Is buffing Mercy the solution for DPS comps? šŸ‡ØšŸ‡­

While I approve of the 60hps buff as she was statistically balanced at that state I donā€™t think buffing her rez on low HP targets is a very good idea. If they just buffed her healing to 60hps sheā€™d already have the benefit of increased ult charge rate from the previous half-way-revert they gave her.

She definitely needs to be GM viable outside Pharah/Ashe comps.


Yup, as much as people would hate to admit it, we need to buff Mercy (maybe even a rework).

If people want more DPS to be played, youā€™d need a support who can enable DPS, and that mainly falls to Mercy. Sure there are other heroes, but most of them enable tank heavy comps; Ana, Brigitte Lucio and Moira for example.


I kinda doubt that, but something is definitely better than nothing. :stuck_out_tongue:


I agree that starting gradually is the better option. It does not hurt to be careful.

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Yes, if you buff a different comp to a very op state that other comp will become meta. How is this even a question? The real question should be why in earth youā€™d want to bring back Mercy meta

Based on those changes, Iā€™d be okay with a 55hp bump and a 75hp - 80hp bump in Valk.

The cast time idea is cool. I was also thinking of her cast time being affected by how much health she personally has, rather than her team mates (I.e. a low health Mercy will take longer to rez than a higher health one.)

Also, her rezzes being given every 30 seconds is a bit too much in my opinion. Iā€™d prefer her to be granted individual Rez charges as well so she earns them, rather than just having them handed out to her. 2 to start with, that are unlocked after a certain threshold of healing is reached, and an additional one granted when she ults. OR. Just give her 3 charges and make it exclusive to the ultimate altogether.

If rez is tied to her ult, she would also have space open for another ability. Iā€™m not too picky with what, but Iā€™d like to see some skill-based ability that prevents death proactively. Iā€™ve suggested something called ā€œHaloā€ in the past that shows kind of what Iā€™m talking about, but there are many other ideas proposed as well besides this one.

Just some ideas on what Iā€™d like to see. Though there has been many other great ideas as well. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


Unfortunatly thats something that wont ever happen unless they completely 100% re-design her. As much fun as it is playing Ana, she loses Value without high HP targets due to her Bursty Nature. Nade loses a ton of potential value if a team isnā€™t grouped up and DPS heavy comps tend to not be, sheā€™s highly divable in general with no escapes and generally tends to hit better when her main targets are big and slow (Healing Genjis/Tracers with Ana is a painā€¦ esspecially if itā€™s in the heat of battle)
Moira falls under similiar conditions as a lot of the Value she has in her Kit come to shine with close, grouped up compositions with a bunch of Health (partially to sustain when her heal is down) and she generally has a hard time keeping up with fast DPS comps, esspecially vertically.
Mercy doesnā€™t lose heal value with low HP pool targets, is able to keep up, both horizontally and vertically and her Utility (DMG Boost) is best used on DPS anywayā€¦ Her other Untility , if there was a way to shorten the cast (1instantrezonvalkpls) is the only thing that really makes her depended on her team looking out for her s during the 1.75s cast she canā€™t really do anything herself.

Bottom line isā€¦ if people want a DPS focused Metaā€¦ as it stands right now they will want a Mercy-Meta in regards to the main heal slot.


Oh I know, it was more a reflection on what a lot of dps-players want to seeā€¦ because, you know, Ana is so much more skillz compared to Mercy. :wink:

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I really love the idea of earned res! Its one of the things I miss about old mercy


I think what QuizzyBunny also means is that because of this so called bias with choosing supports.

Ana has healing synergy with tanks while Mercy has synergy with DPS, theres no question about it. Problem is, a LOT of people see Ana in a better light because she ā€˜takes more skillā€™, aka because shes aim based, while spit on Mercy because shes not on the same level of that ā€˜skillā€™ with Ana.

A lot of people here need to take it with a grain of salt, that if you want more DPS to be enabled, because comps in general are enabled BY supports, you cant have it one way or the other. So far, the only MAIN healer that synergizes well with DPS is Mercy and wellā€¦she aint doing too good.


The meta is already in flux toward that direction. Changes in any direction donā€™t make sense until we hit a more neutral meta. I would want to see some eventually though.

I really donā€™t think so. As a support, I donā€™t like playing Mercy, and all the Mercy players I know hate pocketing people. As a DPS, I donā€™t want to depend on a Mercy pocket to be a functional hero. Iā€™d rather Mercy be viable as players want to play her (as a team healer who zips around, not just pocketing one person) and Iā€™d rather DPS be viable on their own.

I can see where youā€™re coming from, but no role really is ā€œviable on their ownā€, as Overwatch is a team oriented game, plus Mercyā€™s whole playstyle is based on pocketing the right player at the right time, so maybe Mercy isnā€™t the character for them. The idea isnā€™t to extinguish the role of characters like Ana, who would still be stellar when paired with tanks or board wiping ult like Genji, but to see more viable comps be played

Didnā€™t somebody post this exact thing yesterday? Anyway, no, this is a terrible idea. All the weak dps have reasons why they are weak that many players are aware of. Instead of making those heroes Mercyā€™s slaves, they should be made viable the right way, by fixing the issues we know they have.

I think what they mean is that synergy is what enables comps.

For example, who would benefit more with Ana on their team, especially through burst healing, fast paced heroes like Genji/Tracer that have slim hitboxes or tanks like Rein or Zarya who are easier to hit and benefit more thanks to their large healthpools. And with GOATS, tanks reap a LOT of benefit thanks to Lucioā€™s speedboost by negating their inherent slow movement along with his AoE healing.

Same could be said about Mercy. Who benefits more from Mercyā€™s healing and damage boost especially? Tanks that are already hard to heal because she lacks burst healing like Moira and Ana, or squishier targets like Pharah,Widow, Hanzo or even Junkrat.

Its a hard reality but, comps are enabled by supports. All heroes should be viable on their own and your sentiment of DPS being viable on their own is valid, but what people are talking about is about how comps are enabled.

We see GOATS because they are enabled through burst healing and AoE healing. Which is why we dont see a lot of Mercy as shes not really particularly good at healing tanks. For main healers, Mercy enables DPS while Ana and Moira enables tank heavy comps.


I mean DPs players hate her with a passion despite being the only support on the roster that enables DPs and cannot enable tank comps.

She is the only one with the mobility to rush to teammates on different parts of the map and death balls actually limit her options.

And yet the DPs players rather sit and be obsolete and whine about tanks than bring back the only support that helps them and DPs heavy comps in general. GO FIGURE


Nope! This is just me brainstorming :slight_smile: And I like to think that there are no weak DPS, but ones that are supported better by different comps. Tanks are the same way, Reinhardt and Zarya werenā€™t seen as good for a while until Brigitte was released and 3-3 became a thing because those tanks finally has the support they needed vs dive comps.

The Moth meta was the most diverse of all the metas because she enables the largest cast in Overwatch which is the damage category. More heroes were viable during moth than GOATs or standard Dive


The final incarnations of Goats have no burst healer, unless you consider Zenyatta via his ult.

Mercy being weak is certainly a reason for GOATs, and sheā€™s never been a boon for 3x3. Itā€™s because that comp clips her wings.

On console, where Mercy is still one of the top healers, GOATs has not been a thing for months. It never really was a thing.

In addition, while GOATs was a thing on PC, it was not THE meta until the support patch that rendered Mercy weak.

Mercy should be a main healer again so that she once again synergizes with Zenyatta and can help more spread out comps thrive.