Boycott 1/3/2 - solo tanking #neverAgain

It was sometimes. It’s not like I’ve never played a 1/3/2 mirror match before. Of course I have.

it’s not the same…
it’s enforced roles.
+changed stats for multiple tanks aswell as a new ability for roadhog.

you are completely disregarding also this is how the dev team have allways tested the games balance and played it internally.


I disagree.

The majority of tank players that hated solo-tanking would have been off-meta tanks, which were almost invariably invalidated by meta tanks.

If the 1/3/2 comes with the necessary rebalances (like Hog moving to DPS for example), then people could play their offtank hero without sacrificing defensive options, and the meta tank would be in the same spot they’ve always been.

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HAHAHAHAHA THIS! All day everyday

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I am all exceptical with Blizzard and their bad decisions, but this change is too big to predict, and there are points that will make it different from before.

  1. Solo tanking was really bad when the enemy team got a proper composition, if both are solo tanking it can be different. Game have change A LOT from those times without role lock.

  2. Devs announced big balance change for tanks, that we don’t have even a minimum information apart of hog flatulence.

All these big brain people that are making Armageddon prophecies, chill. We will see how it is gonna be, maybe buffs and reworks are really big.

That at least role que as is doesn’t move the foundation to be dangerously atop one persons shoulders. They have made it a point in the past that they don’t want the game to be won or lost by heroes picked and when you move a category to one you have unequivocally done that. The ones hero choice will matter so much more than who you pick now in 2-2-2 and its not even funny how big of a gap it will be. Heroes don’t always play nice with others and if you have a couple of heroes that don’t work well together you are at a massive disadvantage. And there will be no middle ground with the one tank player like there can be with two tanks. Llike what are you supposed to do if your dps pick a dive hero, Bastion and a sniper?

And there is still the massive issue of being expected to do a job that should not ever be expected to be done by one player. Any role in overwatch takes more than one player to do it proper.


And because people never switch, in lots of my old games it might as well have been enforced roles.

As I’ve said lots of times in this thread, this is completely irrelevant. It doesn’t matter if tanks are Godlike, that doesn’t address my concerns with the mode.

I’m not. They’ve just made tons of game balance mistakes and in this case they are even split on it. If they can’t agree then why do you expect me to agree with a specific half? I’m agreeing with a portion of the dev team here, the part that doesn’t think it’s a good idea after playing it internally for months.


If offtanks get rebranded as DPS characters, meta-tanks stay where they are or get compensation buffs for the lack of a second tank on their team, and the remaining main-tanks get bolstered up to enter meta status, that’s a net gain that doesn’t riskily push the weight of the match on one person.

And supports as well.

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That’s kind of the point of the experimental card, if you don’t want to experience OW with 1/2/3 don’t inflate the numbers

Personally I’m far more interested in seeing how those solo tank changes feel on the heroes than on 1/2/3

What makes you think they agreed on anything?

All private testing they did could have easily be equally as polarizing, just not public.

This is LITERALLY the first time they’re doing it in public.

Then what is the point of this change in the first place if an off tank is just as mandatory? All this does is give the most crowded role of all more heroes to compete with and doesn’t that kind of make it worse for the dps mains?

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so what is it you are expecting that’s gonna happen with solo tank?

your dps is just gonna lemmings rush and flank and play more or less deathmatch with the enemy meanwhile you get farmed for ult charge as a tank? is this your nightmare scenario?

well obviously this is allready happening but sometimes your team actually wakes up from it’s stupor to actually care about the team as a whole.

as far as i am concerned, it’s not a big change from playing reinhardt with a ball or roadhog.

It makes the game more diverse? It encourages weird comps to deal with problems?

Are you forgetting this will be combined with Hero Pools?

I remember those early days where there was often a single tank. DPS heroes over extending beyond the reach of healers.

Supports with no back line protection getting dove in and spending tons of time seeing the spawn room.

Tanks trying hard to hold a front line and having to try and fall back because the one support that stayed with the tank is getting crushed by a flanking dps.

I predict that a good number of off tank players don’t want to solo main tank and will go dps.

A smaller number of main tank players won’t want to solo tank and get pummeled and go dps.

Supports will get tired of getting flanked constantly and / or seeing “I need healing” from dps that over extended s d being told how “horrible they are at healing”, and they’ll go dps.

Or most will just go back to 2-2-2 and the devs won’t get sufficient valuable information and the hole “experiment” will be a debacle.


And the likelihood of their off-tank characters being moved into the DPS role is very high, if Kaplan’s Hog example is anything to go by.

How will playing one single tank per team make the game more diverse??

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no, stop

you’re why people hate tank mains

They just said in the interview today that all the off tanks are being buffed to be main tanks. They aren’t being moved to DPS.

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People love tanks mains and don’t like dps mains.