Blizzard response to Seagull?

I disagree. Reinhardt’s Suicide Charge is its own worst enemy. In my experience, a fumbled charge is the most common cause of death for a decent Reinhardt, either missing your intended target or throwing yourself out of position. It’s slow, it has a very obvious tell and it’s very dangerous to the user. Making it hilariously easy to stop on top of everything else is not “a good thing.”

Rein already has a tendecy to insta-die the moment his shield drops just from the power creep on DPS heroes. Charge makes him immobile for a decent chunk of time, enough to eat a Hook or a Dart before he can even get going nearly every single time… And that’s if people don’t just step out of the way. The ability is so overly counter-balanced that it’s really not useful the majority of the time. And this is coming from someone who keeps trying to use it.

Your example is classic tank misplay. Rein should never charge deep into enemy lines so far away from his team.

Because even if he cannot get stunned, he’ll still die if he’s in too far and deep in enemy lines.

Does this guy say anything interesting in his video or is it another “nerf Mercy” “Nerf Brig” - “Nerf Doomfist” type of video ?

If some pros or streamers are unhappy about the current state of the game, they can only blame themselves for this since they’re indirectly responsible for the worst nerfs that came live.

Does he apologize for the bad behaviour he had towards certain heroes and support mains a few years ago ?

If not, this video doesn’t deserve any attention.

he’s commenting on the direction of the game’s design, the presence of a large number of “I win” buttons and a rock-paper-scissors style meta

It’s likely he’s pandering to the crowds. That’s how he’s getting his money, by click baiting.

But it’s also true that a lot of OW players are frustrated by the direction of the game; the potential that OW has, and where it’s currently headed are very different and very frustrating to anyone who really enjoys the game and concept.

True, it’s the typical example of what’s cancer to this game and what made it even more toxic because sadly, all the streamers’ fanboys tend to imitate the abuses and toxicity some streamers create.

If a popular streamers states “this hero is broken, crap or unskilled”, then all the followers will blindly follow the trend. Herd instinct just like sheep.

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however he makes an argument about counter plays vs counter picks that is very strong, players need to be given an opportunity to react to strong abilities or the game very quickly loses a large amount of nuance and just becomes “if I pick this hero I can win nearly 70-80% of my matches no matter what”

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if what he wants is a CS Go type of game, it’s not gonna happen. Overwatch was meant to be diverse and to have heroes that require aim like McCree or Soldier and some that doesn’t have to aim like Winston or 1.0 Symmetra.

That’s all the beauty of this game. Supports deserve more love too. Mercy, Ana and Brig were fine ever since they got released but they were given unfair nerfs because of that “skilled heroes are best” mentality (and it was enchanced by the OWL unfortunately).

That’s what’s killing the game because the devs are trying to satisfy everyone in this community and by doing so the state of the game is getting worse. Stop asking for nerfs, make the effort to switch heroes and take counters. We must learn, not whine for nerfs.

Remember when one-tricks were criticized. Now that it’s almost impossible to win a game without switching and adapting, yet people still find something to complain about. I don’t get it.

holding right click to make someone completely helpless to the point of needing the entire team to help save their life doesn’t seem very hard to me

nothing in this game I hate more than sombra, on any character I play.

“Hey, let’s give a hero the ability to easily and consistently remove another player’s ability to play the game! Sounds great!”

screw sombra

Oh, I’m aware. My point was more along the lines that Charge is already balanced by all the ways you can get your own dumb self killed with it before you consider all the ways the enemy can shut you down. I just don’t see the benefit of it. If anything, making Charge able to go through traps, hooks, darts, shield bashes and so on would make it into a nice trump card to throw at a heavily control-centric team as a way to trample your way through their defences and attempt to sew some disruption.

The desire to use Charge “correctly” all too often manifests as just not using Charge at all, or at best using it point-blank. I don’t feel it needs THIS much liability.

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Which is what OW is about.
Seriously, OW is about Ult Economy primarily. It’s meant to be like that.

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I hope Blizzard at the very least watches his video. This can give them a base to save this game. I agree 1000% with seagull. thats just my opinion.


I agree with you. Solo-carrying isn’t what OW is about.

But the snowball effect you see in OW is very real and very bad, and that’s because of just how strong some of the OW ults are.

Edit: The problem is if you make the wrong pick or comp, then you’re still at a disadvantage after swapping.

That’s how Overwatch currently is. Doesn’t mean it always has to be that way. There may be a version/mode of OW in the future where ultimates have less of an impact and people enjoy it more.

The game was built to be that way.

You just should’t lose SR if you play well. Even if your team lose. System just should explain what was wrong and what was good.
People who want to climb will always try-hard.
But we need a good ingame statistics for this.

As example:
win: from -5 SR (you playing very bad but still win) to 150 SR (playing extremely well like 4 vs 6)
lose: from -150 (leave) to +5 (playing extremely well but still lose)

What are you not getting? Games change directions and introduce new modes all the time is all I’m saying. Just repeating “Overwatch is built around ultimates” doesn’t mean anything.

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Sadly people have been pleading for this for a while, and I would absolutely love to see it implemented, but it’s a logistical and coding nightmare.

First you need to implement extreme scenarios. Like afk or leaves.
The second step is just add some statistic. Like: how much tracer take tank attention etc.
And after this - just compare results with good tracer and bad tracer.

Mb we just can’t see some dependency. But with statistic we will detect this

understandable, but what about the people who disconnect because of internet issues or lag rather than ragequiting?

There is a lot more to a character than just that and many things honestly can’t be “measured” in game too easily. The clear indicator of this is the PotG feature that again people have been complaining about for a while.

An example for you: hero A manages to sneak around behind the enemy team and take out the support before getting killed resulting in one or two kills for them, but allowing hero B to take out the rest of the enemy team because they have no support resulting in 4 or 5 kills. Hero B will get the play of the game, but argumentatively hero A did the core of the work with the more important picks.

This is where we will fall into people insta-locking certain heroes because they will get them the most SR and not care about team comp. Also are we comparing across the entire game, platform based, rank based?

edit: my phone auto correct is a pita

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