Boycott 1/3/2 - solo tanking #neverAgain

There isnt but okay.

Man first I get told there were 5 dps in every comp, now Iā€™m hearing it was really 1-2-3 in every comp


Trying things also doesnā€™t solve problems built into the format. There is much less of a foundation to hold 1-3-2 up over any other format. 2-2-2 lets people share the burdens of each role. No matter where the one is there is still far more load on side than there should be when one role is limited to 1.

It didnā€™t though.


My main gripe is that with 2-2-2 every single hero can play a match with potentially every other hero of the cast.

If you cap any of the roles at ā€œ1ā€ then you remove the potential synergies between heroes. Doesnā€™t matter if Zarya becomes a main tank, what sucks is that you could never ever again play Rein with Zarya anymore. The same goes for other tank synergies.

Wanna play Winston-D.Va dive? Wellā€¦ if 1-3-2 becomes a thing, forget about it.


He said solo tankā€¦

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You literally did not read anything past that sentence, of my reply, did you?

Because, I explained why it is indeed different


Just ball? Yeah I must have missed that oneā€¦ what was this called again? I kinda think this sounds like bs to be honest.

Depended on the day. Sometimes it was 1-4-1. Sometimes 0-5-1. Sometimes 1-3-2. 3-4 DPS was the norm. I lived for the occasional 2-2-2 match back then. Those were always my favorite and so rare. I hated having matches with fewer than 2 tanks. I always have.


The amount of angries in this thread just show how irrational the idea of boycotting a PTR mode before its even launched is.


I did. That sentence was near the bottom of the post. I just simply disagree with everything that you said. Like all of it was wrong.

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He said 1/3/2ā€¦

Yes it did, for years. RQ was added because goats caused problems.

Yeah, solo tanking hamsterball comps were the Chengdu Huntersā€™ signature thing.

Iā€™ll try it and if I donā€™t like it and if it goes beyond the experimental card.

Then you can count me in, cause Iā€™ll become a support main. :slightly_smiling_face:

Nobody cared for dps when 222 came out.
All the tank and support mains on the forums laughed at them
So none of yall get sympathy from mešŸ‘‹


If enough tanks quit or change roles then 1/3/2 will actually increase queue times for DPS. I would laugh so hard if that happened.


Well youā€™re no better, youā€™re whining about people whining :thinking:

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Thatā€™s what Iā€™m thinking about.


Oh and just imagine how much more synergy will decide who works. Think its bad in 2-2-2 it gets ramped up to 11 in triple dps world were you only have one tank to work off instead of two.

Balance changes donā€™t fix the whole that will exist. Oh lord they will try very very hard but its a whole that canā€™t be fixed with numbers. Because unless you can be everywhere on the map at the same time you canā€™t do a multiple peoples jobs and that is what this is asking people to do.

No it wasnā€™t goats that was the problem. Goats was just one of the extremes the other end of the spectrum was just as much of adding role que as goats was.


Do worse; play experimental as a DPS. Less tanks and more DPS will result in still bad queue times, making it less likely for it to go through.

Otherwise there will be a ton of people in experimental playing tank to see how the rebalances feel, leading to there actually being even better queue times then there would really be.