Breaking news mercy winrates highest for main support in gm

Why not sir, even with private profiles it still gives us a picture of what’s going on

Because overbuff and omnicmeta give data. And the devs rarely show us their data and satistic.

The only ranks in which the pickrate may be unhealthy are Diamond and Master.
She’s the second most picked up to gold. She’s the third most picked in Plat.
She’s the last one in Diamond, she is the last in Master.
In Master her pickrate is 3% lower than Moira.
In Grand Master she’s has double the pickrate of Moira, which takes the last spot.

So, quickly:
Bronze: Moira, Mercy, Ana.
Silver: Moira, Mercy, Ana.
Gold: Moira, Ana, Mercy.
Plat: Ana, Moira, Mercy.
Diamond: Mercy is last. Ana, Moira first two spots.
Master: Mercy is last. Ana is first. Moira is before Mercy with a 3% difference in pickrate.
Grandmaster: Ana first. Mercy before Moira, double Moira pickrate. Moira is last.

Moira seems to be in a worse situation, having a pickrate so low that never even come close to the one Mercy has, being the biggest troll pick in some ranks between the two. Let’s go in order then. Buff Moira out of troll pick status, then next up is Mercy. Alright?

Note: If we are going down this road, we should do the same with dpses and tanks. So, i’m waiting for those Sombra, Tracer, Reaper, Doomfist, Bastion buffs.

Yeah, she makes for the safest choice and that’s reflected on where she gets picked the most. She also damage boosts. And Resses. And can also fly around a bunch and escape dives Ana wouldn’t ever be able to. Even just with GA.
Also, the ability to escape, the ability to have your heal go through barriers, not having to aim, not having to handle a resource meter make her the best choice depending on player skill hence, the more reliable in some cases.

Again, the fact that she was able to, doesn’t mean she should have been able in the first place.
You can do all that stuff even now, you just have lower healing. It’s still possible. She still has uses, you just seem to not be wanting to acknowledge them.

Yeah. Gimme a proper poll and statistics and your sources. Then, i’ll take this seriously. I know a bunch of people who speak like huge deal politicians but don’t really know anything.
This is the same thing. Can’t take this seriously without insulting myself, sorry.

She’s not working much in one. No big woop. And exactly, the playstyle already existed, which means if even after all the changes it did not change, the changes weren’t that big or it would be requiring a different playstyle.

That’s what i meant by pocketing the whole team in the part you quoted before.
If she got drastically changed, after the “the few changes that made her balance”, it doesn’t look to me like she was going to be balanced in the eyes of Blizz. I give more value to Blizz than to your words, sorry. On this, I’m biased unless you show me actual proof that you know better and then i will gladly agree with you. Fair’s Fair.

Just invite them in the thread. I will repeat it for them even now.
Yo, T500 Mercy Mains, you’d better start adapting already.
Also, if you hate how she works, which has not really changed, i would say that you hated it before too, it was just overshadowed by how easy you were getting value out of her. So, my suggest here is: Try to adapt and see if you still like her, if not, there are 27 other heroes who are free and unlocked the moment you play the game.

Yeah, so basically. Just going by your words. We don’t want valk and we don’t want ANY form of mass ress?
Meh, i kinda like Valk. But sure, that could be something to work for. Just, not now. And not because “She’s Mercy so we shouldn’t care”, but because there is a long list of heroes who need help as of now. So yeah, maybe Blizz will and should work out something better as an ult for her, but that’s literally not a priority.
Also, normal ress is here to stay. They said that’s core and won’t change. Just like the way she heals.

I will believe this claim only if presented with actual proof.
Also, people are stupid. But i don’t really think there is any “death threath” going on. Especially on the internet over a game.
Still, give proof or this claim is completely for dramatic effect.

That’s not a gameplay i’ve seen or experienced unless the Mercy needed cover badly. Also, i don’t think you spend your game in valk. Stop with this fake argument. Next time you bring this up it’s gonna get ignored.

Wow, ever get that feelin of deja vu?
Anyway, already addressed, nothing’s changed much. Your job’s harder now. So, you should be busier. Ah, unless you pick Mercy to give up. In which case i understand but your argument crumbles anyway.

