Boycott 1/3/2 - solo tanking #neverAgain

The buffs don’t matter. I don’t want to be the only tank no matter how strong they are.


This. So much this. I eventually hit a point where I couldnt handle it anymore and uninstalled the game until roleq came out. I just cant go back to solo tanking. It is not fun. Its literally being a bullet and cc sponge with no secondary tank to have your back, nor supports since they will be dealing with 2 flankers constantly (calling it now)


You are underselling the cost that these “buffs” come with. You are going to be expected in more places than is even for a perfect overwatch god ai is possible to be in. Because you are expected to do a role that is not feasible to be done alone. Actually none of the roles can be done solo tbh nor should they be done alone.


Oh wow!! I didn’t know they added 3-2-1 to experimental mode. That’s why y’all are in freak out mode.

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Based on how they changed hogs take a breather, we might be looking at actual ability changes, not just raw numbers.

So, that should be cool

Okay. When you put it that way, that’s fair.

I disagree with you, but I see where you’re coming from, now.


As a tank player I’m actually for it. I think it allows room for tanks to become a lot more powerful without having thier tail stepped on by things like double barrier nerfs


Off tanks peel for supports and always have. and Zarya particularly, but Hog is also more then capable of hooking and killing someone that dives the supports.

It was never solely a Zarya thing.


As a D.Va main, 1/3/2 is not going to stop me from playing my character. If this just leads to the team not being covered properly then so be it… Blizzard won’t learn how bad the mode sucks until they get data on how bad it actually is.


What if ball had a natural built in shield gen and could deploy mini shields gens or trophy systems from his ball for his team to use? That could be really powerful.

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Are you joking

all you need to do is test it in the card, and then come in the forums to say “i dont like it”

boycotting wont help anyone, thats the point of experimental card, to test outlandish stuff that may not even come in game

Plus dont forget that tanks are gonna get mega.buffed as a result


its tank mains. this whole forum is reinhardt and zarya player. some of other tanks not named winston.

Reaper needs nerfsz cuz 8% pickrate in OWL and 50% winrate

Rein is totally balanced at almost 53% winrate. 93% pickrate in owl. 94% Pickrate in the ladder.

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it’s a pretty comfy horse called the truth :smirk:


This is the interview, he talks about it in like the middle. But doesnt really elaborate on why he thinks it’d be OP.
My guess is, they’re scared to add it specifically for stacking it on hogs other tank.
2 tanks with (my guess) 40-50% damage reduction both being healed entirely by their healers making them practically invincible for that amount of time.
This new breather is balanced for hog and his non-tank teammates
People (including me) can barely stand the fact that Orisa alone gets a 40% damage reduction for 4 seconds every 10 seconds.
So to give that affect that often to ANY main tank including hog and his whole team… yikes.
Hateville incoming if that went through for 222.
Practically asking for mei reaper to be the only viable dps.

They need to get rid of role que entirely. If they must have something to limit the number of a certain class on a team they could just grey out a certain class once a team had selected enough of one. In Comp and OWL the tanks and the healers were the problem. For the greatest flexibility they could have a class limit of 2 tanks and 2 healers and maybe either 4 or none for dps "of course the total players on each team would still add up to 6 in the end :slight_smile: . Just spitballing ideas.
3-2-1 is still too confining and adds a wait :frowning:

well as long as you’re aware that you’re no better :blush:

I would be willing to solo tank for a team if I’m Rein :slight_smile: . Actually I have done that before now that you mention it :smiley:! Of course I was usually lucky enough to get teams smart enough to focus down anything that got too close.

That’s a fair thought but it really comes down to how they handle it. I think the hardest part is breaking habits that players have learned over the years.

Just days ago, I kept running over a ton of posts with people claiming “Nano boost Genji only, bubble Rein onlymaybe a support if it is urgent” as a law in this game. Many tanks have said that they will miss coordinating with the other tank…but I don’t see why that same interaction can’t happen with the DPS, too (outside of everyone’s tribal “tank vs dps vs support” mentality).

In 1-3-2, I will definitely miss not having a Zarya bubble whenever I play ball (though it bugged me whenever I chose Zarya for ball and they swapped to Rein…). Still, I am curious as to what other synergies will appear in this game with such a shift and I am willing to try it out.

Due to the first impression we’ve gotten from Rein, “Tanking” has become “bullet sponge” over the years. The changes the devs bring within the experimental card will give us an idea on what they think 2020’s tanking is supposed to be but my hope is that tanking will be more about positioning and making space and less about soaking up spam damage for your team.

We have 3 barrier tanks so far and everyone wants there to be more tanks. I would like to see some more creative ideas other than another barrier and I especially want to see more buffs for tanks that can allow them to feel impactful without relying on needing a big shield. If testing out 1/3/2 means getting to see the devs actually go in and raise the bar for a few of these overlooked tanks then I’ll happily test it out!

Maybe it’s just my rank or the fact so many DPS players are trying to skip queue but off tanks don’t even peel for the main tank, they try to solo the enemy team all the time.

Okay, I’m up to date. Time fore a stance change. If this is coming live for experimentation then I think it’s fair for us all to give it a fair shot and not just boycott it without trying it out. I didn’t realize they’re actually changing off tanks for it. This may be fun or awful, but we should all go into this with an open mind at least.


go away. take your babyrage somewhere else.

If civilization never performed “experiments” we’d still be a bunch of monkeys.