Bob is OP he needs a NERF

You can make literally anything sound OP on paper. The reality is Bob is a stationary target that is often dead in 1 second if people shoot him.


No! He can be so easily to deal with…just stop. Don´t touch BOB!

yea i know right. might as well make everyone one shot now and have tank busting abilities. coach gun now has 3 charges and shoots rapidly while doing 200 damage each charge. no knockback anymore tho lol

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Rouges are overpowdered, OP. B.O.B is just powdered enough.

I hate abilities that can contest objective there is a reason it was removed from paladins.

Not every team has those abilities to counter bob. During overtime, the Attackers cannot go back to spawn to switch and counter this terribly - designed, low skill - cheese

I hate autoaim hitscan more than anyone
But I think BOB is balanced because he is

  1. stationary
  2. can’t do anything to prevent being stunned/booped/slept/hacked
  3. doesn’t purposefully fire at weakest people, it’s random who he targets
  4. can burst him down
  5. doesn’t headshot you
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Not sure if it’s serious or not, but if so.

I don’t think I never experiences any problem with B.O.B considering how many counters he has and how easy it is to counter him.

Sure he has 1200 hp but hit head is HUGE and he doesn’t move.

  • Snipers can poke him down without a problem
  • Hog & can easily kill him within couple of seconds
  • Reaper can self heal more than B.O.B can damage while putting high damage
  • Bastion can’t headshot but its damage is high enough to delete B.O.B
  • Mei & Sombra can stall him
  • Shields can block it fairly well
  • armor works well against him.
  • and pretty much any knockback can push him away from active range.

Idk maybe it’s a matter of rank but for me I don’t think I ever experiences any problem with B.O.B. Usually they go down quickly before they are able to do anything.

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  1. Not everyone can hit a stationary target. Moreover, his hitbox changes as he turns his gun to track his targets. Also, he has 1200 hp and super high auto aim dps.
  2. Not every team will have cc against him. During overtime stall, the Attackers cannot go back to spawn to switch.
  3. His high dps deletes even full 200 hp heroes quickly
  4. 1200 hp is a lot of hp
  5. If he could headshot it would be the most unbalanced ability in the game, period.
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Giving him fall of damage is a good start. If that is not enough then making his ability to stall an objective less powerful. I do not feel the knocking players is so powerful (perhaps lowering the damage less but meh). His health can be lowered, but I do not think it’s really needed, really only if the last three nerfs do not work.
But with these changes I would love for them to buff Ashe but in regard to her mid-range capabilities.

Look, there has to be some downside to a 200hp hero walking in front of Ashe’s ultimate. Bob is the strongest attack she can do, why in the world shouldn’t a 200hp hero, or heck any hero, die fast when standing in bob’s LOS? It would be bad game design if he DIDN’T do that much damage, since it means Ashe would have to charge up for an attack that’s worse than her M1.


Half the bob’s that spawn in my games, die before they’ve flown off…

Except he has to be Ult charged in order to be thrown on the cart during overtime. It’s not like he’s ball where he can come out of spawn without needing to be charged and stall without using an ult therefore you are already prepared for him if you are ult tracking.

Honestly, the 6 second time not allowing him to reach certain locations around map geometry is better to me than killing spin to win. Next, they should scrub areas of the maps where heroes can abuse roof geometry to stay on top of them for as long as they want.

if they ever do nerf ashe’s bob it will probably be “no ult charge” until bob duration is up or he is killed. unless they have already done that? i think they had that in a test experimental one time … hope it never happens tho lol, since i think shes alright now…

Bob isn’t OP. The main issue with bob is the fact that Ashe is able to build another ult while he’s active. If Bob were more like torb’s ult it’d make sense, but letting her build while bob is alive in his current state is too much and has been too much


Agreed, I think Bob is one of the worst designed Ults in the game. He should have been made much more skillful to fall in line with Ashe’s aim accuracy requirement.

They need to make it so ashe cant charge another bob while using it

Now if you nerf bob you are just asking for a direct ashe buff.

Are you sure you want that?

i think that its a dps ult that is in the form of a turret, and would be garbage if anything was changed about it.

ults are supposed to feel impactful.

it can be shut down by basic cooldowns in the game, its not an issue