Brainstorming Mercy - ideas for changes

I’m on board with most of the Rez ult stats, but I really think it should be an AoE.

Rez going from an AoE to a single-target ability sucked nearly all the complexity out of it, and left the game without a counter to ult spam. For the health of the game, it needs to come back.

Yeah, bringing back multirez will have a lot of players throwing tantrums over “she stole my kewl multikill!” all over again, but that’s because the game has gone without a “gamesense skill-check” hero for far too long… Letting bad habits and poor target prioritization flourish in it’s wake.

As long as it’s not actually overpowered, complaints about multirez can be written off the same way complaints about “bastion is op, plz nerf!” are dismissed as CoD kiddies just needing to L2P.


Single rez ult. Yea, no… like, big fat no, ever, ever ever ever ever. This sounds like the most unfun version of Mercy yet, try again.

The actual issue with multires was and still is the main strategy is for mercy to literally disappear and then the team risks everything in her making it back in time to res the whole team up. Now yes if the team clumps up for the mass res it’s fine and mercy and literally just poke out and tap Q for it.

The next issue was the Mercy players themselves. I remember greatly how much half if not all the team would constantly harass and beret our mercy for not running away and hiding as soon as they got res and the enemy was pushing in, or something similar to encounters like that. It’s pretty awful to hear your whole team attack another member just for playing the game, I can’t imagine being the one playing mercy on the receiving end either.

How would you prefer it? Is the issue just the ult or the other abilities as well?

Unlike Blizzard I don’t work with “unfun”. :wink:


Just to clarify in general - I don’t find single-target rez the most fun idea for an ultimate, but like I said if the alternative is keeping a neutered version pulling down her main kit I prefer to have her like this. At least this way she has means of actually doing things to help her team rather than hope they can do something.

I agree with a lot of what you said actually. In fact I made my own post a while back that still stands since no major changes to Mercy have been made since then.

Heres a link if you want to check it out:

That would break a lot of one hit threshold points and was mentioned by the devs as a reason why they havent buffed damage boost.

1: “hide n rez” was a suicide strat before the immortality buff, and still a throw strat after it. If it weren’t for the SR exploit, the strat would have died off on its own.

Wanting to delete rez for that is like asking to delete Pharah’s barrage because some players use it too close to the wall and get themselves killed.

2: teammates trying to backseat drive for you has a simple solution: mute them, or leave the chat altogether.

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Good post. I appreciate well-thought-out arguments being shared along with proposed changes instead of just a list of demands.

I’ll always be an outspoken supporter of Valkyrie, though. I understand what you mean about Mercy’s ult being different than the other supports, though. It does have less immediate and definite impact, but it trades that for incredible flexibility and that’s what I love about it. Valkyrie is contradictory to the rest of Mercy’s kit, which is much more straight-forward and centered around consistent healing, but I also love that about it. I love taking a break from Mercy’s normal role and having fifteen seconds to take on whatever role I want/the team needs. Valkyrie has hella impact potential, but it has a MUCH higher skill floor and ceiling than other support ults and the vast majority of players are usually not going to achieve its full impact. For instance, floating and holding M1 is almost NEVER the right way to use Valkyrie. Mercy needs to be using all of her abilities during Valk whenever possible (including shooting people) and that ability to mix and match from second to second, which opens up the opportunity for creativity and different types of skill, is my favorite thing about it.

I would also appreciate another ability that helps keep my team alive. Green beam is a solid idea but I don’t think a straight healing boost is the way to go. I’d prefer something like a damage reduction on a teammate. Damage reduction on the other team is an interesting idea, too. Somebody is going to get that ability eventually, so it might as well be Mercy.

You clearly were never around for the old mercy then cause what i posted is exactly what happened to everyone who played Mercy back then, everyone just forgot it.

Dude. I mained Mercy back then. I’m speaking from experience.


I mean, I’m not opposed to keeping Valkyrie, but I do think it would have needed more “ompf”. The biggest issue would have been leaving rez on E clogging up the power level of her base kit. I really think Mercy needs moments that are more directly her own, both for the players and the general perception of the character. Removing it is another alternative, but it would feel just as bitter as removing Genji’s blade or Hog’s hook.

I did have another suggestion for an ult I made earlier but never posted which had a half-Valkyrie in it. I can see if I can dig it up later if you are interested. :slight_smile:


Yeah, rez is problematic for that reason. It’s very ingrained into Mercy’s kit and I don’t enjoy having to slow down to rez during Valk and I can’t think of a way to keep it from clogging her kit either. I’ve never been a fan of rez. Yeah, as long as I still have the opportunity for flexibility and creativity, I’m open to potential ult changes. It’s just my favorite ult by far in its current state.

Wait… So Mercy gets two new abilities. What keybindings would they be on? E and… IDK… F? R?

Not a fan of this one. Superjump is one of the little things that distinguish the skill level between Mercy players. It shouldn’t me tied to a cooldown and it isn’t really difficult to hit a Mercy flying vertically on a predictable path.

I don’t know if a single target Rez, as an ult, would be great for Mercy. You know, due to its little generation cost you would see Mercy screaming HEROES NEVER DIE twice or even three times every fight, which would become tiring and annoying rapidly.

In my opinion it should be a nerfed version of Mass Rez, where every 1400 “points” you earn a Rez charge that would stack up up to 3 charges.
It would behave just like the old Mass Rez but with LoS checks, most likely your 0.7s cast time and no invulnerability. (PS.: If you have 3 charges available and use the ult to revive one or two players, all 3 charges will vanish). I think it would be a great motivation to do tempo rezzes and not waiting for all your team to die.

The Injection ability I had planned to put on her reload button (since she doesn’t reload her staff), the other on E. Console needs a bit of thinking for the E though…

As for even breathing multi-rez… I wouldn’t even dare. :laughing: If you can find some happy medium people could accept I would be all for it!

oof that nerf and also not sure how they’re going to implement that tbh.

also how would mercy have bother damage reduction and injection?

what I’d like to see is res being a highly arc’ed projectile (also with cast time and some movement penalty; like more arc’ed than tracer pulse bomb) tbh. then it allows skill expression with it either from purely aim or combining aim with GA maneuvers.

It’s a kind of peace offering, middle of the road, for those who think she already has enough mobility. I honestly don’t think it would be that harsh for most players, and if it is there’s always room to change it.

Imma keep saying this: mercy is fine. Her kit is fine. She is situational, like most hero’s.

Ok. Simple idea.
Using Res on alive teammate refresh the hero. Heal all hp, remove CC.
But the casting time is still there so your teammate cant move out of the range or it gets cancelled
Maybe new CD starts at 10sec after using this

Just to be clear, is this instead of a rez or an alternative to rezzing (meaning she can choose either)? Because I would be totally down with giving it more versatility. :smiley:

Edit* Stupid me, I just realized you meant this for her E. I’m still happy for versatility, but I would prefer to have rez off E so we can say goodbye to that awful cast time.