Boycott 1/3/2 - solo tanking #neverAgain

With 1/3/2 we’ll need literally half the amount of tanks we used to while also getting 1 more dps per game
Thatll insanely fix que times.
But go off i guess lmao, do what you gotta do to feel needed


Don’t be counting on a lot of support players to play 1/3/2


Funny how the narrative shifts to support a certain viewpoint, as needed, huh?

That might not necessarily be true. The current version of 132 that they are using, has made it so all the current tanks are more main tanky

However, Jeff did talk about moving the off tanks to the DPS role. Or, at least, some of them.

So, there’s nothing to say that they wouldn’t try that idea, in the future, and maybe that idea goes over like gangbusters and you would still have the synergy you’re talking about

It was a multiple DPS comp that was a counter to bunker. It was Wrecking Ball, 3DPS, Mercy, and another support.

Disagreeing with me? Is fine. Ignoring factual information, is not.

The truth of the matter is, you have never, in the history of Overwatch, played this version of 132. We did not have role Q/Lock before And the game was never specifically balanced around 132 before.

So, you have never played this version of 132, in your life.

Well, I take that back, unless you got access to the internal version that the developers were tinkering with, you’ve never played this version of OW, in your life.

None of us have


oh i’m better, at least i don’t whine on something that hasn’t even been implemented yet. i’m yelling at someone who does and are questioning their actions.

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You might be underestimating how many tank players will quit. I’m betting it’s at least 60%.


you’re still whining about something pointless, no difference at all, pointless whining is pointless whining :rofl:

Still a ridiculous notion, and its not a reason to bless one tank as a system. Single ball comps are hot stinking Garbage against anything but “bunker”.

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50% of all tank mains could quit right now and the que times would still improve due to allowing 1 more dps in each game


You’re saying 132 was just as responsible for RQ as goats? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: 132 was run since year 1 and never changed the entire format of the game. I would argue 132 was Overwatch in its standard format.

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This is not even a band aid fix to the problem though. To actually fix the problem is multiple steps and that starts with just plain releasing more and more tanks/supports. Why are there more dps mains than anything else? Well to start dps as a role accounts for half the roster. There are 15 dps to main in a roster of 31 heroes. Of course there are going to be more mains for the class that has more options. You already are out of the majority if you don’t main the dps by this fact alone.


Will quit? Majority already have, to my knowledge. :laughing:
Case in point, how fast the tank queue is.

This will just make them stay away.


TRUE OP’s post is definitely pointless whining :rofl:

Against a team with two tanks? No, not really. Against another team with one team? Yeah totally. Especially is hamms team goes dive that might work really well.

We should try this out before theorycrafting based on a different version of overwatch.


You’ll still have the same problem with the “tanks” that stay as “tanks”.

It might be just me, but I didn’t mind double barrier in any of its forms or double offtank for that matter. I just prefer to have 2 of each because the whole cast can potentially be played on a match.

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That’s just not true. Aside from any potential balance changes they might do, I’ve played 1/3/2 mirror matches a plenty. And the balance changes won’t fundamentally change the core things I’m objecting to namely the complete removal of tank synergies and the pressure one feels in a solo role to perform. It’s the same song different day.


you really don’t want to get off that horse huh :rofl:

I can understand why dps want 3-2-1. But outside of that I don’t see much reason for it. Queue times I don’t feel are a good enough reason to force solo tanking and revamp the tank role entirely.


You shouldn’t boycott it, you should queue for DPS on it. That way they have fewer tanks and more DPS, meaning HIGHER DPS queue times than live.


Even though yall are hating, i really hope that when you try 1/3/2 that you might love roadhogs new breather ability.
Or dva or zaryas new changes.
Or the fact that every single shield tank can go back to having their old shield hp and revert almost all changes to them.
I hope you like the amount of action thats going to fill each and every game.
With 1/3/2 they could buff the hell out of tanks and not have to worry about balance to the same degree due to no tank synergies. They could focus on how to make them more fun individually.


lol at everyone saying balance changes will make solo tanking better…like fool, idc how powerful they might be, I won’t solo tank, and removing tank synergies like Winston/Dva and Orisa/Sigma will just suck so much of the fun out of tanking for me and many others