick boost to win a fight instead of healing him when he clearly just needs a little more damage to win the fight and then survive so i can heal him up full because the enemy is no more or provide support to allow him a bigger mistake margin in a situation where he’s already on a good health pool.
I enjoy getting to focus on all the things around me and make callouts. I enjoy having my team in team chat saying continuously thanks to me because i’m keeping all of them up to the best of my ability.
To be honest? I’m getting to like more and more playing Mercy.
And since i know that the healing is lower than before, now it’s way more engaging and fun.
Sure, i don’t need to aim. Sure, i don’t need to look at the resource meter.
But jeez, i fly around more than pharah. I literally spend very little on the ground, even without ult or without pocketing the pharah itself, and since i am playing her more and more, i’m actually ending matches with more kills than deaths lately, getting way way more aware of stuff around me and keeping track of what the enemies and my allies are doing. I even pull outs resses that look impossible sometimes but i am literally just picking the right time to do them, even with no cover or in the middle of the fight.
I just need to understand what bunny hopping, slingshot and the other one are done or what they actually are, and i see already this becoming a common pick.
I really like it, more than what i previously imagined or experienced before the healing nerf. It’s way way more engaging now, because it’s way harder and i don’t get one single minute of peace unless we just cleaned the point or there are no enemies.
Sure, it’s not always that sweet. Sometimes it’s a real pain. Sometimes i need to pick something else. But that goes for any role and any hero.

Different opinions? Maybe. But i really do not see anything wrong with Mercy.

Not sure if there is sarcasm here, but as previously stated, it’s only fair that depending on what you have in your team Mercy gets picked more or less. It’s the same for every hero. You guys got used at being able to blindly picking her.
Once again, now it’s way more healthier.

It wasn’t sarcasm. What I meant by my post was that the dps Mercy tends to “pocket” didn’t see a significant increase in pickrate so Mercy’s pickrate going up is a little odd, when it’s mostly been Ana(still is but slightly less). Sorry if I’m not articulating my thoughts very clearly.

To quote on this Mercy pickrate once again went into decline. People were trying her out because of the Pharah changes but now that’s over, people went back to the usual stuff.


She has a %0.5 lower winrates than ana rn…she’s not bad. We need to stop with all this mercy negativity

It’s true… if you’re only talking about supports that is. :wink:

Well, she is a troll pick, so she MUST be changed.

Solo healing her team was the only thing Mercy could do, and she is supposed to exceel at healing and mobility, so she MUST have nice healings, not weak ones.

I won’t call you stupid but lucky, because nowadays only 2-3 enjoy her.

Bad news for you: you could do this before the revert.

Well, once more lucky you because in around 99% of the cases, it’s all the opposite. You are hated by everyone and they call you to switch because Mercy is a troll pick, and you can’t do anything relevant in the game unless pocketing Widow/Pharah.

You have no reason to engage now unless you play full battle Mercy, something that is not supposed to be her focus, neither rez.

That only shows that current Mercy’s kit makes battle Mercy way easier thanks to her ez mode valk. Infinite ammo and constant self regen are two great tools for turning something that took skill like dueling as Mercy into something stupid and dull that takes no skill at all.

No reason to engage at all. Wanna heal? Take no risks. Wanna boost? Same. Wanna rez? Hide or die. Wanna valk? Go out of range/LoS and that’s it.

Well, the point is that the huge majority of players, specially Mercy mains but also not Mercy mains are noticing that she is incredibly weak and next to completely pointless, being Pharah or Widow two requisites for her to be picked. So she must be changed. If you like her, okay, that’s great, but a huge amount of people find her both more underwhelming and unfun than ever before, and many of them notice that her current design is just flawed as it doesn’t focus the character into what she should be focused on (healing/mobility instead of dps/rez).

