Brainstorm: A Fun Mercy Ult Thread-desu

Just spit ballin here this is a thread for fun. Nothing to be taken seriously. I like coming up with ults for Mercy that I’m sure wouldn’t even be considered so please let’s just have fun.

What if we take Ressurect’s invulnerability buff that she applies to her team upon their revival and made that her new ultimate with a few adjustments?

  • So the name of her new ult is called: Salavation (cheesy I know).
  • It would recyle her rez animation and her “Heroes Never Die!” voiceline.
  • It would apply an AOE damage and CC immunity and a cleanse effect to her team and herself for a three (3) second duration.
  • Mobility would not be hindered by this application nor the ability to attack.
  • It would have a 1.5s cast (with a possible slow give or take maybe 15%).
  • The cast/slow allows for counter play so she can be interrupted (CC’d) resulting in the loss of her ult charge.
  • There is LOS for Slavation with safeguards so signs, railings and smaller objects don’t interfere with LOS.
  • Knock backs and knock ups do not interrupt the cast but can displace her away from LOS of her allies.
  • It is a team wide cleanse so debuffs will be removed. Sleep, freeze, hack, anti-nade, etc. However, Grav is one ability Salvation cannot cleanse, meaning her team will be trapped in the Grav but they will be immune to attack for that three (3) second duration.

This would be a fun ult to negate bombs for allies in the open who cant find cover or negate Sombra’s EMP, riptire, etc. With it lasting for a brief moment it wont be oppressive and it is an ult that requires perfect timing for the player. There is counter play for the enemy to stop her as she will have an animation that is easily telegraphed and a cast time.

It takes aspects of her former ultimate still allowing her to bait and switch. Giving her players that hero moment. Enemy teams wont be disheartened if she negates a kill as apposed to reseting a kill. She cant hide to use it since a dead teammate isn’t lucrative to its use, requiring her to remain in the fight. She can use it selfishly on herself but could leave her team open to danger (this is great counter play for her flankers to bait out the ult). She still has a bit of her ult economy checks in place so enemy teams will have to be mindful of spamming their ults to win fights.

She will still be situattional at best. And without ressurect all supports have a viable use. As for an E- ability… I am fresh out of ideas but feel free.

This is just a thread to brainstorm silly Mercy ults that may or may not be useful options. Maybe the devs might stumble upon it and rethink her kit maybe not. That is not my goal here. I just want to have fun reading other Mercy ults you may have in mind. Be nice and have fun.


I’ve been putting together my own form of Mercy that actually uses your Invulnerability as her E ability!

Here’s the rundown of how I figured the E would play out.
E Ability: Relief
Description: AOE Invulnerability and Cleanse for all nearby teammates
Duration: 1-1.5 seconds
Radius: 4-5 meters
Cooldown: 10-14 seconds

It would function pretty much exactly like a Zarya bubble, but shorter and for everyone on your team. I think the long cooldown and shorter duration balances it. All I can think of are the epic saves from D.Va bombs, Riptires, and EMPs like you mentioned, not to mention Earthshatters, Meteor Strikes (Ana finally can be saved from it!!!), Pulse Bombs, and Deadeyes.

Oh, and it would recycle the old swoosh animation from mass rez + the glowy yellow effect.

Onto her ult though, I’ve been really attached to the thought of a Reverse Deadeye, where she slowly raises the health of everyone around her. My thought is that she should be able to cancel it, but all dead allies near her would come back to life after 2 seconds (like mass rez) BUT the ult could continue for up to 6 seconds, and it would continue to heal everyone for 100 hps over that duration.

The whole 100 hps makes it so you can use it for healing even when everyone is alive but you need more healing. ALSO, during the 2 seconds where everyone is being rezzed, they get that 100 hps done, so everyone comes back with 200 hp (meaning tanks will be very weak). If Mercy cancels the ult BEFORE those first 2 seconds, everyone would come back with the amount of hp they had been healed. I don’t know if she would need the slow/glow of deadeye but maybe, who knows.


Hmm that is an interesting ult. I’ve always thought Mercy’s ult was similar to Deadeye in a weird reverse way.

So another ult idea I had was an anti-death ability still pretty similar to above but no cleansing or CC immunity. Mercy would be able to apply a status effect to her allies. During this effect her allies cannot die, basically they take damage all the way down to 1hp but will not die while the effect is activated.

Maybe it had a duration of 5s and was an instant cast. She could heal while the effect was active but would not be able to charge her ult until the effect wore off. It could also be used for ult fights and focus fire to save her team. Unlike the ult from above she wouldn’t be able to use it on herself. I would still recyle old animations and voicelines for this ability too. Just like the above ult it prevents death but does not revive from death.

This ult would be a nice support combo ult with Zen’s Trancsendence since she can prevent death from ults like Dva bomb and riptire while he can heal up their health after the initial blast.

I’m not sure, being completely invulnerable for 5 seconds seems a little too OP. It’s basically a transcendence but without any of the counters (Nade, burst damage, one shots). It just seems like it would outclass every other defensive ult.