This is you rephrasing something you already said, and i addressed in this post. And this is getting boring because i feel like running in circles.
You said this was being done before too. The change was just less healing. Somehow with less healing, this became still possible but less engaging, but engaging on a playstyle discussion refers as to “how much effort i need to put in” and you can’t say with a straight face that a numerical nerf, which makes things harder, makes them less engaging. It’s harder, it can’t be less engaging. Com’on stop with this.

Alright, i’m officially bored now and i apologize.
I’m gonna skip and just go to the thing that caught my eye when i first read the reply.

Valk seems to be referred to as useless, boring, ez mode to mostly escape and be safe.
Stationary ress is referred to as suicide ability, so weak, or a very situational ability. So, strong ability but with huge limitations.
50 HP/s Low trash healing.

Only one thing changed that made Mercy lose her status as must pick and fall in line with the others. She retained the ress, she retained the Valk.
Healing was lowered.

So, Blizz made the right choice. She’s in a smaller spot now and everyone is seeing more play. Will she needs to have something redone? So far it seems like Mercy has been in a good spot and that Blizz is making a bunch of changes all over the roster. Give it a bit of time and trust the guys who gave you Mercy in the first place. If she was the most picked for all this time, it’s kinda hard to believe the majority of Mercy players didn’t like her. I don’t play stuff that i don’t like, no matter how good it is. So, it’s a problem on your end and on your decision making. Other heroes are there, try them out.

P.S. I will say this now, while i don’t agree with you, you are one of the few who actually addressed all the points i made and kept on doing so. Feels nice. I’m sorry my eyes are hurting, i’m sleepy and a little bored. I will answer in a better condition next time if you do wanna answer.

Overbuff is fine. It would be better if it could gather data from all profiles, not just public ones, but its data is still reasonably reliable.

This guy gets it.

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Looks at the pick-rates in GM

Wow, I love Ana, but being almost picked as much as all other supports together in one tier really isn’t healthy. I get that the amount of GM players is small, but it just shows there’s still a big imbalance in the support category currently.


And SYm 2.0 had a 60 something percent winrate on overbuff. Does that mean sym 2.0 wasn’t a flaming pile of garbage?

Also isn’t it funny how somehow the only place Mercy eve nresembles being balanced is the same place where she should in theory be at her weakest according to all those “muh skill floor” peopl

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Her Overbuff winrate made sense. just by the nature of her former niche she stayed for longer relative amounts of time on winning games than on losing ones.

For example on a full hold on 2CP she could have anywhere from 0.5 to nearly 1 wins to her name, but for an average 2 CP loss she could have anywhere from nearly 0 to 0.5 losses to her name.

because people are burnt out on mercy since she was a mandatory must pick for almost a year

The reason?

Fuh-Air-Uh. Nothing more, nothing less.

What do you know, Mercy’s win rate is back to being below 50% and dropping daily, it’s also the second worst of all supports in GM after Moira and both are barely played there. As I expected, the temporary increase was a fluke or a bug.

I’m not playing her nowadays, so she isn’t a trol pick in my hands. Nice try. I’m only saying what statistics say.

Receantly Mercy’s pickrates have increased a bit just because of Pharah’s ridiculous buffs. Yeah, she is her best friend, so pocketing Pharah is a good way to use her. Also, she is a zero star hero since her skill floor and skill ceiling are lower than ever before. Balance Pharah and you will see how even at Gold, Mercy stops being picked, as it happened a couple of weeks before.

If Moira needs some help then she should be looked at, but that doesn’t make up the fact that current Mercy’s design is the most flawed she has ever been and almost no one like it, with even the pros saying that she is a troll pick and needs huge changes because her current design makes her impossible to be balanced.

Blizz should balance all the heroes in the game properly. Sadly, they have receantly stopped doing that and they have wrecked some of them with unnecessary reworks or even reverts back to toxic designs like valk and stationary rez. So we have now two problems: some heroes need help, and others who didn’t need help before need it a lot now.

Yeah, and even in those comps she is not picked because she only serves as a Pharah pocketing.

Oh, yes, she boosts… wow! Wait a minute… You can’t do any other thing while boosting, so you are not healing while boosting, so your utility is heavily reduced then, making even Zen better at boosting thanks to discord orb.

By hiding and rez in 99% of the cases. Yeah, it’s so fun being glued to the game and having to hide like a coward instead of engaging with the team… /s. Anyway, this is the main reason of why Mercy is not a complete trol pick by now, her utterly busted E ult.

Nice but not so great if you are overall mediocre at your job.

