Boycott 1/3/2 - solo tanking #neverAgain

Solo healing is fun what are you talking about I don’t mind soloing a role if I get the protection and healing I need people are always so quick to judge and shame blizzard before actually trying there experiments and we all wonder why blizzard is fed up with this forum community :expressionless:

I’ll have fun without you enjoy your time on the old modes :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Always remember positivity is :key:

This is news to me.

not when they have this kind of attitude

I’m a tank main too, and this is embarrassing

explain to me how this isn’t allready the case?
it all comes down to teamwork anyways.

if you don’t have it, the game turns into a clownfiesta anyways.

Why? Don’t you see they are just creating this mode because dpsers choose to whine instead of playing QP Classic?


I mean, I didn’t mind solo tanking in the past, and that was when they were balanced around the possibility of having multiple tanks.

You can pretty much guarantee all the tanks will get some good buffs at the very least to compensate for the fact that they’ll all have to solo tank. It won’t be that bad imo.

oh trust me QPC is filled with dps’ers.

the game is about 90% only dps players

yes and?

how has that been different from ever before

just adjust and adapt to it (like mains had to during goats era)

besides, tanks will likely receive huge buffs to be solotankable

as a tank main I am looking forward to it, I have no idea why you would be scared to be the solo tank, if you know how to do your job you should’t have any issues.

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How dare those filthy DPS players try to play in my competitive mode.

They should all just go rot in the MMR-less Arcade where they belong.

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I’ll adapt by not playing or by queing as dps :kissing_heart:


maybe i’ll be able to play tank and not rely fully on my secondary tank that rarely does anything for me anyways.

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It’s not about being scared. It’s about not enjoying it. I enjoy the interplay between the main and off tank. I like the synergies and strategies that arise from that. I don’t want that to disappear. I also don’t really want to have all of the pressure of the entire role on me alone.


Why do you assume I’m talking about comp…

I only play RQ QP.

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See, told you that you were scared.

Its not as bad as you think I used to play mostly tank on HOTS . If you know how to do your job you wont feel any pressure at all.

How does this in any way make the game more diverse? This isn’t even a band aid fix at this point this is just flat out ruining the game.

Ah yes the other flaovur of the moment change. Which might I add hasn’t even been tested yet and is also very very much coming with a bunch of baggage. Combining the two makes this even worse tbh as not only is it just messing things just cause it also pretty much ensures things stay exactly the way they are just dress up pretty specifcally for dps.

Its not embarassing what it is people who think this change is ok and not disagreeing. And I don’t feel like the people who don’t like this are given a fair shake by this in the slightest. Especially given the history of things not being changed once tested. Alot of the arguments against are being bypassed simply by it being put to live in the first place. Yes I know it is experment but its given too much credence to things that don’t deserve it without heavy discussion which is going to be ignored.

Its two peoples jobs attempted to be rolled into one. Buffs don’t fix that. Numbers changes won’t ever ever fix this issue. And if you think people witch hunt now wait until this get implemented officially.


Because people aren’t realizing that off-tanks are being pushed into different roles?

People are assuming that every match is just going to be 3 DPS heroes ganging up on a poor solo tank. What about those offtanks-turned-DPS as one of those 3 DPS heroes?

Then it’s still 2/2/2, just with different balance settings.

And also, what if Rein is banned from Hero Pools? Whoever is left in the tank role would need compensation buffs.

Bro the entire point of 1-3-2 being in existence is that more dps get to be played. Moving offtanks to dps defeats that. Doing anything else makes it just worse 2-2-2


Hero pools will not be applied to this silly experimental game.

Let me rephrase then


Point still stands.