The problem I see with this though is that if you made it any shorter, it’s… not really an ult. Waiting all that time to charge a 2-3 second ult? Now it’s a regular ability.

I feel like that would just work better if it were a regular ability or a COMPONENT of an ultimate ability on either Mercy or some other healer.

Actually, I think I have a better idea. What if there was a support (I’m picturing a different support from Mercy. I’m a little crazy attached to the Mercy idea I gave you earlier :stuck_out_tongue:) who had a regular or ultimate ability that applied a buff to an ally where if they ever reached 1 hp, it instantly gave them a burst heal of 50% of their health? It’d be a great sort of defensive ult, but it might even be OP, especially if used in combination with other ults like Dragonblade or Primal Rage.

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Those are some interesting suggestions. I also think that the your Salvation idea is pretty unique, I’d be interested to test that out in game! :slight_smile:

My idea would be similar to Titanium’s but instead of Pacify as the E move, the ability would be What I would call Halo.

Ultimate Ability - Resurrect:

Removed as a basic ability and placed as Mercy’s ultimate ability.

  • 15 meter range.

  • Line of sight requirement. Does not apply to destructibles, payloads, or non-fundamental map obstacles that are too small to actually obscure a player. In other words, none of that BS where a player can move behind a lamp post to evade a nuclear explosion.

  • 1 second cast time. Basic movement is unrestricted while casting, but all attacks and abilities are disabled for Mercy during this time.

  • If Mercy is stunned or killed while casting, Resurrect does not activate and Mercy loses all ultimate charge.

  • All living allies within range and LoS of Mercy once the cast time ends receive a burst heal of 150 HP. Mercy also receives this burst heal.

  • All dead allies within range and LoS of Mercy once the cast time ends are revived at full health and receive 2.25 seconds of invulnerability (same as current Resurrect and Resurrect pre-rework).

  • Mercy does not receive invulnerability upon Resurrect’s activation.

  • Resurrect does not require dead allies to be activated.

  • 1625 ultimate charge requirement (the same as Mercy 1.x’s Resurrect).

  • Most importantly, this takes Resurrect off one of Mercy’s basic abilities and places it into a position that matches its ultimate-like behavior. On top of this, various trade-offs were made to the ability to allow for the healing burst and the introduction of a second basic ability.

The healing burst, post-rez vulnerability, cast time, and LoS requirements all incentivise using Resurrect to revive 0-3 players rather than 4+ players. Attempting to use it on four or more players runs a greater risk a failed resurrect attempt due to the cast time. If Mercy manages to use Resurrect, there is a greater chance that she missed some allies due to the LoS requirement. If those two drawbacks do not drag her team down enough, there is also the fact that Mercy is vulnerable post-rez while her teammates are still reviving.

The healing burst and fire-at-will mechanics on Resurrect make the ability more flexible and open up some unique uses for it. For example, Mercy could use Resurrect to grant her team a burst of healing in the middle of the teamfight to keep their momentum going rather than waiting for an ally to rejoin the fight after being killed and revived.

New Ability - Halo:

E Move Ability: Halo - Mercy places a biotic halo over a single target for 3 seconds which prevents the hero from taking fatal damage (keeping them alive with 1 hp) and converts half of the damage taken into health. This ability has a 20 second cool-down. The move has a 1.5 second delay before activating, so the target must be alive for the 1.5 duration before receiving the health from their halo. Heroes with halos do NOT receive healing or damage boosting from any support when Halo is in effect. Halo is only activated through Line of Sight.

Note: (I.e. A hero with 200 health that receives a halo before taking 200 damage, and stays alive with 1hp for the 1.5 duration, receives 100hp back as health). Heroes that have Halos cannot be healed or damage boosted, and only one Halo may be used at any time.

Thanks for reading! :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


I was actually just thinking of making this thread myself! Glad I found this first lol.

Health Insurance
Cast an aoe 20 meters from your target location
You cast it and anyone that dies in the next 6 seconds inside it is instead put back to full health instead of dying, will activate 2 times before disappearing. Anyone inside of the aura is healed 50 hps for the duration of the ultimate.

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Left click: 70 HP/s
Right Click: 35% damage boost
E: Rez removed from the game, no new E ability
Shift: GA reverted to pre-bunnyhop, souls of dead allies removed from the game, GA cooldown reduced to 1 second.
Ult: No passive ult generation, if you die you lose all ult charge and start again at 0%, even if you have your ult ready. Single target, double powered combined beams i.e. 140 HP/s and 70% damage boost at the same time.

There, I fixed Mercy.

Omg I was thinking of calling my other idea Halo as well and what you explained I pretty much was thinking give or take a few things. Pretty cool.


Yup I had those ideas in mind that it would be borderline OP or too weak if the duration wasnt long enough. I wanted to add some kind of healing to it, similarly to how RevertMercy below your post described Halo with a few differences.

I always thought Mercy should have had an ult that prevented death and not really an ult for riving from the dead it sounded like a necromancer ability. :woman_shrugging:

Really like all the ideas. :smile:


Life Insurance :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:
Love it!

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