I enjoyed playing exactly like you described (excepting for the voice chat, that I prefer to avoid because of people raging when the game is not going well). I enjoyed flying from teammate to teammate in a frenzy non stop trying to keep everyone alive or boosting them or even pulling out my gun and trying to help my team in all the ways I could. I enjoyed having to think about how to use my ult and take an eye always on my natural hunters. I enojyed being congratulated by my team, even the enemy team, when I did my job really good, and being voted so many times as a result of that. I enjoyed having to engage all the time with my team and never hiding (why should I?) and playing Mercy in any comp I considered her good or picking other hero. I enjoyed seeing the hero pool balanced, with all the supports being picked frequently, having to change my game for each one.

That’s all I enjoyed before and now I can’t enjoy because she is not fully mobile, she takes no skill at all, she must hide all the time, she can’t heal well, she can’t do anything special/interesting and she only works with 2 specific heroes.

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Ana pickrate is 4x. As for the hero being bad there is already enough proof about that from Youtubers, pros, etc.

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guys you should all understand that mercy winrate was bad cuz mercy main was still relearning her it happends litterly every mercy nerf

She’s not a troll pick. Data supports this.

She still has constant healing. She still has the best mobility.
You want to pocket a whole team or a whole team spamming one target. That’s a no-no.

My experience tells the tale very differently. I see a lot of people playin Mercy and enjoying her.

Exactly, so you agree with me that nothing’s changed. She’s still the same hero, without mass rez, which is something you all say “We don’t really want back”, while it’s the only thing that seems to matter once the initial facade argument goes down. She was a busted pocket before, now she’s a normal pocket. You are not adapting. You got spoiled into playin something busted, you want it back. It’s not fair and not healthy.

Never happened to me, and i play continuously. I also never ask someone to switch off Mercy. Way more common to find me or someone else asking for a different off healer pick, as in “Please get Zen instead of Lucio” “Please get a Brig, we are getting flanked”.

This is just plain wrong. The fact that is harder to do your job, makes you try harder and having to take more quick decisions on who actually needs a heal or who doesn’t. Makes you be more focused and less relaxed. This is engaging.

adjective: engaged
busy; occupied.
synonyms: busy, unavailable, occupied

Absolutely not. Read it better. I fly around more than pharah without ult. I score my kills mostly when healing it’s not really needed and i know i can thrust my aim. Or i need to get that flanker off my back because other people are busy and the other healer has it covered for the moment.

This makes no sense. I don’t even know how to address it. Rephrase it, please.

What actually changed? Can you list it? Because either we are playing different versions of the game or you seem a bit off.

The only thing that got changed it’s the fact that she can’t mass ress or that she heals less. Nothing about her core kit changed. Have you been playin Mercy lately?

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Mercy is still more awesome than Ana, because she made Ana’s rifle possible, and without that rifle, Ana would be fighting with a super soaker filled with Russian vodka. As the player steadily gets more drunky, the aim suffers and eventually Ana has to miss matches to go to AA meetings.

She is a troll pick in some ranks. Official data supports this.

Weak constant healing and yeah, mobility, but that’s not making her more reliable than other supports who have a lot more utility and potential in the game.

Mercy was able to solo heal her team with skill. She could be outdamaged easily, so she needed to be very agile and try to keep everyone alive. That’s what Mercy is supposed to do: heal her team, not pocketboosting two characters, rezzing people from behind a wall/corner nor going dps the full match.

You enjoy her, but you don’t know what people think about her. I’ve seen so many polls, known people on discord, watched links from google… Almost no one likes her current state. Somepeople love her character, myself included, and that’s enough for a lot of people for picking her, but that doesn’t mean that they enjoy her.

That’s a nice way to twist my argument. I’m saying that you can play her that way, but I’m not saying that it really works or that she works the same. As even the pros have said, now she is pure trol pick unless Widow/Pharah. I was simply pointing out that that playstyle that you enjoy so much already existed before.

Nope. Before pocketing was simply a very poor choice for playing her. Flying from teammate to teammate was the real way to go. Also, busted? When? When the revert started? Because before that she was the most balanced she ever was after some changes. Now she is the most underwhelming she has ever been, worse than seasons 2-3.

Tell this to all the t500s who are keeping their ranks but hate how she works now.

