It is so bad and egregious, I have no doubt that the matchmaker is the reason this game gets worse and worse. NOTHING IS DONE TO IMPROVE MATCHMAKING.
Do you think OW2 will make those casuals return if the matchmaking isn’t fixed? But Blizzard is unable or unwilling to improve the system, for FIVE years now.
Matchmaker sucks because most people left.
- Tanks nerfed until they’re unfun to play
- Mercy and Brig reworks drove away supports
- RQ drove away casual flex players
- No updates because of OW2 development
- Slow to respond balance changes
People left because the matchmaker sucks. It has NEVER been good, no matter HOW many play the game.
If the matchmaking doesn’t change for OW2 the game will be ghost town after the first few months.
Matchmaking is one of those things that is not going to improve because it can’t really improve….
Like it’ll get a little better initially but only because more people will be playing….
But it’s always going to be “bad”
Matchmaker sucks but so does the ranked system so it just compiles on one another for miserable matches
Ranked system needs an overhaul so that the rank someone is actually reflects their skill. My performance should dictate my sr, not whether my team won or loss. That measurement doesnt reflect my skill at all. I could be doing trash and my team still win and I still win sr when i did nothin. I can do the exact opposite and be carrying and still lose sr because my team lost overall. This is trash game design.
At the moment people are scattered in places they dont belong because of so many things out of their control. There is no player urgency. There is no player control. You are ranking players based on factors they cannot effect rather than on their individual performance.
You have hog 1 tricks 1000sr higher than they were 2 seasons because of how out of control the hero is. Does this mean they are suddenly masters when they were plat a few months ago? no their sr is being inflated due to a hero being op and once that hero stops being strong are stuck 1000sr higher than where they belong. Which causes another set of issues. Now that player has to come all the way back down. Which means;
- bad games for them, since they cant rely on 1 hero anymore, they have to play heroes that no longer carry them and thus lose all the way back to plat
- bad games for their teammates, since now they have a player who is higher than they should be playing heroes that they cant play to this level which is gg due to how dependent on your team the game is
- bad for the enemy team and system Overall, because now you have essentially a wintrader going down the ranks losing games for his team and giving the enemy free sr.
You have people playing heroes that they usually dont play and are falling 100’s of sr.
You have people unable to play with their friends.
Grouping up in a stack is punished.
The Ranked systems sucks. Its the worst by far in any game right now. No other game makes you feel so helpless and punishes you for doing everything right.
There just is not a perfect way to matchmake for this game unlike other games. There is just too much that goes into a single game whereas for other games you can narrow down the skillpoints OW just has too many. If you are a 2500 player that does not mean you are 2500 at everything. You might be better than that when the enemy comp is a certain thing or on a certain map or when you get to play certain comps. You might be worse than that otherwise but there are few players, and those players are typically high ranked, whose skill distribution is even across maps and comps.
Now if that is true for one player now you match 11 other players into a game and you have at best a guess of how good people are. Now they could hypothetically start having map based SR but at that point the matchmaker is going a bit too deep to force a 50-50 win rate and would be guilty of the very rigging that the conspiracy theorists falsely think is happening.
Lemme give you a hint: Casuals neither know or care about the matchmaker, or spend a single minute thinking about it.
They care if heroes feel fun to play, if they can get a group that isn’t toxic, if they can play with their friends, if they feel like they can have an impact.
Matchmaker complaints are overwhelmingly people who overestimate their ability and underestimate other people’s abilities, or people who want to win every game and get frustrated when they don’t.
And then people are drastically better or worse at certain heroes between the same role. What can the matchmaker even do when say at 3k mmr hitscan player queues up in qp, but wants to try new heroes they are roughly gold on. I don’t know what people expect from a matchmaker in this game.
I think it is save to say that 1000sr differences are on the matchmaker solely because Blizzard does not want to fix that. They want quantity over quality to get a game as fast as possible. We get stomps upon stomps with maybe 2% of games of actual balance. It is disgusting that Blizzard thinks this is a good idea.
I don’t understand how the matchmaker “sucks”
I play with similar skilled players.
If I stack I play with people skilled around our groups average.
Not sure what more it is meant to do.
No you don’t. Matchmaker is incapable to group people with the same skill. It is outright a lie at this point.
Prove it. Show me your games.
The matchmaker is struggling because of a lack of players. The dwindling playerbase is due to stale gameplay, lack of maps in modes anyone cares about, busted heroes that never get fixed, a disasterous focus on OWL instead of gameplay for their playerbase, and Blizz’s downright terrible reputation in the public eye.
This is without mentioning the near total radio silence for two almost two years from a dev team that doesn’t know if it’s coming or going.
I mean, what kind of company ditches one of its biggest annual events (anniversary) in favour of a watered down FOMO fest in an attempt to artificially inflate their number of active users? (There must be a shareholder’s meeting coming up or something.)
The matchmaker for modes like QP has never been ‘perfect’, but only recently has it crossed the line from ‘meh it’s just QP’ to ‘downright unplayable.’ They know that the answer is ‘numbers’, so they’re not going to do anything about it unless it gets to OW2 and the issue persists.
I’ve seen games from both sides of this situation. From being pitched against players so good you feel helpless, to spawncamping players without getting even remotely sweaty about it.
At this point consumers have two options: put up with it and accept you’re going to get stomps, or walk away. Which is a terrible position to put players in as they both love the game and can’t stand lopsided matchups.
I’m hoping the numbers will ease the burden on the matchmaker when OW2 eventually drops. But if it doesn’t we can always just not play. If they can’t come up with a product worthy of our hard-earned cash, then they don’t deserve to have it.
You didnt address the issues at all in my post. Even if it matches up ppl perfectly with the exact same sr/mmr, games could be very one sided based only on what heroes each player picks. Is it the hero/heroes they got their sr/mmr with? If not its a huge disadvantage. Matchmaker cannot account for the players hero at all. You people expect way too much while ignoring how many variables go into games being close or not.
Heck even in owl with no matchmaker, in the same series there are stomps from 1 team and then from the other. But for some reason expect the matchmaker to have every game be close. Its just not possible.
Meanwhile, people will also argue that queue times are too long suggesting that they want even more unbalanced matches for the sake of faster games
It became worse as people leave. The matchmaking system literally prioritizes queue speed over queue quality.
Tank mains leave? Well now you get the DPS main picking Hog and feeding.
Support mains leave? Well now you get dps Moiras/Ana/Baps.
Again, for the hundred gazillion time:
- There is not enough people to create more fair matches
- People left because of the lack of content mostly, and then RQ implementation etc, not the MM.
- Creating posts every 3 weeks about the same topic is not going to change anything nor different responses will come up.
Just stop complaining about MM right now. OW2 is coming and more players will come. Also beta starts in less than a month. Chill.
What did you expect? When a game dies (or rather its playerbase shrinks by like 70-80%), only the most hardcore tryhards keep playing it. That’s why matches seem to be one-sided 90% of the time. Like, look at UT3, or Warcraft 3. Sure you’ll bump into newbies. But most of the time it will be players with at least 250 hours of experience.
No, matchmaker is bad because people left. That’s how it works.
And they fix it how? By adding bots to the player pool?