Boring forces 2222

you should try out qp classic in the arcade…becuase thats what the game would be like without 222.


As I said coming from console before 2-2-2 it was crap sure, but honestly…most of us in console swapped if we weren’t pulling our weight. Against not sure how PC was since I literally joined last season, but damn. I will say I have not seen such toxicity on console. I just want to ask is i the PC gamer in general? Or is this all around?

That’s not been my experience on console.

Console is just a smurf-fest and with zero accountability since smurf accounts are free to make.

Again, that’s not been my experience. It’s ridiculously toxic on Xbox.

lol swapping when they weren’t pulling their weight…where do you think the term 1 trick came from…

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However tying players hands so when a healer leaves you can’t swap to help really makes the game a flaming pile of *^%(.


Which is why Competitive mode needs backfill. It needed it before Role Queue but it desperately needs it now.

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Yeah, I’ll enjoy playing support with 4 DPS + RH vs double barrier + Pharah.

Just caome back to check for whats new . Seems things are still the same . Let me wait another week .

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Come back in a year.
Nothing changes quickly here


The devs are not all-knowing gods. The devs did bow to the pressure of cry babies, and in doing so, ruined a once perfectly good game. The purpose of role lock is to make the game less fun, and the devs have achieved that.


I am having a hard time finding a game that gives me the same feel as old comp Overwatch as well. Quake Champions has some fun if you are purely into fast paced mechanics but the teamwork is nearly nothing even on the team games, it’s all a death match experience.

Being a Dev does not mean they know or care about the product they are in control of beyond the revenue it can bring in.

Completely explains why goats dominated the pro games. Because 222 is just the most optimal. Even more so than goats.

They actually don’t listen to fans at all, here or anywhere. They only cater to what will bring them the most income. That is e sports due to sponsers and people paying to watch. It brings in far more revenue than us players do. Goats was making things boring and threatening the income in e sports, therefore it had to go. It had nothing to do with us or what we want. I never got my vote in against the role queue, and your vote for it was never heard by them.

Talk about calling the kettle black mr toxic.

The thing is, it’s mathematically impossible to create better matches through patching both teams.
Every game will always have one winner, and one loser (excluding draws.)
NOTHING they can patch can guarantee BOTH teams a higher win percentage change, it’s just mathematically impossible. Both teams always have an equal playing field and both share every nerf and every buff. They can only try to balance characters to make sure they aren’t OP, not increase either teams win chance.
All role queue did was introduce unnecessary problems, (which has ironically increased teams chance to lose if something happens such as a support leaving midgame) and destroy the creativity of the game.
It is unlikely to be reverted because Blizzard wouldn’t want goats back in their precious e sports.

They did not “bow” to anything.

They added what the majority of the playerbase was requesting and what they believed was best for the game.

And role queue is what’s best for the game. There is no way that the game would’ve survived with 4+ DPS comps all the time.

Also remember that forum-goers comprise a very, very small percentage of the total playerbase, so not everything that happens in game is based solely off forum posts.

Oh rubbish. Stop being a drama queen. That’s not the purpose of it at all and you know it.

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That’s quite an assumption of you to make without any evidence whatsoever to back up that claim.

That claim is emphatically incorrect.

If you think that they’re purposefully setting out to alienate their playerbase just to earn the most revenue then you’re even more delusional than you first appear.

Yes, they’re a business, and they do need their games to be successful, but alienating their player base would be commercial suicide so they’re most assuredly not setting out to do that.

You’re not privy to the goings on at Blizzard. You don’t know what threads and posts the devs read. As such you cannot make such a claim with any certainty.

I’ve done nothing even remotely toxic. You’re the toxic one. You’ve proven that time and again.

Yup and you’ve got none to back up yours.

I disagree.

They have alienated their player base. They have forcefully caused a great deal of frustration to a large, some would say the largest, portion of players in the game with no way of addressing these issues with them.

You also do not know either, so neither can you. But I can observe and make an educated guess which has lead me to believe what I do.

You were and simply removed your comment as to appear not so.
It’s amazing when you can just edit away what you say.
“proven time and time again.” You are a silly silly man.

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Go watch the World of Warcraft Classic with Developers series of videos to see just how much Blizzard devs care.

(Fun fact: Jeff Kaplan was a developer on World of Warcraft before moving to Overwatch)

They haven’t alienated me and I’m part of that player base.

Please show proof of this supposed “large, some would say the largest, portion of players”.

Can legitimately say… quality of games have gone up, and games have gotten harder. Before 222 it was very easy for players to lock a hero with no team synergy and play passively…put some music on, leave voice chat, etc. Now most dps have a lot of pressure on themselves to be effective; starting to see it. Each role is starting to learn their role properly. The players who were kept in bubbles are loosing ranks in a burning blaze…players who have learnt are climbing rapidly.

Interviews from Jeff are actually some of the things that make me really feel that they don’t care. I feel like he is just damage control and says what says to keep people from freaking out.

You are part of the player base, not the entire player base. Just because you are not negatively affected does not mean that others are not.

I don’t need to show proof. The fact that DPS has the highest wait times for their queues shows that a large, possibly largest, portion of the player base are DPS players. Many of them are frustrated with wait times, among other things. Other roles also have frustrated players upset with other issues that this role lock has caused.

I feel like ever remove roleQ thread…is a dps player who doesn’t care about his team mates and the time they invest…only his or her own.

You clearly haven’t watched the videos I suggested, then.

You said that they alienated the player base, implying all of the player base. I was merely pointing out that not all the player base have been alienated as you suggested.

Yes, there are some players upset with role queue, but there are many happy with it as well.

At the end of the day it’s Blizzard’s game; they can do with it what they want. If you don’t like what they do with it then it’s up to you to decide whether to keep playing or not.

Role Queue is here to stay and I, for one, am very glad for it.

I may have or have not seen them.
I still believe that much of what Jeff has said is not truthful.

Alienating the player base does not mean that 100% has to be alienated. I am not claiming that all of it is, in fact I very much see both sides of the issue. The community is divided greater than I’ve ever seen it before now.

Yes this is the division that has been created.

And yes it is their game. Of which I have paid for and supported for years. Of which they have created these forums for my, as well as others, suggestions and feedback. If you don’t like it, then it’s up to you to continue to participate in the forums or not.
People will have opinions that differ from yours, and they will voice them. Suggestion that they just leave may make things easier for you, but I still care enough about this game to talk about its issues, thanks.

I know that RQ is here to stay and I, for one, am very displeased with it and the lack of urgency to fix some of the major issues that were implemented along with it.