So the devs are upset because they will have to show up to work to their comfy offices for at least 3 days a week
Oh no, how horrible!
So the devs are upset because they will have to show up to work to their comfy offices for at least 3 days a week
Oh no, how horrible!
Suits don’t have a grand plan, they’re just a bunch of psychopaths thinking short term loses to give fourth quarter boosts for the share holders.
the dating sim was good imo but wasn’t even made by blizzard which tells a lot
it really depends what contract you signed for. If you have signed to work on spot, there is no getting around that.
Just for the sake of being an ***hole here.
Senior character artist - the guy that gave us 3 visually blandest characters in OW2 history. One of them ripped off entirely from Ghostwire Tokyo.
Senior test analyst - yeah, right, “testing” in OW2. Which got FPS drops and bugs on the old maps. And bugged matchmaker. LMAO.
Senior 3D character artist - pass. The models are nice I guess.
Senior writer and narrative designer - so, guy does literally nothing.
Senior character artist - another one.
Senior game designer - one of the guys who gave us 5vs5 without actually tweaking half of the roster for it?
Community manager - anybody saw him?
Senior mission designer - mission design in OW, lol.
Senior animator - the only guy who seems to do his job.
Environment artist - the guy responsible for reusing map assets and changing lighting to a worse one.
Senior 3D character artist - pass.
Soooooo… you know. maybe they can’t work from homes after all.
Well, from what I saw, some employees would need to travel ~4 hours round trip to get to work
That’s 4 hours every day, unpaid, spent either on a bus, taxi or in a car. Work will not pay for your trip. If you have kids, now you have to pay for a babysitter or figure out how to get them to school on their own.
Not sure what this has to do with what I said, but I’m not defending that. Shouldn’t even be 20$ in the first place.
Until you realize that this means a fair amount of them will have to move as they don’t necessarily live close to the office and this uproots their entire life they’ve built for themselves, but sure, lol it off.
that’s funny
they need sweaty gamers/devs to be making these games. not these entitled silicone valley people
I mean, that’s really on them for choosing to live too far away
yeah why even sign it for a job you can’t even attend?
yeah, i wish i could sit home all day, work 3 states away
make $100k + with good benefits
Homer Simpson style
anyone with a brain would realize that gig aint gonna last rofl
enjoy it while it lasts
You mean, i can’t do this for the next 40 years? No…
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I would expect Microsoft to win both hearings because even with the merger they are not a top 2 gaming company in size (barely top 3). From a monopolization standpoint the easy argument then is that this merger creates competition in a monopolized space rather than stifling it. It is one of the reasons most legal experts expect that the challenge will be easily defeated.
Blizz hiring a bunch of people out of state during the pandemic, only to decide half a year later that everyone should work in person or lose their jobs when things are looking bad for them profit wise, doesn’t look bad to you?
I dont spend money on this product i dont care…
People that buy these skins should be worried.
i just keep making alt accounts cause of the bs report system
everytime i come back i troll harder
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I think everyone should be worried, because no devs = no game, and acknowledge that the people currently doing the firing are the people pricing the products, not the devs.
Ow2 is nothing but a bad habit.
I lost my yearlong duo he cant deal with the shiet matchmaking. I will leave eventually completely.
Oh no! Why is this allowed! If only the game wasn’t turned F2P by the infinite blizz wisdom!
wait a sec…
yep, i lost my duo to howarts
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