h ttps://twitter.com/AlphaCastFR/status/1010676865139343360
So a nerf on Hanzos Ultimate is going to be considered.
And my, oh my. Blizzard honestly, wtaf are you thinking? HIS ULTIMATE IS NOT THE PROBLEM. His Ult is basically TRASH outside of Grav. Do you even play competitive? Because this is just…dumb.
YOU OVERBUFFED HIS WEAKNESSES AND BUFFED HIS STRENGTHS, ITS AS SIMPLE AS THAT. Please, for the love of God dont nerf the WRONG part of his kit, it will probs hurt Zarya moreso than him.
His Leap needs a longer cooldown, Storm Arrow should be on a longer cooldown, with higher daamge per arrow, with the cost of less arrows. These are ALL things that can be tried and tested.
Plenty of people have talked about it, even Wraxu, notorious number 1 Hanzo, in the world. Its evident more than ever, you simply do not listen, let alone understand whats wrong with your game, in its current state.
The very game balance philosophy Geoff mentioned , a while ago, that you guys follow, you’ve completely contradicted it.
Add that on top of the fact that Blizz can never admit what they did was wrong, and never revert anything, its not going to end well is it? You cant expect to get a balanced game when you’re just stubborn.
After this I have literally lost a lot of hope for the hero balancing team.