Mediocre healing that is not good enough for keeping anyone alive and can be outdamaged by absolutely everything.

Yeah, thanks God there is only one Ana in the game. No other support needs to aim with his healings.

Yeah, that’s good unless your healing is so weak that your teammate will die regardless of your skills.

Yeah, she exceels at pocketing Pharah/Widow and that’s it.

It’s all in the forum. There are a lot of polls made by a lot of people. If you don’t want to take anyone who shows you that the majority of people disagrees with you, then I’m sorry but that’s on you, and I can’t do anything to solve it. I suggest you some posts like Titanium’s or this one (more recent) I’m going to link:

Well, she is not played now for healing her team but for going dps and boosting, letting teammates to die in order to rez them from behind a corner. That’s a huge playstyle’s change. Oh, yeah, she is still the same thing while playing Phamercy, that’s all.

Well, let me show you some words from Blizz:
We will NEVER add Deathmatch to Overwatch” Jeff before adding Deathmatch to Overwatch
We have no plans to revert her” Jeff before reverting Mercy back to alpha

And now some interesting decisions by Blizz:
Dva’s role moved from fat dps to tank because they didn’t like her being that way. Reverted with a new rework, but her role is once again fat dps.
Widow’s hook being buffed for her being more mobile because Blizz didn’t like her being so easily chased. Some time after, reverted because they didn’t like that she was now hard to chase.
Valkirie being removed for good because of it being a massive bad design and replaced by mass rez. Reverted.
Stationary rez being reworked for good because Blizz didn’t like how everyone was complaining about her dying all the time and having to hide to survive her rez. Mechanic reverted.

I’m sorry, but contradictory things like this make me doubt about Blizz’s words. I prefer watching what the entire community, with youtubers, streammers and pros included are saying and build my own opinion from that.

Oh, and here you are a proof of valk’s removal for everyone’s good:

So you think you know more than them? Okay now you are 100% delusional.

Nope, mass rez was not tried out of three design, versus the 13 designs of valk + E rez we have had in just the half of the time. A lot of people want mass rez back with changes. Almost no one want valk because it’s not an ult, it’s nothing.

You are twisting their words now. They said rez will always be part of her kit, that’s true, and I agree on that with them. It won’t be removed, that’s out of the table. However, they never said which type of rez. It could be her ult or any other thing. It’s clear that E rez is holding Mercy unbalanceable because of how incredibly busted that ability is, and everyone but 2-3 are complaining about it, so I wouldn’t be so surprise if it returns to its legitime place. Why? Because I want mass rez back? Yeah, I liked it and I don’t want rez removed, but at this point, it’s just because that’s the only way to balance it.

Wrong. Excepting for the way the beam heals, Mercy’s healing has been changed several times. Firstly she had valk, so aoe healing. Removed for good, so she started being single target. Then, it got buffed from 50 hp/s to 60 because she couldn’t heal anyone and even Ana was outperforming her both as a burst (fair enough) and consistent (unfair since that made her a trol pick because of Ana being better at everything but mobility) support. After that, the revert came, so once more valk, and now we have her back with 50 hp/s healing.

Well, you should watch the forums. I’ve been here for an entire year and some months. Do you think I’m going to remember the exact post and tell you the username of the person? No way. Inform yourself. If you don’t want, that on you.

That’s a gameplay very commonly used in all scenes, even by pros and the OWL. In fact, there is one video where they explain you the best valk’s use: fly out of range/LoS above a point contesting it for 15 seconds without any possible counter. Yes, an exploit, that’s the best use of valk. Not helping your team. Just exploiting a game’s mechanic.

If I wanted to surrender, do you think I would want to feel stressed with a feeling of not being able to do my job and being glued to the floor and having to hide? No, thanks, if I wanted to throw a game, I would pick a relaxing hero. Anyway, I don’t throw my games unless the entire team has decided and wrote that we give up. Then, okay. Oh, and being busier doesn’t mean that I can do my job better. Let’s give a simple example: now Soldier’s bullets deal 1 hp damage each one. Now you need 200 successful shots for killing an average character. You will be busier than now, won’t you? And look, I haven’t changed how the character works. Does he works? You can bet what you want that he won’t.

Well, now let’s use Mercy as an example. Now she heals only 1 hp/s. Yeah, now you will be incredibly busy trying to heal everyone and nothing has changed. Will she work? No way. Now guess why Mercy was a trol pick with 50 hp/s healing and why she is once more a trol pick out of Phara/Widow.


