Blizzard team is "abandonning" the community on forums

This entire thread makes me wants to start drinking bleach

Blizzard probably feels the same

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Are they wrong though? :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Nice participation to the thread. Don’t forget to close the bottle when you’re done.

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Besides the fact that y’all give way too much people to the same people who started OW2, overhyped it and then abandoned it, they were always attacked by ppl on the forums for things like balance and creative decisions (particularly with OWL).

I am not surprised that the new team doesn’t want to interact with y’all.

idk about community managers but i can tell you the moderators definitive can’t handle criticism.

did they lie though?

Yeah, and neither are we.

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It makes sense if you just crunch the qualities as well.

Negative feedback helps you survive against things that literally kill or severely damage you. Predators are going to consume your flesh, not shower you in compliments, cakes and money to kill you.

For life to advance it needs to survive, which means it builds thing that mostly respond to negativity. For that reason the mammalian nervous system is highly, highly sensitive to negative stimuli. Positive feedback is a luxury for survival, negative feedback is essential.

Our bodies reflect this. You can easily inflict an extreme amount of pain on me with very little effort. Say pinch my eyeball. There is no way for you inflict extreme amounts of pleasure with little effort.

Unfortunately, the optimal climate for a person to grow is lots of frustration, negative feedback and struggling with just enough positive feedback so they don’t collapse. Your mind will never grow if it is not challenged, frustrated or struggling while facing obstacles.

But to live a good life requires positive feedback, I would not want to survive in a crappy world… I’m getting a restraining order against mother nature


I really hope not personally. I love the layout of the forum and absolutely despise the Reddit and Discord function of community interactivity.

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Our CMs and Devs just shrug with: “it is what it is” and are not asking: “it could be what it could be”.


After seeing their attempt at communication with the fanbase, I’d rather they don’t try anymore.

I disagree. Even if it was far from perfect, it was still an open door. And people would get get some value out of it, just by receiving answers to their questions although not always happy.

when regular toxicity just won’t do to describe what goes on around here.

I surprised that this forum still exists

Chages takes time but communication does not

“Hey guys, we got a lot of feeedback
From our beta testers about Lifeweaver’s controls feeling clunky. We are working on some changes that will take some time”

Its not that hard. Stop making excuses for the devs.

All those influencers were only there to report bugs for lifegrip. Its funny how changing the control scheme “takes time” (Even though one fan did it in an hour. They could have done it during the beta) but all these game breaking lifegrip bugs were hotfixed expeditiously even though they were a lot of them. (And they SHOULD be fixed, but lets not act like Blizzard didn’t have time to make any changes)

Aaaaaaaaaaah damned :joy::joy:

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Very true, they actually have said online in streams when asked that they don’t pay attention to the focums.

Can’t say anything that isn’t carefully curated and quintuple-checked by at least three suits in marketing. I dislike it too, even while I appreciate the monthly-ish blog posts.
If you want anything bordering on human communication, they do it via content creator lackeys, but even they only get carefully packaged morsels and ads.

Let’s be honest here: They never really have.

There have been little blips where they say they are going to communicate better and it lasts a couple months or so and then radio silence.

There are always some. But honestly, if you really look at the replies when they do communicate the VAST majority of them are positive or just neutral asking questions. They hostile group is actually pretty small.

People say that all the time. But I don’t think it holds up.

When you look at most of the posts there are a lot of things people discuss not liking. Issues of balance problems, etc. But that is kind of what the forums should be for. And most of the posts people make are polite and just discussing issues. Of course there are those that go off and are really negative, but they are far fewer than people pretend.

Honestly, it really feels like the devs are unwilling or unable (I suspect many of the bad decisions come down from management and the devs have no choice) to make the changes needed to make the game better and address the communities legitimate complaints. So, they just ignore them. The claim of ‘toxicity’ is really just a convenient excuse.

As for the CMs, I fully understand why they don’t spend a lot of time responding. What are they going to say? They have no power and the Devs aren’t going to address the problems. And if all they have to say is ‘nothing is changing’ it is just going to be frustrating for everyone the CMs and the community.