Blizzard Reporting System is BROKEN

The reporting system in OW is broken. As it is currently set up it allows for frivolous reporting based on the whim or aggravation of any player. The game already allows one to leave team and match chat and voice as well as squelch and block players so why is there a reporting system that eventually ends in the banning of an account? This seems an unnecessary extreme considering how reporting works in its current incarnation.

Anyone who has solo queued ending up with a 5 stack or any stack for that matter knows if you don’t swap off widow, heal the way they want, tank the way they want or if you have the audacity to ask them to group up or stop trickling you are guaranteed 5 reports regardless of its validity. The current reporting system counts ALL these reports as valid. I have attempted to file a ticket with Blizz about my concern right after an invalid 5 stack report and the response was “you haven’t been penalized officially yet so there is nothing to contest” to which I responded “but the reports still are counted toward the report total that triggers a silence or suspension or ban and this is unfair” to which I got a “yes but until there is a penalty triggered there is nothing to do.”

This example carries forward in all forms. I have screen shots of a 5 stack who, after we lost, I wrote “solid team work great heals gg thanks” and they presumed sarcasm and proceeded to go on a profane rampage of insults involving every variant of degradation verbally possible along with stating I was going to get reported 5 times. My reply was “I am being insulted and reported for complimenting you?”

I have asked Blizz for a list of items that were classified as abusive chat of which i also kept screen shots and printed transcripts of and they included (no joke) saying “gg” saying “not gonna heal this” and “lolz”. When I challenged the validity of these comments being abusive chat the response I got was “Per the code of conduct we can actually close any account for any reason that we deem fit.”

THAT IS THE POINT AND ISSUE! They have created a system that promotes weaponized reporting. There is NO RECOURSE for a false report and NO reset based on “good behavior” or any other metric. It is purely a numbers game and volume based system that has SO MUCH subjectivity upon the lucky chance of a review they just shut you down. With all the self protection options available in game why is this childish banning option even on the table? The irony is the suggestion the GM gave me was “you can leave voice, chat, etc” to which I replied, “I have, I got reported for not communicating in voice” and that report counted against me never to be erased removed or cleared as bogus.

I submit there is a better way to handle toxicity as it is truly a subjective thing. What bothers one doesn’t bother another. Blizz has given players the ability to silence, block or leave chats/voice to avoid toxic interactions. Back in the WoW LFR early days there was a vote to kick options. Institute this in OW. Yes it will be abused as will anything established but it won’t result in losing your account over fake or unfounded reports. In competitive where kicking isn’t an option there can be a time-out option where after the game a “vote to kick” style option can be submitted as in WoW and if everyone in the group agrees to the suggestion that said player was toxic they get a mark against them. After 3 marks against (for example) they get a time-out from a comp game of 5 min that increases by a minute amount after successive negative votes. Eventually they may end up with hours of time out but they don’t lose their account they lose their ability to be toxic. They can still play arcade and QP which allow insta-kick options based on the difference of the queue system. If they keep getting kicked from games either they learn to shut up or they never get more than a minute or two of a game before getting kicked. This will promote better behavior and team work and even though, like ANY system established, it will be abused it WON’T cost someone their account based on frivolous reporting, false reporting, or revenge reporting. The other option is report reviews etc but this never goes in favor of the one requesting review because of available workers and the extreme vague and subjective nature of the code of conduct.

Please consider the current system and how EASILY it can be abused and the COST. The weaponized system has INCREASED bullying and decreased actual discussion about game strat and team work. “Group up” = REPORTED. “Heal please” = REPORTED. Widow or Hanzo = reported for throwing. Aggressive tank = reported. Moira doing “too much” dps = reported. Saying “gg” too early = reported. Complimenting or encouraging your team = you are being sarcastic so REPORTED! All of these things have happened over and over costing, eventually, accounts. This is UNACCEPTABLE!


Blizzard has permission to punish the account holder in any way they deem fit.

