Blizzard response to Seagull?

But not really. I you actually listen his complaints are not so much about the current meta, it’s about the design direction at large…

The meta is only the surface level of the problem. The symptom of a deeper sickness.

I can verify this. I’ve had teams in low Gold that try to build a GOATS comp around me, and it fails 90% of the time. Mostly because they don’t know GOATS works, or they lack the skill/discipline to play their role properly. One game, I had to tell a Lucio to speed boost us because the thought never even entered his mind, and I’ve had to tell the Rein to stop standing with his shield and waiting for the non-existent DPS to get picks.

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Most of all I agree on his stance on hard counters

He has an interesting point though, this game has seriously become a huge Rock, Paper, Scissor type ordeal and that’s not a good way to go about things. He also stated that if I choose X character I should be able to just do it and not have to worry about a Hard Counter which would either A. Make me switch or B. Guarantee a Loss.

Because for whatever reason people on these forums put streamers and pro players up on some pedestal and believe their opinions are more important than anyone else’s and because of this devs should be at their beck and call.


Really? I thought in here they were moronic manchildren spawns of evil that are to blame for every single thing Blizzard has chosen to do

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Who’s to say they aren’t both?

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Seagull is kind of a golden exception though. Only a handful of streamers/pros are incredibly level headed and gravitate towards cold hard facts. He’s one of them. That’s why his outlook is important – he’s skilled, knowledgable, and rational.

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he said that counterplay is fine but complete shutdown hardcounters aren’t really an answer because brig simply existing counters her because her regen and repair packs can shut her down just as hard as her bash combo can

he said brig countering dive is fine because gm was nothing but dive but she does it a bit too well and enables the brainless goats comp

Thank you because this is exactly what I’m talking about. Placing him on an undeserved pedestal. Let’s not forget that the same person said Genji would be useless with a 6 second dragon blade and that Mercy 2.0 is healthier for the game because he didn’t like multi rez.

The guy is just as irrational as anyone else on the forums. Pretending otherwise is silly.


They play a 100 times more than the average gamer. Therefore they have the experience to see things morr clearly then we ever do.

The fact he was a pro player means he’s been able to see every type of player main learn and strategize with them.

He’s seen the game inside and out. And while I ain’t a fan of his by any means he is entitled to his opinion like the rest of us. You also need to accept that his views havr resonated with a ton of people.

So while you’re worried about his influence somehow being negative other more negative actual toxic players such as Dafran Xqc and Jake the new announcer are rummaging about never once changing their behavior.

At least this man has the gall to say “Something is wrong. What do you think?”

Its not like he’s asking for the game to burn but many of his issues he brought up are very valid points.


Yeah, no, I don’t think he is.

Seagull is very good at making his points sound more reasonable than they actually are. There were several times I listened to what he had to say and it contradicted either Overwatch history, the stats or things that other pros/coaches have said in the past.

For example, his statement about GOATS vs Dive. GOATS is NOT played at every rank. Goats heroes are, because all of them have abilities with low skill floors. However, that doesn’t mean low ranked players are actually doing what they’re supposed to do. For example, most D.Vas below Platinum chase kills and waste their Matrix rather than off-tanking.

I watched the video. It amazed me that he said the core problem with game multiple times, but failed to recognize that’s what the real problem is.

Solo queue.

That’s the core problem with the game. Queuing solo and expecting games with coordination, workable team comps, and adaption to the enemy team is the height of foolishness. It does happen, but it’s the exception, not the rule.

I figured this out nearly two years ago. I was miserable in solo queue. I was ready to quit. But I thought there has to be a better way. I went and found a community of gamers to play with. My enjoyment skyrocketed. I spend more time in custom game scrims then anywhere else, and 90% of my games are great.

Guilds are the solution to a lot of the problems with this game. It’s amazing how much better this game is when you are in a team of 6, with a viable comp, everyone communicating, and the opposing team having the same experience. It’s how the game should be played.


Just finished watching his video.

I agree with most people that he more than likely needs a break from this game. I honestly cannot imagine playing this as much as these streamers do and not feel like I’m going insane.

I share his opinion on how powerful ults are and that they should be toned down. That way team fights come down to who can use their kits more effectively rather than which team has saved up the most

His opinion on the hard counter thing though seemed to show his personal
Bias and didn’t make much sense.


you know I surprised it still has 115,451 views.

Youtube is really trying to make sure this vid does not have more.

I love how you feel that listening to the pros is the way to go when it aligns with your preconceived opinions, but not long ago, you said this:

Do you know how restrictive thay would be maling it guild based and saying players cannot play unless they socialize and fall under a guild?

Yet you bring up a very good point “teammates” make the game come alive. We need to start with ourselves and police the problem players. Because lets face it. Blizz won’t do it. So long as everyone continues playing they are just a potential customer in the company’s eyes.

however there are reasons that the people who are popular are popular. In large part it is because they share views with the player base, this isn’t always the case but let’s look at timthetatman as an example: when he first started streaming overwatch he became the most popular OW streamer, not because he’s a stellar player, but because he was fun and relatable. The video Seagull made was very well articulated, and a huge portion of the community is on board with allot of what he said. It’s not that he should be put on a pedestal more than it’s the fact that he’s one of the more prominent voices of the community, not just for his gameplay, but also his views. That is why I think Blizzard should respond. I don’t get what’s so hard to understand about that.

Yeah after another comp game I feel like I can fully agree… Ultimates charge WAY to fast for what they do now. In a team fight you may see ultimates as fast as every 30 seconds.

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Yes I said that and stand by it.

But you miss one very important thing. Seagull use to be a pro player. Since then he’s been very casual.

He even admits he’s having way more fun outside of the league.

You need to undertand this is a man who actually apologizes and retracts his statements.

Either way opinion is opinion and you cannot censor that.

The problems still stand and you people want to point at other players for the issue. Absolutely disgraceful.