Sigh… You know what’s not healthy? Blizz knew it long ago, two year ago indeed. It was called valk, and it was removed for good and replaced by original mass rez, better and healthier by all means. But wait, that original mass rez was stationary, and there were so many complaints from absolutely everybody (hide and rez forced, Mercy dying while rezzing unless hiding,…) that they had to rework it and make it instant.

I’ll tell you what’s not fair nor healthy for the game, and it’s reverting a character back to two cancer designs that were removed for everyone’s good even before game’s release because they were busted failures and they were never going to work, not in the past, not in the future. They are not working now neither, they will never work. That’s why people want this design changed, because it’s utterly busted and cancerous for the entire game, but specially Mercy.

Well, that’s incredibly lucky, I’ve heard about people being death threatened just for picking her.

Press Q. Go behind a wall/cloud and hold your button. That’s not engaging.

Yeah, that’s how Mercy worked before, when she was really engaging, before this entire nightmare.

Well, her mobility has been improved with the bunny hop, and that’s the main thing that people enjoy, the only thing of her kit that takes skill now. Why? Because she is not good at healing. Boosting is okay, but that’s all, you will pocket a single character like Pharah/Widow and that’s it. You will only rez people who died next to a corner or a wall, so you can hide. Firing? Yeah, okay, but Mercy is not supposed to be a dps at all anyway.

As even the pros stated: “I try to play her selfish, taking no risks”. This means engaging the least possible, rezzing only from behind a corner/wall or just out of combat, so you can’t be killed. It’s just playing passive all the time, like the hide and rez exploit was supposed to work, but hiding and rezzing all the time, each 30 sec instead of once in a blue moon. Yes, you are still healing, etc, but whenever you ult, you’ll go to maximum range (out of the enemy’s range) or out of LoS, so nobody will hurt you, and when rezzing you will simply hide and rez. That’s not engaging at all.

She is unable to heal her team anymore, she is just useful for pocketing two characters (otherwise, you’ll pick other supports with better healing like Moira, better damage like Zen, more utility like Ana or Lucio, etc). She is not frenzy anymore, you can even have a drink while in valk that easy it is. You don’t have to think about anything at all because now you can’t counter absolutely anything and your rez only works by hiding and rezzing. You are not a threat to the enemy team anymore so you are not focused. Pocketing the same character means that you are not having to move so much, and better don’t start with immobile rez. No one congratulates a Mercy nowadays because she is never noticed (specially while ulting). I’ve never seen a number of votes like the days before this garbage of revert (11 votes vs 1 in the best case). Hiding is now mandatory. The hero pool is not balanced since after Mercy’s death as a main support, Ana has become mandatory (receantly it seems she is going down). You will never pick Mercy unless Widow/Pharah or unless you suck with any other support (then, you’ll have a zero star hero called Mercy with the greatest ez mode of all times called valk) or simply unless you are unconditional with the character and will pick her even if she is completely dead. Finally, since Mercy’s healing is just weak, you are losing a lot of strategy, you will mostly boost and dps and let people to die in order to heal them properly by rezzing them (specially when talking about tanks).

Well, let’s see what changed. She was supposed to be a strong single target mobile consistent main support focused on (Jeff’s words) healing/mobility, whereas now she is a cheap but weak intermittently mobile consistent off support focused on going dps and rezzing. No, nothing of her core kit has changed. /s

Are you really playing Ow? Because it seems you are heavily missimformed about the whole game by now. Please, inform yourself.

Oh, and as you can see, I didn’t mentioned her change from having a powerful game changing ult that took skill and decision making into having a busted but unskilled E and a pointless braidead ult. Anyway, just because you insist, I will do it here, but you should notice that I wasn’t complaining about the power of the ult, since I think that mass rez needed some changes because it had too much power concentrated in it because of no E ability. If she had one, a real one, not an ult as her E, then she could have a real ult. However, since rez won’t be removed, the only way to balance it is turning it into Mercy’s ult. Valk as her ult must die for good, exactly as it happened in the past, and this time for ever (maybe it could be her E). The problem right now is that we are not having new problems, all these problems belong to alpha Mercy (valk), beta Mercy (stationary rez) and seasons 2-3 Mercy (trash 50 hp/s healing).


What if she’s only a troll pick in your hands?