Hold in mind that the community has a big say in what is allowed within the social features of the game.


When participating in communication of any kind (chat, voice communication, group finder), you are responsible for how you express yourself. You may not use language that could be offensive or vulgar to others.

Hate speech and discriminatory language is inappropriate, as is any obscene or disruptive language. Threatening or harassing another player is always unacceptable, regardless of language used. Violating any of these expectations will result in account restrictions. More serious and repeated violations will result in greater restrictions.


Behaviour that intentionally detracts from others’ enjoyment (such as griefing, throwing, feeding, etc.) is unacceptable. We expect our players to treat each other with respect, and promote an enjoyable environment. Acceptable behaviour is determined by player reports and Blizzard’s decision, and violating these guidelines will result in account and gameplay restrictions.

While we encourage you to report players that are behaving in a disrespectful manner, falsely reporting another player with the sole intent of restricting their gameplay is also unacceptable, and will result in penalties to your account.

If you’re unsure if your actions violate this code of conduct, reconsider them. We reserve the right to restrict offending accounts as much as necessary to keep Blizzard games a fun experience for all players.

All reports should be handled in private, if you have any issues regarding your account then please take it up with CS through the ticketing system.\

If Blizzard deems the punishment unvalid, they will overturn it.
But if they think they’ve taken appropiate measures then they have all the rights to restrict functions or even the license from the account holder.

These rights were given upon the moment you’ve bought the game, they have the right to restrict in any way they deem fit.

Hold in mind that not everyone thinks the same of each others actions.
We don’t all think the same, so do think of what other players think and how it can affect them.

Toxic behaviour is not allowed within any of the social features.

Yes there are block features, but if a player is being attacked it should be handled appropiatly.

All Social Features should be family friendly, toxicity is no exception.

define toxic. specifically. then assure me that every report levied is legit. with all due respect, you can’t do that in either case. what is toxic to a woman may not be toxic to a man. what is meant as a joke could be perceived differently. as I stated, I have paid compliments to players and they perceived it as sarcasm despite my intent. “you were great team mates and healed excellently” is not toxic. It is subjectively interpreted as genuine or sarcastic dependent on the reader and their history in the game and dependent on the sender. It is subjective.

Of course profanity and direct insults are easy to discern. But what about when someone says “gg ez” is that toxic? I think so. Eventually should someone who says that have their account banned because I think it is toxic while many others don’t care at all if someone says that? I know the code of conduct I have read it well. It is explicitly SUBJECTIVE. My thought is to make the reporting system a vote to kick option so that the more “toxic” you are the more “time outs” you get from comp matches and the less time you get in QP and Arcade games due to getting “vote to kicked” all the time. This levies a direct reciprocation for perceived toxic behavior and removes the ultimate loss of an account. It allows for the potential of multiple false reports and doesn’t ultimately levy an irreversible punishment in error.

You are arguing a point I am not discussing. I don’t care about someone being toxic to me as I am have options to silence them or block them. Their words cannot hurt me. I care about false reports counting as legit and ultimately costing someone an account due to a poorly crafted system that has NO screening process for the legitimacy of a report. Their is no way the Blizz system can legitimately screen the 10s of million of reports in any sort of an accurate way to sift through what is and isn’t legit. Hence, alter its structure.


This is legally not true. They cannot just deny you of a paid service because of the false accusations of others.


No one has ever been punished for falsely reporting. Since they do not audit reports, it is not possible to verify what reports are legitimate or false.

You appear very naive thinking that what they put in their T&C and definitions have any bearing over how they actually execute their system.


I can’t say that’s completely accurate, but if they don’t have video evidence of it, it definitely does go unpunished.

It’s hilarious how XHelperZ thinks he’s some kind of lawyer, and yet he hasn’t proven himself that he is one. How can he call himself a lawyer when he hasn’t learnt a single thing about laws and consumer rights?

