Bob is OP he needs a NERF

Bob is RIDICULOUSLY overpowdered:

  • He has 1200 hp, more than any other character in the game.
  • Knocks players up into a predictable trajectory for easy pickings.
  • Free 10 second stall on the objective.

On top of all this he has auto aim and huge dps?? Such a cheap and dirty ability. It is a mistake making it so strong in the game.

I suggest the devs NERF him. 10 seconds is too long. 6 seconds sounds about right.


Um… Bob?

That is a pretty unusual thing to complain about - so are you complaining about him because you actually think he is a problem, or are you complaining because ball had a 6 second grapple limit.

I ask, because you have been complaining about the 6 second grapple limit, and I see 6 seconds here, which is a bit suspect :slight_smile:

What is your big worry with him? The stall? I mean, complaining about the knocking people up, and then suggesting a time limit on him existing, doesn’t help that situation.

I mean, I’m up for Ults to be nerfed down, but, I’m not really seeing what on Ashe you could easily buff (I mean you don’t need a big one, right, because Bob doesn’t tend to last long in mid/high ranks, It is like the grapple in that way, Bob hanging around is more of a low rank thing) but, still using him to zone and sometimes pushing him in places where it is hard to burn him down (because shields, etc) does give higher ranks times where they do use his time as an effective zoning tool.

I’m not against a six second Bob at all, what is your plan for Ashe, because I think that would be the harder problem with this.


Nerf bob and give Ashe her power back so she can compete with the powercreep in the game
Poor girl shoots wet noodles at long ranges and takes like 8 hits to destroy papa Torb’s turret. Then she plays reload sim for 4 seconds


Did you know bob murders a 200hp hero in less than 1.8 seconds? Something with 1200 hp should not be able to dish out that much auto aim damage.

This is just bad game design


Wait bob is playable?(A joke) Nah bob is meh in higher ranks, he has possible point stall until hes in front of 2 shields with an amp matrix with hanzo storm arrow and a pocketed soldier(me btw) in front of him 1200 hp ain’t much when he stands still in front of a shield. I assume tho that u get Hog/Dva as your tank lineup, understandable have a nice day. (Joke comment I understand certain ults have certain power in different levels like tire, nuke, high noon, etc, no diss I just talk to much)


Uhh yeah you’re totally right :woozy_face:

and yet players are fine with Roadhog being a 600 HP hero with 50% damage reduction healing that dish out and destroy 200 HP heroes the entire game.

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I’m not sure about that. D’va bomb has infinite health, and damages people a whole lot faster.

Right, ultimate are meant to be strong, but, yeah, I can see that at some ranks Bob would get quite a lot of extra value, which is why I am saying, sure, cutting him to 6 seconds is reasonable. It is the Ashe change which would come with it, which would be more tricky.

But again, like with grapple, I see the problem even though I don’t play a hero which is effected by it (since, you know, I just wall him off as Mei, and if he is attacking someone else, I can just hack him as Sombra.)

If there is one thing I can say from this forums without a doubt, it is that there are some players who are VERY much not ok with this :wink:

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Roadhog is strong but unlike Bob at least he can miss :slight_smile:

if hes not broken let winston farm ult with his primal damage, oh right only dps are allowed to farm ult while using their ult

Oh, that part I’m happy to have changed :slight_smile:

I think it is silly for Ashe to be able to farm ult with Bob out. Sure you would likely change how much charge he needed in the first place as part of that, but again… I’d be up for that.

But that wasn’t what OP was complaining about.

But surprisingly enough, Ashe is not the only hero who can farm ult FROM their own ult. Rein is really good at this. If you charge just at the end of shatter, you get like 20% charge by pinning someone. It is super useful.

Sombra too, since you can hack the tank post EMP (it is such a rotten thing to go), they can’t stop you, (since they are EMPed). but now you can farm ult from them.

I mean Sombra is also a DPS, so it isn’t an example of non DPS doing this.

I’ll have to look, I think Lucio / Brig can also get ult while their ult is still winding down, but the effect is still there.

Oh yeah, Winston can do it (kinda) if you use Primal to knock someone off the edge as it is ending, you get their ult charge. :slight_smile: I know players who do this on purpose! But the skill needed is really high. They juggle them a little off the edge at the end, and then use the jump recharge from primal ending to get back to land.

I can’t do it, I’m not good enough with Winston.

But yeah, I’d be happy for that change to happen, but the ult charge needed for Bob, would likely be changed as part of it. The lower ranks would be the ones who suffered from it, because they would typically be getting less charge while Bob was out compared to high ranks, and it would be balanced mostly around high ranked play, as overwatch is (with some concessions around stuff which just ruins low ranked play experiences)

I thought ults were supposed to be powerful


Imagine living in a world where you can deploy B.O.B without him being immediately hacked/slept/booped/ice walled into uselessness :stuck_out_tongue:.


Not every team will have hack/sleep. During overtime, people will not be able to swap to characters that can deal with bob while he just stalls for free on the objective and delete everyone with his auto aim damage

Bob does need some nerfing work. And ashe’s lever action rifle takes FOREVER to reload. SO yes, Maybe some fixes are in order!

It’s funny because I’ve argued on various threads today that BOB is absolutely broken and most folks just laugh.

BOB timed correctly is a free team fight or a free stall for regroup.

It’s just most players aren’t playing with/against Ashe players who know what they’re doing.

At the highest elos, BOB is heavily respected and that’s why you see an entire team turn and focus fire him into nothingness. If he wasn’t dangerous, they wouldn’t waste valuable cooldowns and time on him.

The fact Ashe can build Ult while he is active is also wildly broken. I’ve seen Masters Ashe players throw BOB and get 40-50% Ult charge before he disappears…

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This pain is too real.

Did you know walls block 100% of Bob’s damage? And shields too. Did you know Bob takes a long nap if Ana is around? Or powers down for a bit if Sombra is around?


please dont nerf my B.O.B :sleepy:

if they do nerf bob compensation cant be giving her more damage back since there would be that whole blue beam one-shot thing with mercy again

hanzo can do it by himself and devs seem to be loving 1 shots so whats the big deal