Blizzard Reporting System is BROKEN

Allowed? It isn’t allowed. It is purely up to me to decide if you are being toxic. That is the whole point of my complaint. I can then report you based on my own personal criteria loosely and vaguely defined by Blizzard and compound this over time and you will eventually lose your account for me being offended by you putting the word subjective in quotes.


Yeah, I once got a 3 day account suspension once because a 5 stack of jerks mass reported me, must have been a bunch of times because I never even talk in chat on that account, but oh man ~ heaven forbid you play what you want to play when they already have a McCree Hanzo Sombra within their ranks, there’s no room for anything else!

The system is terrible.


blizzard doesnt care. they will just autoban anyone who gets multiple votes. regardless of what they do ingame… if you are not allowed to tell someone your opinion of them after they are being rude or stupid to you… then why is there a report system AND a mute button…

reporting someone for abusive text chat, its just a sad sight to see the weak prevail over a company such as blizzard… but then again, they only care about money…


I from this day forward will not communicate with any of my teams. They call me obscene names (COC sexual Harrassment), ReTaRd (Derogatory Language/Harrassment), and is rare instances death threats for standing in the wrong spot.
I have stats BETTER than 90 percent of the playerbase.
I got suspended this evening for gameplay disruption.
Im healing with lucio, ana, and moira.
If youre inclined, read my previous posts to see that I was a changed man. Now, I have the desire to ruin games because I dont care about anyone on Overwatch any more. (the L playerbase Im in is Diamond/Master)

I want out of my Rank. I wish to play with medicore players who most likely are nicer.
No, I wont play quickplay because people goof off.
I want to de rank, I want to be a lowly gold so escape the toxicity.
I cant throw games for hours because Ill get suspended again.
Im already suspended.
If I talk, people gang up on me and a use the report system.
If I dont talk, they gang up on me and use the reporting system.


Law of a Country stays over any Company Terms.

ow report system is similar to the US penal system it doesnt help to reform in this case the banned people.

also it doesnt have a word filter system by default if they are so into keeping it friendly like the words R"#!#rd or F#$%k or S"#$%T but they do for jiji and easy, its stupid. :thinking:


Necro’ing this post because this is still a massive problem and OP brought up a lot of valid issues that are still an issue. And as far as I can tell, no amount of time of good behavior will degrade your punishment level, so essentially an account that you have spent money on for tokens and skins that are no longer available can be eventually permabanned due to no fault of your own.


The report system needs FIXES and it HAS flaws. However there are reasons to NOT do things and there are reasons to DO things.

The person that knows what they are doing. may be the one person that someone else THINKS is in the wrong.


Gameplay sabotage reports is the threat of one player or many players that might all agree to make another person’s life MISERABLE for any reason they deem FIT. I call it the bully report. So yes. “gameplay sabotage”

This really should be REMOVED.

  • “Sabotage” - Im not happy with the person because they bullied me and focused me the entire game.
  • “sabotage” - Because I was solo ulted.
  • Sabotage.- Because the other team was a premade group and wasn’t happy with that person that solo Q.

The Simple solution: Don’t mix premade teams with SOLO Q. - If there is 5 slot. The match should not be made.


  • Competitive" If it detects the player not near the group. it should be investigated by STAFF to find out if the person was inactive during the match. As well as it should detect if the player is NOT moving.

  • QUICKPLAY. It should remove the player within 30 seconds. If they aren’t moving.

  • It should check the system idle timer and if the person is repeatedly idling randomly at the match. it should shift their MMR significantly.

I know players don’t want to hear this (some, not all). “GG” is really suggestive to “sportsmanship”. Maybe if one person from each team says it. it is okay. But people do need to realize that most of the overwatch matches are already pre-determined. Especially when matches turn into MASSIVE steam rolls. I just don’t say “GG”. because there isn’t much to this game that is “organic”. Especially because of ultimate abilities built into the game.

Saying “GG” after a steam roll, comes off as TROLLING.

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You’re totally right. I admit I was toxic many times in the chat and got suspended. But these last days I was TOTALLY SILENT. 100% silent.
Then I said in the general chat: “they should delete Doomfist. He was a mistake”. Minutes later, my account was BANNED. I probably received hundreds of reports for this single comment, and now I lost my acc.

this thread needs to be revived. If blizzard doesn’t fix this issue ow 2 is dead on arrival.

The system is automated and at the whims of the players. In a system like this there aren’t actually rules. Asking Blizzard what the rules are is pointless because they aren’t the ones making the rules. The players make the rules.

Sure, but it is not blizzard making such a determination. They just unleashed the players on eachother.

Almost never unless you are famous and have the ability to make a video shaming them in front of a lot of people. I know people who have been suspended for blank. And then when they try to appeal they just get someone telling them their report is valid because blank.

Pretty sure they can. You don’t own Overwatch no matter how many times you pay for it. This is the future of gaming everyone voted for with their wallet.

Because there is basically no such thing as false reports as the players define the rules as it is completely automated with no oversight from Blizzard. If they could watch all reports they wouldn’t use an automated system to begin with.

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do you have any solutions that blizzard could do to fix this?

At least remove the automated report system then only enforce rules manually. They may have to drastically increase the threshold of reports to take action as well as hire more support people. On principal I find that an automated system is unacceptable because I don’t trust the players to make fair judgements. Their judgements are also going to be random and inconsistent with one another so nobody can know what to do or not to do. There needs to be clearly defined rules and the only way to do that is to have a central authority on judgement and enforcement.

This will obvious result in far less people being suspended, but I don’t trust the system otherwise and find Blizzards laziness rather pathetic.


you have added nothing of value to the discussion and only derailed it with nonsense.

it is an established fact that mass reports from other players will result in a ban, even if no rule has been violated.

i know several reputable players who have lost accounts as a result of being mass reported by idiots who thought they were cheating. carter has even reproduced this by having his viewers join a custom game and report his alt, resulting in a near instant ban.

this is obviously a severe flaw with the system. there is no excuse for this. at the very least, there should be a human who does due diligence in verifying that the player reports are legitimate. they should review replays, chat logs, etc. it’s a multi-billion dollar company ffs.

“Um, ACKSHUYALLY, Blizzard said right here that they can ban you for any reason, and that includes player reports! :nerd_face:

literally no one cares if you can use legalese to weasel your way into saying that blizz is adhering to their own ToS. has absolutely nothing to do with the discussion, which is about the problems with this awful policy.

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