At this time it’s really way too early to be worried about that. Continue to follow Blizzard Entertainment’s Twitter feed for the latest news on when live tickets for Blizzcon will go on sale.
If the problem persists into November then we will all have bigger issues than Blizzcon being postponed.
That said, historically Blizzard doesn’t attend many public events anyway. The only consistent ones, to my knowledge, are Gamescon and, of course, Blizzcon.
Unless you have a detailed source, there is no confirmation on what will happen to the China or South Korea matches at this time. All we know is that they’ve canceled those events in those countries, and the North American teams that were scheduled to appear in the South Korea event are working to return back home.
But if it were as wide spread as the seasonal flu, couldn’t one assume the percentage would be much higher? If it makes it to Florida, I suspect most of our retired population would be finalizing their Wills.
Interesting but until we actually do hear any news from the league office, I recommend being patient on knowing exactly where they plan to play those matches.
As a reminder, to my knowledge the Blizzard Arena no longer exists.
The mortality rate is based on the number of people who have been affected and have recovered versus the number of people who have been infected and died.
So say you have 100 people who is infected by covid-19, and 100 people by seasonal flu. The number of people who have died amongst those infected by covid-19 would be 2, and those died from the seasonal flu would be 10.
The key thing that’s different is that covid-19 currently has no vaccine which is why it’s spreading so quickly, the seasonal flu does have a vaccine and therefore it’s much more easily contained.
And the seasonal flu is world wide while covid is impacting a far smaller population by comparison. My point is, if it was global maybe that number would be higher than 2. Especially in parts of the world with poor health, lots of homeless, elderly, etc etc.
But perhaps none of that matters. Idk. Just speculation on my part.
You have to understand, I’m speaking in ratios and not simply doing a head count. but I’m simply saying is if you happen to catch the flu you’re at more risk of dying than you are catching covid 19. Even then, the extremely high majority of cases of those who died, are those who already have significant medical complications already or suffered from secondary bacterial infections on set from covid-19.
In short, keep calm and use hand sanitizer. (No… masks really aren’t that helpful.)
The CDC only reports US cases, and in the US it’s below 1%. According to the World health organization, The average number of infections reaches upward towards 5 million, with as much as 650,000, dying from it.