Freedom of assembly doesn’t mean stand in the middle of the street and block traffic. That’s illegal.
You don’t get it. You don’t have to actively go out of your way to block police to make the whole thing more difficult for them. If you have a crowd of protesters, as well as looters present, the protesters just being there, will make the whole thing more difficult to deal with.
It would have been better if they had just went home.
If they’re blocking traffic (without a permit) and interfering with people’s lives, then yeah, I don’t like those kinds.
If they’re protesting on the sidewalk, or at the very least, moving out of the way for traffic, and not obstructing anyone, then have at it.
And if there’s something dangerous going on and protesters are obstructing it, then they’re wrong for that.
That’s exactly what they are. Overwatch is basically an international police force. They’re allowed to arrest people, bring them in for interrogation and persecute them.
I personally haven’t seen any harassment derived out of the skin in game and I haven’t really seen other people talking about it. That’s just my personal experience though.
Where I’d say the issues differ is that Fortnite wasn’t making some stand or trying to be woke or w/e. They removed them silently with no accompanying message, it looks like they’re just trying to avoid controversy or people bringing it up in the first place.
On Blizzard’s end look at the topics that people have actually posted on the issue. I’ve seen people asking for harsher punishments for racism, sexism, etc. Banning Dva and Brig skins is just a gesture that would make people who like the skins be angry and anger people who feel they’re not actually addressing racism. It would be completely tone deaf for everybody and it will have a predictable backlash.
There’s no numbers because they’re hiding it. Again what don’t you get. There’s a reason why you’re not defending this, it’s because it’s indefensible.
You realize that this has nothing to do with the stimulus right? Ford is being paid for these masks. The stimulus money that corporations received is an entirely separate thing. Which I’ll say again, is being blocked from public scrutiny because the grifter in Chief is again using it to enrich himself and his buddies. Can’t explain this to people who want to remain blind to what’s been going on this entire time though.
Welcome to America. People said the same thing about Martin Luther King Jr. even though he’s now white America’s favorite teddy bear. The same person you are now would have been the same person back then talking about how the civil rights protests are inconveniencing you.
In this game, people kill each other all the time. No biggie … it’s just the usual slaughter… what is problematic, though, are certain skins. Obviously.
This outrage culture is absolutely sickening. I guess it’s a good sign though if ppl have a good life, they create artificial problems to make it less boring.
I doubt it is super wide spread, but I have seen about half a dozen of these threads asserting that people were using police skins to roleplay their racism. I have never seen it in game, but I do not play too much anymore.
I definitely see backlash being the obvious outcome, but you know, they seemed open to it when they defended these protests after the whole Blitzchung incident. Tone deaf is absolutely how I would best describe them. So hopefully they take the bait again.
Racists will do racists stuff no matter what, like most things instead of taking out the skin it’s better to take out the racists. We had a war over this same idea … was not the first one but the second one.
You are just saying garbage to elicit sympathy and playing on weaker people’s sympathies.
Your Dva BS example… highly doubt it… more false flags without a doubt.
Protestors… sure… the rioters, looters, vandals, and those people in CHAZ/CHOP being pretenders… Quite ironic that they are shooting each other, and not wanting the police there. Where is BLM now? Not a peep. They are going to get EXACTLY what they asked for. People to donate so the money can go to the Democratic nominees, and hardly any toward where it should be going.
I encountered these ‘protestors’ in my home city. What a laugh… so called protestors burning cars, smashing windows, looting black owned businesses… uh huh… so much outrage about racism…
You need to watch these videos and get some perspective:
I’m talking about the numbers for the general population. You’re saying we received far less than $500 billion. Show me the numbers.
It doesn’t matter. The stimulus money becomes part of their general revenue. Whatever Ford does with any of their money, the stimulus money becomes part of it. And it costs money to manufacture hospital equipment.
The stimulus money is just revenue at the end of the day.
They’re private corporations. They can do anything they want with the stimulus money, and they don’t have to tell anyone about it. Just like I’m free to buy a bunch of video games with my stimulus money.
Again, the stimulus is just revenue. It’s not meant to do anything more than stimulate the economy, meaning, you’re not meant to spend it on anything in particular.
Back then, there was actual systemic racism (there were actual laws in place against blacks).
A bunch of people virtue signaling on the streets today, is no where near the same.
I know you got $1200. We don’t know how much Ford received on top of their contract to produce masks and ventilators. The ventilator contract is transparent. This bailout is not.
It being a secret who received federal funds and how much is indefensible. If the government gave Ford $300 million and they spent that money on corporate bonuses and future parties that would not fly with the American taxpayer. Finding out large swaths of money went to Trump’s hotels for instance would not be looked upon kindly. Finding out the government prioritized companies who didn’t need the money over companies did would not be looked upon kindly.
Because we already saw this happening with the small business loan bailouts when several companies returned the money when the public found out they got something they didn’t need over small businesses that actually needed that money to keep their afloat. It’s disgusting, but keep on defending the corruption and being happy with your scraps.
Please, the same person you are now, would be the same person you would have been back then. The country watched a man being murdered on camera and demands change and accountability and you’re talking about virtue signaling. Grow up.
Just like my regular unemployment is not part of my stimulus. And you don’t know my regular unemployment.
No it isn’t. You don’t know my general unemployment.
If the $300 million is only meant to stimulate the economy, then yes, spending it on bonuses, parties and what-not would fly. Economic stimulation literally entails that you spend money on basically anything.
But everyone received stimulus. Large corporations, small businesses, general population etc…
I’m black. I think the person I would have been back then would have been astronomically different. Today, all I see are a bunch of people virtue signally. Most of them went back to their lives a week or so later (people who I know who personally protested). Posting a bunch of stupid black squares on Instagram, and memes is not the same as what went on back then. Not to mention its awkward as hell! Its an extremely weird feeling to not personally feel like a victim, but the whole world is trying to say that you are. I don’t know if you can even comprehend that. Its a strange mix of amusing and just surrealness.
Back then, it was mostly blacks protesting, and they were fighting for their rights. And it wasn’t some one-off thing they were persuaded to do because the mass media fed them some narrative. It was an everyday thing for them. Protesting and fighting for rights was an everyday activity. Protesting was their life.
Protesting is not your life. That’s clearly not what your life centers around. What are you even doing arguing on an Overwatch forum about this? Let’s get real hear. Overwatch is far more a part of your life than BLM. I can look at your activity to determine that.
The bailout I’m talking about is the stimulus bill.
Enjoy your corruption.
Sure you are.
People are out in the streets. People have been out in the streets nearly every day in my city. And across the country, that’s not virtue signaling. The extent of what you know about may only be related to online but that’s not most of the protestors realities.
And when people do it now you cry about the minority of bad actors. Keep it up. The same person you are now is the same person you would have been back then. You don’t have to support, you and your like will be dragged kicking and screaming into the reforms the rest of us want and are fighting for.
Were you dropped as a child? Two cops don’t define the whole police department. Also you appearently got “hunted” and focused by police dva, you asked why, “cause you are black lolz”. And Lolz? Dude you obviously made that story up.