Not exactly right. Yes, it’s suicide in the open. Why? Go to beta Mercy and you’ll notice it. Stationary rez. That’s why it’s suicidal. If you try a rez in the open you die. However, E rez is utterly busted, ridiculously overpowered as an ability, even if its use is reduced to hide and rez.

No, they didn’t. Yes, other heroes are seeing more game now, but the price has been killing a character and keeping the worst design ever against the feedback of a lot of people while having an overall decrease of players (7% down). That’s not good, and as some streamers have said, that can mean internal changes.

Mandatory =/= fun. Seriously, did you watch the forums before? Everyone was complaining about how they HAD to pick her despite they DIDN’T LIKE her, even at pro level (even at the OWL), and that includes the Mercy players, who refused to pick her because of how much of a chore she was.

So now the ancient joker argument of “try any of the other 27 heroes, you filthy Mercy one trick?”. Let me introduce myself. Flex Mercy/Junkrat/Reinhardt/Widow/Soldier player here. I’ve played too Reaper, Torb, Sym, Bastion, Lucio, Road and Winston among others. Yes, I’m an one trick and I’m complaining because the only character I know to play is not overpowered now. (sarcasm over 9000)

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The top mercys can make it work yes…

The effect of the Pharah changes on Mercy’s pickrate was only temporary, now she is back to her pickrate from before that patch. People have adapted to the new Pharah.

This is ridiculous. Moira is doing fine in all tiers below Masters (where 96% of the playerbase is), and even in Masters she is doing better than Mercy. The only one Mercy has an advantage is GM, which consists of 1% of the playerbase, and both heroes are so rarely picked there that the win rate data is not reliable anyway.

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It’s the same even looking at “This month”. And if you compare “This month” to “This week” the changes are minimal and positions do not change.

Yeah, let’s do Moira first since she’s been the longest in that status.

They have been doing nothing but trying to improve balance and viability. Just look at the last patches.

We saw the stats already. She is being picked. Pointless to keep telling you this when you won’t acknowledge data. Same data that you said supports your argument but really doesn’t.
Also, heroes seem to not be able to do Y thing while doing X thing most of the time. It’s tradeoff that’s the same for pretty much the whole hero roster. And it’s no different from before.

Yeah, look, sure. This is insulting even just to be addressed for both me and you. If you don’t have an argument, don’t make it. Thanks.

Next three points are all already discussed and i told you the reason for the tradeoff, which you excluded from the quotes you made.
Not good, imma skip this and not repeat myself again, alright? Alright.

I’m not taking seriously a topic that has flaws in it which are evident to anyone who is neutral in this situation. I told you, proper poll and statistic. That’s not proper. Do i have to quote you the posts which explain why the poll, while i do respect the work the guy put in, it’s not reliable? Nah, you clearly read the topic and decided to ignore reasoning. So, nah. Still unable to take you seriously over this, sorry.

Can you link me a stream of someone playing Mercy without healing, just like you are claiming continuously? On this, it seems we are stuck on “It’s your word against mine”, so please, back up your claim.

Had to look up the Dva changes, didn’t find so much as a role change, just a stream of balance fixes.
Give me more official data i can look up about this, because from what i’ve found, all i see it’s them tryin to balance her. And i think they did a pretty good job. Remember when she used to die to her own ult?
Yeah, widow needed help before. Then, meta favored her and she needed to be tuned down a little. That’s good balance. And that also proves they will revert the changes they make.
About valk and ress points you made, same widow stuff applies. They fiddle around based on what’s going on now. They can’t predict the future, just try to steer it in the direction they won’t. Also, i approve of the changes.
The video that you sent me about Valk shows a very different valk and expresses nor opinion, neither his opinion of official Devs opinions.
So, thanks for the beta footage i guess. Not much to see or say.

Uh-uh, i am. Sure. Keep making us running in circles, making always the same arguments and such.
Also, i don’t see them complaining here. If you would invite them in and they get to make the argument, then yes, i will believe them. Why should i take your word as it is? Are you a T500 Mercy main? Are you showing me proof? Anything to back up that claim? No? Alright, then no reason to believe you and so i won’t.
Starting to look silly here :3

Uh-uh, care to show me the _13 changes made to Valk ability? Not changes that are just to her healing or other abilities, only to Valk. Because that’s your claim.

