Blizzard response to Seagull?

So you guys are like twins??


Would anyone mind summarizing his points here? I don’t have audio right now.

I don’t think seagull has any sort of special authority but his video is a very fair and concise explanation of the frustrations a lot of Overwatch players have and I think a lot of us would like to see blizzard’s response.

At blizzcon blizzard made a few references to the effect of not being particularly worried about the games decline in players and I personally would like to know if they are worried about some of these issues Seagull brought up.


Pity that this feedback was in vain…

The game has too many “I win” buttons. I think you should watch when you do have audio.

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  • Hard counters are bad – there’s not enough room to out play heroes like Doom and Brig in too many scenarios

  • There needs to be a scoreboard / more stats in the game so people can be better informed on what’s going on in the match (disagree with this one personally)

  • Ultimates are too strong. Too many scenarios, especially on KOTH maps, where you know you’re just done and have no possibility of winning because of who has the Q’s.


Going to be locked like the others…

loved how he called official forums “a cesspool of idiocy” truer words have never been spoken


There are so many problems with Overwatch when it comes to high ranked games. I guarantee, you or 99% of the people on these forums have the same issues that he has. Ironically, I’m one of those problems that they run into. I’m a low GM (4000-4100) player that sometimes get shunted into games with top ten players. There’s not enough players at that high rank, and it usually ends up as sheer luck as he said on whether game works out or not.

I’m not convinced that people who play at lower levels face even remotely the same problems, with some few exceptions.

truer words have never been spoken.


honestly so far all the comments that have been deleted are talking about Blizzard’s censorship, a moderator is obviously watching this thread and they haven’t done anything yet, so I’d say that’s enough of that

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I mean, I don’t follow the guy, but listening to the guy he seems to bring up some really valid points. I honestly would love to hear a response because the strength of his arguments are rather nice.


Fair enough

The thing with his vid is that he is well spoken and shows he cares for the future of the game, something most(not all!) topics about stuff here fails to show. Most topics here sound like petty whining and I understand devs not bothering answering those. I do hope they reply to Seagull, at least with a big forumpost about stuff that will come in 2019.

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Blizzard is trying to offer transparency. But the problem will remain that:

  1. People can never be pleased. And the bigger the group of people, the harder it is to please. Mobs are impossible to please by most standards. We are a mob - by default - since we all pick a side and stick to it (like normal humans) and we’re - you know - millions of people vs the hundreds of Blizzard employees lmao.

  2. Everyone jumps the gun over every little piece of information ever. We can see this from things as simple as unused assets in games - spawning 10 to 20 minute theory videos. To % changes that are seemingly big numbers (like a random numner = 20%) but aren’t big impacts (20% of 5 is 6 omgwow game breaking aaaaaa), which creates a huge panic for some reason because BIG NUMBERS ARE SCARY and/or EXCITING!!!

  3. Most “pls respond this thing is being made worse omg” topics either start off horribly, playing into the game of assumptions, ultimatums, and absolutes (rarely a good thing obviously). Or it develops into assumptions, ultimatums, and absolutes. IE:
    Assumptions: this change, that hasn’t even been made live yet, might ruin the game. Here’s all the ways it could ruin things~
    Ultimatum: (insert group of people) will leave the game/harass you/stop supporting you/etc if you don’t bend to our will.
    Absolutes: this thing is NEVER a good idea and ALWAYS leads to bad things. ONLY (lowkey or directly insulting term goes here) people would actually go through with it. EVERYONE who disagrees is 100% WRONG and here’s why~

No company can be truly transparent. Especially when it comes to gamers. Since gamers and developers rarely see each other in person/face to face. We communicate over forums/the Internet/one way videos. That means it’s easier to disregard them being human (as in, taking into consideration we’re ADDRESSING HUMAN BEINGS) and just go all out on the offensive/defensive vs them. Which is very sad. Because they try to treat us like valued customers/people. But a portion of the fanbase refuses to do the same in return…


They wonder…

Why Blizzard just elects to "ignore popular people (who are most likely not game developers/do not know strict balancing) saying popular opinions that seem like facts (but are, ofc, still opions or just lock topics with people who are just going WARBLGARBLHARBLGURGURRR without much of an end game in mind - which is a kindness most of those topics don’t deserve (since they deserve to be erased from the face of the Internet).


everyone knows this game main issue is the horrible competitive system that is basically roll dice. there has been multiple suggestions on how to improve it and yet it has been over 12 seasons already and blizzard has not made any significant changes since s2.

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I’m actually studying game development and it’s a pretty dumb idea to think that you can get away with just doing whatever you want to a game while ignoring community feedback. Once you’ve released a game you have to communicate with the community or it will die.

Really understanding Seagull. If anything, Blizz doesn’t have to respond, but they got to take it into account. He’s got a lot of points right and his Pharah exemple is pretty good.


blizz already locked 2 topics about the video… its really bad i wish they would take his opinion serious…

can we please stop talking about blizzard shutting down other threads in this thread? there is obviously a moderator looking over this and I would hate for them to just lock the thread because they got annoyed about it


The only way I managed to keep playing Overwatch was to quit comp 3-4 seasons ago. I only use QP and events for fun now. The amount of effort and mental fortitude it takes to win games in comp is 100% not worth the petty amount of SR it gives.

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