Blizzard stumbles with the new sombra

Before the rework sombra was a niche pick that had fans and was fun to play. But as usual instead of simply going back to the better sombra blizzard pushes ahead and buffs her the wrong way. Why is blizzard so afraid of reverting bad decisions? Is it an ego thing?


oh the things i’m going to be able to do with infinite stealth :joy:


They said the Stealth and Locator were “hints” not all they had for changes. I suggest we wait and see what is being offered in full before we start a pitchfork parade.

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I mean we all know they don’t go back on changes.

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They have before so please stop making stuff up.

They ARE afraid of reverting.

They gave D.Va missiles to increase her damage rather than removing the nerf they gave her during the triple tank meta for example. Rather than removing Mercy’s invulnerability during her ult, they just reworked her ult entirely.

Ego and favoritism is getting in the way of good balancing [took how long for the dive meta to finally be addressed and Tracer’s tank-busting bomb to be nerfed?].


See the problem is blizzard devs are really full of themselves and cant admit mistakes. Thats why they blame toxicity for being unable to properly manage their staff and play victim even though OW is no more toxic than any other moba or fps. Also thats why they actual developers do the balancing instead of play testers. Also why it took 2 years for basic lfg systems that most multiplayer games have.


When he ended with that, I no longer think it was “hints” :stuck_out_tongue:


I would be disappointed but at this point I have learned to have no expectations when it comes to blizzards balancing.


The way they handled Sombra has just…I don’t know anymore.

I hope this isn’t all. I hope they make her good…cause right now, these two changes aren’t that good. Infinite stealth but at 2 tradeoffs does not appeal to me. :confused:

And with how they already screwed her by haste-nerfing her…I have trust issues with them lol.

Do what I do. Realize that the devs have no clue how to balance a game and have no trust in them at all.


I don’t hate them that much lol.

I like new D.Va and they toned her back appropriately. I like Mercy the way she is now. I love Zarya, I love Pharah, I love playing Tracer, I love Lucio.

I’m just sad that they screwed my favorite hero lol.

No one likes the other Sombra version though. Except Sombra players. I mean doesn’t everyone complain about CC?

like get spychecked?

I agree that the way they handled Sombra was very bad. It wasn’t the fact they nerfed her, it was how they handled the nerf by rushing it with very little testing and left her with bugs longer than she should have had them. I think the revert thing isn’t a matter of pride because they have reverted things in the past, I think it’s because they don’t want to repeat history by putting the thing they took away back and having it cause the same problems it had before or worse, make new ones.

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You will grape the enemy team? :>

Ah yes, the fake outrage before you’ve even seen the changes.

It’s actually insane that you’re taking massively bluffing her mobility and survivability as a negative.


Like that one Ana thing a long time ago but in the way of reworks it’s full steam ahead with a heaping helping of nerfs until things are worse than before

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Don’t forget that one time they reverted a Mercy change. Look I am not saying they do it all the time and it’s not an issue but to plainly say they NEVER do it is factually wrong.

Before the rework, Sombra had two playstyles, Backline Harasser and EMP Bot. The rework took out EMP Bot and ended up halving the playerbase.

Since these buffs doesn’t help the Backline Harassers, maybe it’s meant to create a new playstyle to replace EMP Bots?

Would the old EMP Bot players come back to use her more if they can use her as Stealth Bots?

PS: Don’t nerf sprint speed, we need that for backline mobility, particularly for the long jumps.