I meant ress in general, that was my fault for not specifying. Or specifying to much i guess. Anyway, what i meant it’s that ress is here to stay in Mercy kit. Hopefully with a cast time and interruptable. No matter how many people she can ress, you should be able to stop her.
But i guess no one of you wants that, right? Because if that’s what you want to get, and will get, gee golly i really hope blizz gives it to you.
It’s going to be fun killing Mercy and nullifying his ult. Just like many other ults.
She will still be able to pull it off, but that will be the enemy team fault since counterplay is present now.

That’s a comparison that doesn’t fit, which is also brought up to an extreme.
Yeah, skipping this. Next time make sense, please.
We were also talking about more engagin to play. Not efficency.

Yeah, good thing she is healing more than 1 HP/s right?
Again, silly, make sense please.

Exactly. Those two abilities were too strong while being already bad. She was still picked too much. So, healing had to go down to help other healers see some play.
Blizz made the right choice.

There were a lot of people being vocal for a lot of stuff. Doesn’t seem like the were proven right. Just look at the “Sombra mains”, just to name the most recent.

Yeah, so now that’s not mandatory, you should be happy. Stop making this argument and thinking it’s a good one. It’s not. If you didn’t like it before, you should be happy now you don’t have to play it.
It was a chore you seem to not be required to do anymore. Then stop doing it, no one is asking you. Are you bullying yourself? Stop. Not kewl man, not kewl.

Never called you Mercy one trick, even less filthy. Also, i don’t have a problem with people one tricking. I have a problem with people complaining.
The followup on this argument it’s the same:

  • Yeah, so now that’s not mandatory, you should be happy. Stop making this argument and thinking it’s a good one. It’s not. If you didn’t like it before, you should be happy now you don’t have to play it.
    It was a chore you seem to not be required to do anymore. Then stop doing it, no one is asking you. Are you bullying yourself? Stop. Not kewl man, not kewl.

You all sure like to act like people are deliberately offending you, right?
We need a new format, all this victim control decks are annoying.

Yes, lately it has been increasing and decreasing each day in and out of the trol pick limits with a lot of peacks in the grafics. That was really odd.

If you look at her pickrates Mercy is a straigh trol pick. Anyway, don’t listen to me if you want, listen to the pros who are discussing her situation. Even Stylosa, great defender of her revert has admitted that she is completely out of meta, too weak and hard to balance in this form.

According to other people it seems she is not that bad. Since I’m not so informed about her, I won’t discuss too much about Moira, but if she needs tweaks, then Blizz can surely tweak her and rework Mercy. Didn’t they unleashed a single patch with changes to all the supports in the game? If they can change 6 characters at the same time, sure they can rework a bad designed Mercy and tweak Moira.

Yeah, they tried and missed miserably. Why?

Insanity is making the same mistakes over and over again expecting different results

Valk didn’t work in the past because it was an awful design with plenty of problems. Okay, they have reverted Mercy’s ult to that garbage. Results? Same as before.

Stationary rez didn’t work in the past because it forced Mercy to hide or die and was suicide in the open, incredibly unfun to play as, with and against. Okay, mechanic reverted and now it’s an E ability given each 30 sec, the longest cd in the game by far but even less than what she usually takes building her ult. Results? Exactly the same as before, but now it’s busted.

I saw the data. She is a troll pick. You are not acknowledging her numbers, that’s all. Yeah, she is having peacks since Pharah’s buffs, but that’s it. She is not picked at all out of there unless:
1- Unconditional love (so you will pick her even if she is just a “pick and automatically loose”).
2- No knowledge about how to play any other support.

Oh, yes and I liked Mercy when she wasn’t able to do certain things because she had weaknesses, aka being single target. I hate those chain beams that turn her into the greatest ez mode of the game. Yes, there is a great difference, and that’s having no skill ceiling at all now because you have an unengaging Lucio’s amp it up.

If you can’t discuss E rez being busted and her main reason for not being a trol pick, that’s all I need to know. Okay, you don’t want to agree but you can refute that. It’s all said.

