Boycott 1/3/2 - solo tanking #neverAgain

That’s fine but it seems kinda odd.

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Why? I want it to fail so that it doesn’t get implemented. What’s weird about that?


I mean. All I can say is…

Tank yourself.

Gg guys.

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As a tank/flex player, I enjoyed solo Rein or solo Hog. It wasn’t nearly as agonizing as you think.

That’s a matter of opinion. I hated solo tanking with the passion of 1000 burning suns.


It’s worth a try. At worst, it wastes ten minutes. At best, it somehow is actually good and you can advocate for an improvement.

that’s fine, i’ll just boycott whatever you want in the game later in the future.


it’s easy being spiteful.

Yall just leave them alone lmao. Theres 0 way they’ll change their mind before they try it.
Hope you enjoy 1/3/2 tomorrow dude, hope its fun.
Oh and here’s the interview with Jeff Kaplan about this very expiremental card, might wanna read it to understand why they’re doing this.

I’m not against it because you are for it. I’m against it because it’s a bad idea.


Meh, I ain’t switching to DPS. I’m sticking with Rein. Bring me those squishies to crush with my hammer.

There’s way too much overreaction to this, BEFORE it’s even hit. It’s called experimental for a reason. I’m game for trying it out.

Its a fundemental change to the game and when you have a change to fundamentals you are creating disagreements right there. We don’t need to see gameplay to realize that the change has flaws in the new set of fundamentals. That is the real meat of the issue and blizzard this 1-3-2 thing is already bypassing the debate part.

Again the try it argument misses the point. Its changing the game to a foundation that I don’t trust to last. And it can’t be salvaged by any change other than more than one per role. Because there is no other way to ease the burden of an entire role being place on person.


I’ve already read it. I can have all the same information and still have a different opinion. I’ve read and watched all the things. I knew all of this before I made this post.


yeah and according to me everything you are in favor of is a bad idea.
why shouldn’t i boycott that?

That’s also your opinion. That doesn’t mean you speak for everyone.

Yeah, DPS queue 4 life. I’m not going to tank if they’re going to ruin tanking for DPS players.


Have we ever met? You seem to be trolling. I don’t remember you if our paths have crossed.

You can always switch to D.V.A./ Winston and follow the fast dps :slight_smile:

Some of us still feel like the foundation of Role Queue is flawed and shouldn’t last either. So what’s your point?

I never said I did. But I suspect that a lot of tank players feel the same way. The devs even said it polarized the dev team.

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i’m making a point.

boycotting something you have ZERO experience of is a bad idea.

no your time as a tank in the absence of role qeue doesn’t matter.

because that wasn’t actually 1-3-2

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