Breaking news mercy winrates highest for main support in gm

Mercy is currently #1 highest win rate main support in gm.
Ana %54
Mercy %55
Moira %53.5

New patch… facts.

Honestly what I’m saying is play whoever you want! Whatever makes you happy. If you love playing mercy… getting the idea that you are a burden to your team is just plain wrong! If she’s not the best then she’s certainly not too far from it!


Probably because Pharah is coming back a bit. Ew.
Still doesn’t make her more enjoyable to play, especially with how you’re confining yourself to pocketing 1 person all game with that strategy.


Ya but she has much higher playrates than pharah…

Just interesting

Mercy isn’t dead at all! In fact she’s winning!


But Ana pickrate is 4x more higher than Mercy.

Mercy winrate can change quickly because her pickrate is low.


why do people still unironically use Overbuff to decide whether a character is balanced or not?


People are just meta followers… Scared to deviate from the norm…

I would say play mercy and go ham if you want ignore the meta. Statistically she looks good


If a hero is mind numbingly boring to play more so than pre-rework I don’t know how that’s winning. Real winners the last few patches are Ana, Torbjorn, Soldier and McCree somewhat with their falloff changes, and Genji due to Ana being the best support rn.


“She’s bad because her winrate is low!”

Now her winrate is high again.

“She’s still bad!”

Make up your mind.


Not funfor you does not equal bad… just hero pick prefer. Maybe that’s why ana is so high is the “fun of the hero”


Meta doesn’t exists outside of Master/GM.

Your statement would be correct if Ana/Mercy pickrate were the same. Which isn’t the case.

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I didn’t say anything about her winrate being too low. Mercy’s problem is the fact that she’s just an overall worse option than Ana due to the fact she’s too reliant on Resurrect for value, only places you’d run her are Pharah + Mercy and potentially dive on specific maps built for it. Moira is also having issues at the moment.


I would actually argue each skill tier has it’s own meta.

For instance, Torbjorn and Junkrat have always been meta in Bronze.

And even what’s meta in GM might not be meta in OWL.



The new winrates just prove better mercy mains have their profiles on public and then not so good ones have it on private.

Nothing more.


Sure it does. It exists everywhere.

Tbh the pros have been playing alot of mercy… Proving people just default to ana bc they think she’s better in all situation… The reality is she’s not…

Watch the world cup. Lots of mercy


Ya cause Pharah Mercy is really strong when Pharah’s can aim and in GM they can so it is really good. The win rates are so close most team comps probably run Mercy Ana or Mercy Moira so Pharah can destroy and the rest of the team still gets heals. If anything it makes her less fun and less impactful when her effectiveness is tied to another hero and how they perform. Stats do not justify a hero being the way they are.

Even if she is being played without Pharah she is just a secondary healer. Mercy cannot sustain a good amount of healing to justify her pick. Moira and Ana do more healing and have way more utility than Mercy so why would they play her as a main healer?

Let’s just keep going. Let’s say she isn’t being played with Pharah and that she isn’t being played as a secondary healer. She is still unfun and her ult is impactful. She is a rez bot now who can’t even out heal a Winston taser. GM players are 1% of the player base. Players up there are so good at avoiding damage and having good positing so that doesn’t mean she is balanced for the other 99% of players in this game.

I’m sorry if this sound ranty I’m just so tired of people saying Mercy is fine just because the high levels players use her.


Your forgetting about all of the Ana’s that hide their profile haha. Probably more Ana’s hide their profile rn than mercy


It’s not.


I’d doubt that with how they’re always the first to flaunt how skilled they are as they spend the whole game spamming shots into tanks only.

It’s what we got. People seem to keep using the satistics from it. Also…

Alot more people are public than you think.

Over buff still isn’t a bad source

I think that they are using an old version of the game (prenerf patch), but i’m not sure.

Please tell me a situation where Mercy should be picked over Ana outside of pocketing Pharah.

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