Should just have separate balancing. Have masters,gm, and OWL on the same patch while diamond and below on another.
Yes, Blizzard you absolutely MUST listen to bronze players, and nerf reaper and junkrat INTO THE GROUND.
They are absolutely and VASTLY overpowered, against bronze players.
So utterly and completely overpowered, against bronze players.
Something needs to be done, or reaper and junkrat will continue their reign of terror, against bronze players.
I just wish they got rid of the healing of repair pack and just kept the armor like torbs old armor packs.
I like damage mitigation supports. They trashed symmetras execution and then just removed her from support altogether.
And now they’re once again completely homogenizing the support roster when Brigitte was the only one I still enjoyed playing.
That’s the thing with Blizzard. They come up with these cool character designs and then totally have no clue how to balance them, so their solution is to slowly homogenize them into the same playstyles.
I don’t get why it’s like this with them. It’s pretty much a universal rep across all blizzard games. Yet, games like paladins are managing to do things better than blizzard (and I know the forums is gonna be like “oOooooOooO not true!1 but seriously, blizz has funding and the name “blizzard” behind them, but they haven’t moved past the issues that have plagued their games for literal decades)
they think its a sport and dont like criticism, they’ll never get better, echo was the final mic drop announcing they dont know what they’re doing.
So far they have taken discord more seriously than their own forums, sadly. Which is not good, to say the least.
For balance issues, no. You definitely do not.
Usually the one with the more experience, while you always take the other persons suggestions to consideration, it’s what Valve does, and Blizzard fails at, balance should always pretain to highest level, but it doesn’t mean you should completely balance around that, everyone’s opinion should be taken into consideration, this is why Valve’s balance is miles better than Blizzard’s, they actually listen to all community suggestions and back their reasons behind changes.
Actiblizz Execs
“Make OWL better or you’re all fired or working on OW mobile edition”
The future is “im sure people will buy the pve for the game”.
Also i expecting them to force 3 dps per team with OW2, to be the heroes who fix problem with lack of tanks and their balance. You know, so more people will stay who love dps, and more who dont leave or buy pve expansion
My issue is their broken no-reset 4-year old ladder is corrupted by alts is not a good indicator of “game knowledge”.
Coaches for example, know more than pros and are 1000sr below because of mechanics. SR is how much you (care about and deliver) wins, not how much you could innovate balance. I’d argue there is more innovation and creativity in lower ranks where boundary-exploration is more feasible. The lower ranks are more explore biased. The higher ranks are more exploit biased and their gameplay is script-like. This is why higher ranks are more opinionated and less open to outside ideas.
To use more analogies from math (e.g. genetic algs), suppose you could rank by ‘validity of opinion’ - in that case, compiling viewpoints from accross these fitness landscape - you would end up with design/balance genomes that meet-in-the-middle between the population average and the elite. Again, this seems to be around Diamond. Average the views of bronze up to GM and bias the top ranks slightly and you get something that’s probably calibrated for Diamond - a rank most normies can aspire to but isn’t totally out of touch.
Obviously whoever is playing the exciting DPS star for OWL matches, that’s the answer they’ve chosen
Agreed and understood. I don’t think though that any of us are requesting for the game to start getting balanced exclusively around low/mid ranks. That would be a disaster, in the same that the exact opposite has been as well.
Rather, we want how the grand majority of the player base plays the game to also be seriously considered when new balance changes are coming out and we don’t want to feel marginalized and unwanted.
The devs themselves said months ago that they have always seriously considered the effects of balance changes to low/mid - ranked environments as well, but unfortunately I can’t see that…