Well, okay, then I suggest you watching Stylosa, YourOverwatch and YourCentral’s videos discussing Mercy’s current situation. Oh, wait, don’t tell me, those are videos from people who are not working for Blizz, so they have no credit for you. I’m sorry, but if you are that denial, I can’t do anything for you. If you want to keep defending that the Earth is flat, then that’s on you, there are hordes of people saying the opposite. Titanium’s thread has been approved even by some pros and some of the best Mercy players like EeveeA and has the highest amount of likes in all Ow’s history, so I can’t take you seriously.

Do you think people are going to waste time on that since Mercy is boring even to watch? If you want information, please watch the forums and listen to the people’s problems. Maybe if something happens all the time, at the point that everyone start agreeing on something, then there is a problem. That’s Mercy’s case.

That’s ridiculous. Do you really think that you are going to find a character’s role in game, aka its gamestyle, in a dev update? Never. They are going to start talking about what they saw. In Mercy’s case, it was an exploit that was heavily oversized. In Dva’s case that was her defense matrix revert, because with that, she was a great tank, capable to absorb a great amount of damage, ults included. People didn’t like that and Blizz reverted her role back to fat dps. Why? Because without that, she has no tool for being a real tank, she is just a fat dps. Please, instead of only read and blindly accept what you read, think a bit about it. Yeah, she became meta, but is that relevant? I was not talking about her balance, so not at all.

Okay, so here you are admitting that they can “revert” (arkward word here, since valk is the earliest Mercy’s design, we would be reverting her forward) valk if it becomes a cancer, which it already is.

And here we have an interesting point. It seems, for some reason that

Bring back valk + E rez, again stationary + rever healing to 50 hp/s + accidental bunny hop =/= revert

Okay, now let’s use the same formula but using other words

Bring back mass rez with changes (as so many people are calling for) + completely new E ability + revert reverted healing (60 hp/s healing again) + rest untouched =/= revert

Now, interesting fact. For many people it seems that this last formula is a revert but not the first, despite they are the same thing with the main difference that the second one includes at least one completely new thing while the other is only going to a past state.

Sorry, I can’t take you seriously anymore. You are being incredibly ridiculous. No, I’m not, but Titanium and many others are and they all hate current Mercy. Stylosa is a pro player, EeveeA, Vale and Anymetic are some of the best Mercys in the world and they don’t like her current form, Seagull is another pro player and ex OWL player and he prefers mass rez over valk and E rez, and there are too many others but it seems that you are simply an unconditional fanboy of Blizz and you won’t take anything serious unless it’s directly said by Jeff himself. Yes, it starts looking stupid trying to convince you since it’s clear you will keep that denial.

Interesting. Did you read my quote? Because I thought that I bolded these words: 13 designs of valk + E rez, not just 13 designs of valk as you claim. Please, read well and inform yourself, it’s all in the official dev updates. Will you trust them? Let’s wait.

I’ll just say this: /facepalm.
Did you read the forum suggestions about Mercy? Did you read my suggestion? LoS and cast time are the most popular changes that people want for mass rez, and it’s exactly for adding her more counterplay. That done, add her a real E ability, and that’s it.

Yeah, and I suppose that having extended beams wit bigger area the further you are, it’s engaging. No, you won’t take advantage of that range, why should you use your valk for doing that when you can use it and keep healing only one single character? Oh, wait! In this case nothing is enhanced, you are doing the same thing as always.

The same goesw for Mercy healing 50 hp/s. In the past it made her a trol pick, now she is a trol pick. As you said, nothing has changed. Yeah, now it makes sense.

Nope. As you said, valk was useless, too weak, etc. Silly and selfcontradictory argument. Please, make sense of your own words next time.

Yeah, look at the 7% decreasing of the number of Ow players this last year. Why would they left? Aliens? I don’t think so. I think it’s something related to Blizz and the way they are managing certain things like some reworks, reverts, match matching, etc.

Mandatory =/= fun
Mandatory =/= unfun
Not mandatory =/= fun
Not mandatory =/= unfun

Being mandatory or not is completely unrelated to if a character is fun or not. People enjoyed Mercy during seasons 2 and 3 despite she was a trol pick. Please, stop twisting my words and pretending that that’s a good argument.

Well, the argument of “pick another hero” usually implies that you are not playing any other, so it really implies that you are one tricking that specific character. It has been so used by people harrassing certain players this last year that it has become very infamous, guess why.

As I have told you, I play different characters, so the “pick another hero” argument makes no sense with me.

Wat? main healers have more than 50% winrate? All needs nerf now according to this community.