BLM: remove the Brigitte and Police Skin


Lack of a proper vocabulary… :roll_eyes:

This is really my last response to you.


You cannot argue that statues spread history as an argument to keep them, and then turn around and say they don’t when it’s pointed out that they spread a false history.

Those statues were intended to glorify white supremacy and intimidate black people. That was their purpose. They obscure history by painting the Confederates as sympathetic and glorious figures just defending their homeland. In actual reality, they were defending the ability to own slaves. It says right in their secession documents. And they started the war.

I think that a lot of you people just are incapable of admitting the left has a point about literally anything.

Because “we should learn from history,” so let’s remove roadblocks to learning from history shouldn’t be that controversial. If a left wing person said the sky was blue, you’d say it was purple.


Again, that’s what it is. It is designed to promote reverence for a golden age that never was. If we are to teach history, we must do so by including the warts. That makes some people uncomfortable, and that’s okay. So maybe we have less of George Washington as Cicero and more of Washington as a man who did in fact own slaves. First president, hero of the Revolution, but also a pretty brutal slave owner.

Removing police would only further the issue not help resolve it.

For example, by banning swastskas, organizations and governments have made it a “bad” symbol. Everyone who was born after WW2 now has this racist idea in their head about swastiskas. I am not saying to forget about bad things so we don’t repeat the mistakes, but by pointing out a symbol and defining it, organizations and governments are only helping the bad guys - this is exactly what the bad people wanted with their swastiskas, that noone would ever use the symbol for something good - only to remember them bad people.

I say leave police in and stop helping the bad guys. Helping bad people is what Epic games has always done and they will continue to do it because they don’t care about anything other than profit - even if that means people die because of them (If you aren’t aware what I am referencing, you live in a cave).

Well, the left often doesn’t just “make a point” about something. I highly doubt any of the people who burned down businesses or tore a statue down in these past few weeks were conservative. There is a reason why they call them the silent majority. They don’t go out and try to burn things or tear down statues when they’re trying to make a point or make change in the world. They make their voice heard in their vote and live peaceful law abiding lives. You don’t fix a corrupted system by cancelling it. You find the bad apples and get rid of them. The police have done more good to protect the lives of innocent people than most of us will ever know. They risk their lives so we can wake up and see the sun rise another day. Many cops have given their lives to protect that freedom even in the face of ungrateful people. This world would burn at the hands of evil people if not for the GOOD cops out there and all who live to uphold law and order.

I’ve only really read the original post. I don’t care to read all of the responses.

Don’t remove the Police Skins. If it was a Minneapolis Police Skin or something like that - I’d get it. But this is just asking too much over an issue that should be resolvable in other forms.

That said, Black Lives Matter.

This kind of behavior in the game is more than just reprehensible. Blizzard should act quickly to respond to reports like these - and if the behavior is verified - the individual should be Hardware banned as well as having the account locked. That way they don’t just buy a new account. Most people don’t act this way in public, they do it on their home private machines. Blizzard could proactively set up a system like this ; and add a lookup tool for people to verify if a S/N is or isn’t banned from their services if they’re looking at purchasing used hardware. Registered Public Use Locations could also use the resource to whitelist hardware permissions with the proper paperwork and direct contact with Blizzard’s technical team in case of a random occurrence ; but would be responsible for their own customer’s actions and hardware replacement costs if they exceeded the allotted permissions and wanted to continue to use Blizzard’s games. I’d be surprised if Blizzard didn’t already do this - but they should get on it if it’s something they’re not already doing.


“In the final analysis, a riot is the language of the unheard. And what is it that America has failed to hear?”

— The Martin Luther King, Jr. Center (@TheKingCenter) May 28, 2020

There are a lot of bad cops and the system protects them. Until the system changes to better get rid of bad cops, other cops stop sticking up for bad cops out of a misguided sense of fraternity, and good cops no longer face retribution for speaking out, things won’t change.


I am not a D.Va main but I love collecting her skins for a reason so I would be sad to see her police skin removed.

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i mean… obviously yeah??? but rn we need to prioritize black people because a good amount are getting killed or not having equal sentences as those who aren’t due to their skin color to this day

dont get me wrong here im agreeing w u

but yea i disagree with op mainly bc of the fact that the issue here is with racist players and that dva and brigette are korean and swedish respectively… also that removing these skins wont make a change for anything lol


You need to look at the actual statistics…

Sure, bad police out there, but trying to say it only happens to a specific skin color is BS and statistically, it happens more to whites… so sure.

Note: I’m not marginalizing Floyd, that was an unfortunate situation but just to be clear, it was not the knee on his neck that killed him. It was multiple conditions that caused his death.

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Supporting BLM is without question for me but I don’t know if this particular move is needed. I feel like there are those within BLM and those outside of it who are equating BLM with “anti-police”.

This is not about “anti-police”. This is about reforming police to make them more accountable, treating black lives more fairly, etc.

Stripping everything police related from every game is more “anti-police” to me.

What if we created “police” looking skins for the non-white characters of the game?

I genuinely like my Brigitte’s police skin but it has nothing to do with any movement. I just think it looks cool.

A racist police officer doesn’t mean all police are racist. It means that one individual is racist.

There are racist black people, should we label all blacks as being racist?


No report that guy for using wrongly the police image the skin has nothing to do with it problem solved.

i wanna like the OP for the memes, but i don’t want Blizzard to actually do this lul

not all black people are thieves or gangsters or criminals in general so the police not all are racist and abuse their badge.

removing skins or in game models for the police just cause some bad apples is the same as labeling all black people as criminals.

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The issue you’re talking about is happening in the United States, but D.Va is South Korean, and Brigitte is Swedish. They have absolutely nothing to do with the situation at hand

I don’t know if you’re just acting dumb or just that dumb. You can’t blame a knife; it’s a tool.

On a doctor’s table, it can be used to perform life-saving surgeries. In the hands of a criminal, it’ll be a weapon to do harm.

The skins of some heroes are not tied to the behaviors of the players. If they’re misusing them for bad intentions, it’s the players who are at fault. I hope you understand this.

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Don’t necro threads, they are already dead and can’t consent and this is called

That’s pretty messed up that it happened. I think reporting them was the right thing to do. I myself was hesitant to use the and Brigette skins because of everything going on but they were the best skins I had for them. Eventually I said forget it! I’m not racist I should be allowed to use the skins I earned!

However if blizzard does feel the need to remove the skins we should be compensated somehow either a new unique skin and/or some currency.

And not a BLM skin because that could easily become targeted by the trolls.

Bruh who nekros this XD, more importantly where are the God damn moderators?