Boycott 1/3/2 - solo tanking #neverAgain

I’ll try it because I’m not someone who overreacts to experimentation


That’s not really how that works. Anyway, we’ve already tried the important part of this experiment before. It was a failure then. Why do we expect it to succeed this time?


Also people want buffs to certain tanks (like Winston), not all of them. AND CERTAINLY NOT AT THIS COST.
This is like spitting at all tank mains faces and then giving them like 60 cents.

(And once again, the person with these kinds of takes has a dps related icon. Why am I not shocked or amazed?)


? i already said i’m better than OP tho :thinking:

I beg to differ.

I’ll never tank simply because its the most boring of the roles unless Im playing Orisa. Which get old fast for me and I role tank if their is a loot box in it for me.

try some self introspection my dude :slightly_frowning_face:

Take your own advice.

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OK but in the past, did you play with the new experimental beefier buffs/skills to offtanks? I think not

i don’t have to tho :thinking:

The buffs are irrelevant. Being more powerful doesn’t change the fact that you are alone. It doesn’t reduce the pressure to perform solo. It doesn’t change the fact that we’ll never be able to play Winston / D.Va or Reinhardt / Zarya again.

The buffs don’t really fix what I’m concerned about. You could make every tank an unkillable God and I’d still not want this change.


This has got to be the most eye rolling post I’ve seen in months.

Yes yes, you’ve clearly seen it all. Oh wait actually, no you didn’t. You did not play 1/3/2 regularly. Perhaps your own team at times did but none of us here are ignorant enough to assume every time you played 1/3/2 it was also reflected on the enemy team. But whatever makes your agenda look better right?


And it’s been flagged. Some people just can’t handle disagreement.

I think you’re misunderstanding…132 is only included for the new experimental mode and only for this first week, then will be replaced by something else.

Comp, quickplay, arcade, custom games, and workshop are ALL still exactly the same

Imagine whining about people whining about people whining about people.

These weiners man.


No. I know that. I also know that the point of the experiment is to try and convince the community that it is a good idea so that it can go to the PTR.

It’s a change worth arguing against now, while we can.


But there’s nothing to boycott… It’s an experiment.


more like whining about people whining about people whining about something they haven’t tried yet :rofl:

truth :smirk:

I’m boycotting the experiment.


b-but 1-3-2 isn’t even out yet.

Jeff: don’t freak out. It’s just experimental.
Forum: freaks out