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This all could have been resolved if by end of year one an in-game Team system (ie Guilds) was introduced. Playing with people you know, know what to expect and get used to playing with would have solved so many problems like toxicity, reporting, bad play and the inane matchmaking system we have now for team grouping.


Guild options is a great idea. It would definitely improve “self governing” type of things. I still think the underlying issue is a lack of recourse against false and frivolous reporting eventually costing an account but I really like the in game guild option. I had not thought of that.

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Its unfair to get reported for playing bastion and losing.

You’ve accepted terms upon buying the game, you should read those.

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One of the other challenges is when you get warnings or punishment it is very difficult to get a thorough and accurate idea of why. Literally a copy and paste of their reply to request of “what did I do to violate the code of conduct? what did I specifically say in violation?” the response verbatim

This penalty has already been upheld. Any further requests on this topic will not be reviewed.


Blizzard Entertainment"

It is difficult to ascertain what to do in a corrective manner with no information on what you did wrong in the first place. Again, the system is subjective. The system has an overturn ration of 1/10000000000 at best. I have had no help from Blizz GMs on the issue of false reporting or on the reporting system period. Their suggestion is “go to the forums.” So here I am.

Change the system. Remove ban options and institute silencing options, time out options, vote to kick options. Anything that takes into account the FACT that false reports are counted and no player should lose an account based on an inherently subjective system.

I LITERALLY played an entire week where all I did was type compliments in chat. LITERALLY A WEEK with only compliments. The result? Reports for abusive chat as my compliments were interpreted as sarcasm despite my insistence they were genuine and not malicious in any way. “You shouldn’t say anything.” I can’t compliment a player because I have to presume they will misinterpret my intentions? Why would a reporting system be built to DISCOURAGE positive feed back? Discourage communication at all? Why should it be on ME to presume kind words will be received as toxic? Legit I have done this experiment. Try it. See how much hate you get for complimenting people.

Just saying. Change the system from banning to vote to kick. silence. etc. Just my opinion. Thanks for weighing in!


By now, we all know the reporting system in this (and all blizzard games, actually) is an embarassment to humanity itself. It’s just… it never gets fixed.


You, again, are arguing a tertiary point. You are bringing in an irrelevant tangent to the conversation. No one is saying toxicity is ok but thanks for the cut and paste data. As I mentioned in direct reply to your original thesis it is subjective and a reporting system should not have permi ban as an option for something so subjective and often abused, weaponized and levied falsely.


First of all, OP, I see that based on your low post count, you are new to the forums. So, WELCOME TO OVERWATCH! We’re lucky to have you!

Second of all…welcome to the party, OP. You are not the first to realize the reporting system as it currently stands is broken, and I doubt you’ll be the last to realize this.

This is partially why (before my system decided it could no longer play the Overwatch client) I basically did only matches with AI teammates and AI opponents. Because playing multiplayer in any mode is turning into a gamble with my time. While I do believe playing against AI is no substitute for playing against other players, with how broken the report system is, it’s not worth the gamble to my time…or to my account.

In fact, they use almost the exact same heavily automated and abusable report system in Heroes of the Storm, and I don’t think I need to remind you what happened to Heroes of the Storm and why it isn’t worth playing anymore.

Until they actually have a human review reports for legitimacy, and until false reporters face repercussions for false reporting, I will continue to play with AI teammates and AI opponents…assuming my system ever decides it wants to run the Overwatch client without crashing/exploding.


There is like so much story line going on here for a report system

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I do think there has been a T&C for ANYTHING that would hold up in court for at least 20 years. Every single one basically says that they can refuse to provide you what you paid for for any reason, at any time. They just put that there to discourage lawsuits, but it never holds up.


Everything player doesn’t like. If enough players don’t like something you do - it’s toxic and you need to be removed, because inclusion and that stuff …

Sounds super duper subjective and unspecific.

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Yeah because feeling attacked by someone whilst it’s “subjective” makes it allowed.