Blizzard save your game! go 1/3/2

no that will destroy it and jeff has i believe already said ti was a failure experiment the queue times are the devs fault for designing to many DPS characters

Why not allow 2-2-2, 1-3-2, and 2-3-1 compositions at the same time? Have a 2-3-2 maximum, and a 1-1-1 minimum. Keep the same role queue system where players queue as 1, 2 or all 3 roles. Have the computer assign enough tanks and heals to form a 2-2-2 team, and if people queue multiple roles, they can switch roles (within the maximum 2-3-2) before or during the match. The reward for choosing only damage obviously is ensuring that you get to play damage. The reward for choosing multiple roles is that you have a chance to switch roles to adapt to the enemy team.

For example: player #1 queues dmg, #2 dmg, #3 dmg/Tank, #4 dmg/Support, #5 and #6 d/t/s. At hero selection player 5 is quick and picks Sombra, so now #3 is locked out of dmg and must chose tank, and #4 must choose support. #6 can chose tank or support. Suppose a minute into the fight #5 realizes he sucks at Sombra and switches to Hog. #6 has been playing dva, is sick of pew pewing into Rein, Sigma shields, is now able to switch to Bastion to break shields. Lucio switches to rein to guard bastion, then back to Lucio to rush the point.

Pros: Allows more team compositions than strictly 2-2-2 or 1-3-2. Allows more in game adaptations. Doesn’t require (over)buffing bruiser tanks. Still blocks boring Goats meta. Slightly reduces queue times of dmg queuers. People that queue d/t/s get stuck with tank or support only 90% of the time instead of 95%.

You can still add tank/support incentives by rewarding people that stay tank or support for the whole match.

Because balance will go even deeper into abyss, than it already is. It’s literally impossible to make 1 tank balanced for 1/3/2 without making same tank OP in 2/2/2.

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The matchmaker would fail miserably in this scenario, since each player now has role based SR. The matchmaker would assign the roles in a 222 setup, balancing team SR best it could according to that 222 setup. If anyone swaps roles after the lobby is filled under those conditions it defeats the task the matchmaker is trying to accomplish. It wouldn’t work if role based SR remains.

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Well, i dont expect much about 1/3/2 since the 2/2/2 expectations.

You buff primarily the protective qualities of main tanks and use them in single tank compositions. The other tanks become involved in multiple tank compositions. This thread goes into the involved concepts:

The 3-2-1 getup sounds awsome.
But like the Blizzard post said there need to be changes to some off tanks.
Dva is a great Dive hero! And when I play Dva I cant really help keep my team alive like Oryssa or Reinhart. What I have to do then is to rocket myself to where the snipers are and harras them.

As Roadhog he is a one man wargame. He is great at dealing dmg and to be a big nusanse for the E team. But he also can´t really shield and be a “Tank”

I see both Dva and Roadhog as DPS classes more than tanks. Just they got really REALLY high health!

I know many would be mad at getting there favorite DPS tank moved to the DPS section. But honestly that´s what they are!

A tank is the one that shields his teammates! A healer is the one that HEALS there teammates. Support is the Hybrid that can do some heals and some dmg.
DPS are just the hammerforce that kills off the healers 1st and then tanks.

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It hasn’t crossed your mind that maybe these experimental abilities will be in the OW2 hero missions talent tree, therefor not go to waste?

That’s a great point. I guess they could make it so that you could only flex to roles that are close in SR to each other.
…I think to really make match making as balanced as possible they would estimate SR for each hero you play, and you could switch to heroes close in skill, rather than strictly by role. Like my Orisa and bastion ratings are probably both like 1500, while my Widow rating is probably like 250. Yet I can swap from Bastion to Widow in a game, but not to Orisa. I’m guessing a system like that might not be practical though, logistically.

1.3.2 is fun in competitive mode.

In QP though people may not understand the purpose of a tank.

I found that DPS would just do their own thing and there was very little teamwork. The tank would basically try and only dps and the “tanking role”, dmg soaking, or leadership aspect, went out the window.

Tank doesn’t really have much of a purpose, if team is scattered all over the map.


what strategy? forming a death ball of the current meta composition and coordinating ults?

Why don’t you put an in-game multiple choice survey tab with minor rewards, which may change every week? This will help data scientist to acquire data with less noisy data and the surveys may be shuffled across weeks, so we don’t really know the reason to manipulate them.

But we still have an issue with off tanks. From bronze to high platinum, they mostly interact with the dps using the main tanks instead of supporting them. For example, it’s disturbing how low the cost is for an off tank to pick Winston just to shut the enemy widow down (from low to mid ranks).

Because there is clear divide between offense and defense, and off tanks are offense, while main tanks are defense.

Of course it’s okay.
I am a tank/support player and would love to play dps aswell, but there are too many selfish people out there who pile up the queue for dps.
So yeah, I really like it. I even like it more when I have a trolling dps in the team and I just leave the match to join another one in under a minute, knowing, that this dps player wasted 5-10 minutes of waiting time for a lost fight.

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removing role lock would mean 5-6 dps games again and that wouldnt be fun to anyone


As a DPS you have 2 scenarios:

  1. Wait 7-10 minutes for queue (depending on your SR) and you will get on a team with 2 tanks and 2 supports.

  2. Wait whatever the normal queue time was before role queue (1-5 minutes for the middle SR’s) BUT… will you have a tank? A healer? How many games might you have to play to actually get to play DPS with someone else healing or tanking. I remember it sometimes took 4, 5, 6 games for me to actually play DPS without having 3 or 4 or even all 5 other players pick dps as well. And I was that guy who would change to another role to actually try to win… which we usually didn’t.

So really I’ve gone from an average 1 hour wait to play DPS down to 7-10 minutes.


And while you are at it can you PLS make EVERYONE aware about the Objective of the game PLS

Attack/Defend/Contest. Orissa PLS get on POINT to Capture/Contest! OR PLS YOUR SHIELD HOW MANY TIMES TO I KEEP having the ask the past YEAR and you keep saying NO and going on and calling “report our Ana for Feeding pls” when I’m the only one left playing this game from what I’ve FOUND the past year that Gets on point to Attack and Capture or on DEFEND to CONTEST while everyone left playing keep calling FALL BACK ort GROUP UP HERE on POINT when I eventually get someone to help me set up defences AROUND the point! PLs help just paste THIS as a TIP when the games start either along with JUMP ANOUT blah blah or replace as THIS is what needs to be shared right this INSTANCE PLS guys FIX your GAME! :confused:

The payload is tug-of-war (use as cover on attack/defend), backwards on its own, attack 3x forward depending on how many on point and contest to stop. It also heals attacker slow but sure


Attack and Defend is both the same, spawn camp. Attacker sits on point, not defender: Only to get onto point to Contest Capture (3x as quick having 3 on point). Not the whole ARMY back to point, keep up defences glhf

Acc Support won’t help stop my acc from being suspended by doing THAT for me so that I don’t have to in all my games the past YEAR. And why NOT you may ask? Bcs They aling with everyone left playing this game thinks that I made that up in my head and that I should come back to the game as EVERYONE should have the same objective in mind… I can tell you we do NOT. PLS help meeeeeeee!!!

Its going to be trash in OW 2…

Objective is place, where you die.