Boycott 1/3/2 - solo tanking #neverAgain

I am saying multiple dps comps in general are just as much of responsible for role ques. Solo anything is nieche appealing. And 2-2-2 was pretty much the default until synergies started getting exploited to being meta. Which started in the beyblade Speedy nanoboast on either reaper or Rein meta. Then the goal changed to the best non- speed boost nano target Soilder and triple tank was born. Since then its all about the synergies.

But when people don’t follow the meta it was a ton of zero to one tank or support matches too. Maybe you would get one to pick one or the other but there were tons of matches were you only got one of them.

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I’ve been asking for this in 2/2/2. They don’t need to hold this hostage to 1/3/2.


You say this like ball wasn’t the choice for single tank comps before 2/2/2 lol

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Yes, the best Wrecking Ball in the world could pull it off. Well enough for his team to ALMOST make the top 12/20.

All tanks should be reworked so every tank combination is viable in a 2-2-2 environment. Zarya-Hog, for example.

I only tank for synergistic pairs. I will never solo tank unless the meta becomes Wrecking Ball only, and that will get old fast.


I’m not “blessing” anything.

I’m going to give something on the experimental card, a shot, and then provide honest feedback. Every Overwatch player, that is still playing the game, should do that.

Not throw a temper tantrum because it’s something they think they won’t like, without even trying it. Like the 7-year-old who’s never had green beans, but says they don’t like them, like in my example, in a previous comment

To be honest, I didn’t either.

And, as I told robot wizard before:

If they could find a way to make double off tank not feel like Shatter fodder (or their team feel like sniper fodder) and could balance double barrier in a way that It feels good to use, as a combo, but doesn’t trash Sig and Orisa, when played separately, I would be all for it.

But, honestly, that sounds more like a pipe dream than 132 actually working.

So… Here we are…

But, that’s a huge fundamental part of it. So is the role lock. Because, that guarantees you won’t be going up against something like a 222 comp, Like you could in the old day.

there are some major changes being made, here, and you just ignoring them and saying “I’ve play this before” is factually incorrect.


Ask any Tank player if they are looking forward to Reaper/Sombra/Mei comps tomorrow with no second Tank to help support them or to peel for the now more vulnerable supports.

This is an experiment made purely for the benefit of dps players not wanting to deal with queue times. We already now how 3-2-1 comps play out (poorly.)


You cannot make a game that balanced without making the characters nearly identical. Some kits just compliment other kits better.

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This - its a ridiculous move that will appease johnny 15-year old who has the patience of a fly and that’s about it.


I say this like its a stupid very limited proposition for any length of time lol, so, yeah. Its ridiculous.

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We want tank buffs!

Also Forums:

Keep your experimental mode and buffs all revolving around a tank’s ability to support their team away from my Overwatch! No, I don’t want your whole dev team actually looking at poor performing tanks and analyzing what parts of their 3 year old kits need to be buffed/retuned/reworked.

It is new though. These experimental changes are coming with tank changes too. This Overwatch will be quite different than live. :slight_smile:

I’m hoping for more than number changes but I’m interested in seeing how it plays out either way. I really hope the devs go back to adding utility/impact into the roster and I hope the Zarya changes make her a better ranged tank that can support heroes like Pharah who don’t play in the melee range of all tanks!

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In the same interview where they revealed hogs new breather, kaplan said it’d be op for 222.


I think it can be done. There are lots and lots of ways to do it. Damage resistance, bubbles, life links, damage redirection, extra HP, and on and on.

Why do people expect everyone here to have the exact same opinion?

You do know that triple dps counters mei/reaper … correct?
They suck at far range and theyre toast once they use their survivability abilities.
Mei reaper are enabled by tanks and the ability to not have a third dps. They get out poked and smoked.
But go off i guess lmaoooo


I just disagree that those particular changes are germain. The balance changes don’t change what bothers me and I played lots of matches where role lock might as well have been enforced.

Why, thou? It would be amazing.

If we look at it in terms of 2/2/2 mentality, yes that would be god awful. BUT, the other team would also only have one tank, making it so you could have a really sick dive comp :man_shrugging:

You make it sound like it was normal for Tanks to actively peel off supports.

The more common scenario is that the main tank tries to push in while the healers pumped as much into him to keep him alive while the second tank tried to play flank DPS. Zarya really was the only second tank to peel because she has to stick with the barrier for the most part and she is required to do her role correctly to benefit from her bubbles.

As soon as that gate is lifted, secondary tanks are gone.